

If there is one thing that love and dancing have in common, it is that you learn it step by step.

zielonynaa · Urban
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I was lying on my bed staring mindlessly at my bankbook when my phone rang. Out of shock, I lost my grip and dropped the tiny book on my face. I removed it off my face and put it on the bed side table before I stood up and took my phone that was on my bag. The screen flashed my friend's caller ID. I received Jessi's call ecstatically. I was not overreacting. It was because her calls are a blessing to me. She mostly texts regarding personal matters and only calls me when she has a part time job offer.

And I just know that it was mutual because she knew that she can always count on me. She knew more than of anyone that I won't turn down her job offers because of the fact that I needed a couple of job to save up.

Jessi is an Event Director who works for SN Entertainment. She handles small to big events of the agency's talents such as concerts and fan meetings. She was also the head organizer of the celebration for the birthday of the famous singer UI.

Her latest project is to organize a mini concert and fan meeting for an idol. She said their work was going smoothly not until one of her team members fell sick just before the big day. And that summarizes what was Jessi's offer for tonight. To fill in for the work.

She said they can't be short of personnel because of the number of expected attendees. Since my schedule is free the next day, I took the job.

"Great!" I can imagine her sighing out of relief. "Please come to the address I'll send, at 7AM tommorow. I won't be seeing you until the event proper, but I'll send a staff to orient you about what you'll going to do," she said.

"Alright. Is there a dress code or something?" I asked.

"Nothing. You can wear what you're comfortable with."

"Got it."

"It's settled then. I still have something to work on so I'll hang up now."

"Okay, thanks for the job. Bye!" I said before the line was cut.


The loud alarm ringtone woke me up the next morning. My eyes were still half closed when I stood up. Nevertheless, I groomed myself for the part time job I'll be doing today.

I rode the first bus I saw and seated beside the window. I didn't forget to inform Jessi that I'll be arriving soon. As I expected, a staff in a black shirt was already waiting for me at the entrance of the venue. It was a dome with an average space that can accommodate a thousand of people.

"Good morning, Miss Heejin Park. Team Leader Song sent me here to accompany and give you an orientation. My name is Derek Kim," he said.

He approached me with a pleasant attitude. He even smiled charmingly that I thought I spaced out for a moment while I stared at him.

I snapped back to my right mind and held his hand for a short handshake. "I'll thank you in advance," I said, smiling.

He nodded. "Then, this way please." He showed the way and took a step ahead. I followed and walked behind him.

It wasn't that hard to catch up with Derek's orientation since it wasn't my first time on this line of work. Last month, I worked as an errand staff for a production team who was lead by Jessi's superior. It was easy but tiring. But today's work is slightly different from the last time. I presume that it will be challenging and of course exhausting.

Derek handed me a walkie-talkie and a bundle of banners that read, 'Hail to the Nation's Prince, Lay Jang!'

"You must hand out a banner to every person that will enter the venue. Is that clear?"

I nodded as a response. He handed me a walkie-talkie. "I can't stay with you at the entrance. So if something happens, just press one to connect with me," he said.

He showed me how it works on his walkie-talkie and connected with mine. "SpongeBob SquarePants." The walkie-talkie I was holding echoed what he said. I laughed out of his effortless humor. "I get it."

"Then, I'll be leaving now. See you around, Miss Park," he bid goodbye with that once again charming smile.

I raised my hand and waved it. "Goodbye," I said before we parted ways to attend to our own tasks.


Hours prior to the event proper, fans of artist Lay Jang began to fill the dome. A group of high school students on their uniforms flocked towards the entrance.

"How envious," I whispered. I wished I could have also attended concerts or fan meetings of my favorite idol. Even just for once. Because when I was at their age, I couldn't, financially and geographically.

Fanboys stuffed the venue nonstop but I never missed to hand each one of them a banner. Some girls with their supportive boyfriends also came.

The thought of attending these kind of events with my future boyfriend made me smile. I just hope that he could be supportive like the boyfriends of those fan girls.

I sighed out of relief when I could finally take a seat. The mini concert has just started. Loud cheers from the fans dominated the dome when their idol started to perform.

"Miss Park?" My heart leaped out of shock when I heard the voice coming from the walkie-talkie. "Are you there, Miss Park?" It was Derek.

I cleared my throat before I answered. "I'm here Mr. Kim. Is there some work I need to do?"

"Nothing as of the moment. The performance will last for an hour. After the concert, that's when our work will resume."

"Understood," I said.

"By the way, Miss Park. Team Leader Song asked for you."

"Where can I meet her?"

"She's in the room near the backstage. On the right side."

"Okay. Thank you, Mr. Kim."

"Uhm," he trailed off. "I would like to accompany you but I need to be on standby here. I apologise."

"Oh! You don't need to be sorry, Mr. Kim. I'm already thankful for what you've done earlier."

"Really, thanks for understanding," he said. I nodded even if he can not see me.


I had trouble finding the room through the dim lights of the hallway but I managed anyway. I saw a notice taped on the door that read, 'Authorized Personnel Only.' I knocked twice before I turned the doorknob. The door creaked when I opened it. It got the attention of the people inside the room. I peaked inside and saw them turn their heads at me. Jessi is not one of them, because she's not there. I cleared my throat and smiled shyly.

"Excuse me," I said. "Did you see Miss Jessi Song? She told me meet her here in this room," I asked, politely.

"Ah! Team Leader Song? Yes, she was here a while ago. But I don't know where she is now," the bespectacled guy answered.


"I heard she met with her boyfriend. Probably, she's in the next room. You can look for her in there, miss."

I thanked the cute curly haired girl and bid goodbye to the people inside. I carefully closed the door and went next door. There's also a notice pasted on it. On the contrary, 'V. I. P.' was written. I had second thoughts of knocking, but I still did anyway.

"Jessi? Are you in there?" My voice was louder because of the music coming from the dome. "Jessi? It's me, Heejin!" I knocked once again.

Maybe she can't hear me because of the loud music. I slowly turned the doorknob, opened the door, and entered the room. Instead of Jessi, together with her boyfriend, a well-lit empty room welcomed me. I roamed my eyes around the room and saw nothing in particular but a bouquet of colorful flowers on top of a round table at the corner.

I scratched my neck when I went into conclusion that Jessi is neither to be found here. I was about to leave the room but a door, unknown before, came into notice. It flung open and a man came out. I was flabbergasted by who was it, and to point out, what he was wearing. Because there was none!