
Stepmother: I Am Asked To Give A Kidney To My Half-Brother

When Lu Ming’s biological father and stepmother came looking for him, he didn’t feel happy or excited. A long time ago, Lu Ming’s father, Lu Yaohua, abandoned his wife and son and married his lover. For 18 years, Lu Ming had not seen his father, even when his mother passed away. Now, Lu Ming’s father came looking for him because his half-brother was sick and needed a kidney transplant. The first thing his father and stepmother said to him was that they wanted a kidney from him. “We are a family. You’re his older brother. It’s your responsibility to save your little brother. If you can help Ze, we’ll give you 10 million yuan,” offered Lu Yaohua. “A human can survive with one kidney, right? How can you not save your brother when he’s dying? You’re just like your useless mom!” scolded the stepmother. “Heck! I would never have agreed to dad spending the 10 million if the donor center has a suitable kidney for me!”the younger brother cursed . [Option 1: Agree to the request. Reward: A halo for enduring humiliation. Option 2: Decline the request. Reward: 51% of the shares of Wanke Real Estate—one the top 500 listed companies in the country.] Lu Ming stared coldly at the three visitors and scoffed. “I don’t have a brother like you, or a family. Get out!”

Wind's Mark · Urban
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510 Chs

Public Opinion

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The chief sat in his chair in silence for a long time. His thoughts were so chaotic that he took a few sips of tea. He looked at his subordinate not far away. Just as the policewoman thought that the two of them were going to continue staring at each other, he suddenly asked, "What do you think of Li Hu?"

The unexpected question made the policewoman stand rooted to the ground for a long time. Why is he asking this question? She recalled the Mr. Lu that the chief mentioned earlier. She happened to know someone with the surname Lu, and it was Lu Ming from the magazine news.

A genius who was rumored to be famous in the outside world.