
STEM: The Underground City

~When dust turns to gold~ Following an invasion by a reptile-like species called Khalgora in the year 2043, humanity is forced to take a final stance in a gruesome confrontation that threatened it's existence into an apocalyptic demise. After decades of tactical execution of all its skills and resources man triumphs over beast. But only barely. With stenches of death and wails of suffering, the earth is left desolate, infertile with an atmosphere deteriorating at an alarming speed. The only habitat lies below. Year 2311. Welcome to STEM city. STEM (an abbreviation for ' Safe Territorially Erected Megalopolis'), is an underground Empire and home to the surviving earth inhabitants, sheltering them from the harsh conditions of the rubbled earth's surface. But even in this city where intellectual geniuses wheeled a minor underground refuge operation to a major megalopolis, slums existed. These slums like any other, are regions with insufficient supply of amenities from the Megalopolis' authority leading to hunger, suffocation and high rate of death by major lung diseases. Diana and her brother Axel are twin siblings who were born and brought up in these slums, lose everything but even in this great abyss of darkness, find a ray of hope, Polaris. Polaris academy is an institution erected by the collaboration of the major pillaring powers of STEM to raise potential superhumans in skills such as martial arts, elemental abilities, advanced sciences and much more, all to help in the exploration of the earth surface now being roamed by foreign beasts who pose a threat to the underground empire. In a world where the weak were preyed on and only the strong thrived, two poor kids with no background find themselves in this academy among astoundingly skilled minds from powerful families fighting for the same spot as them. Can they survive the competition and level up or will they return to the hell they came from? **** ~Excerpt ~ " Attention all factions, report to the portal station in an hour. A live Khalgora is loose in Flouresce, we need to contain it before any damage is done to civilians. Go!" The message set all students of Polaris in an uproar. **** What happens when humanity's mortal enemy is able to infiltrate this fortified empire? ---------------- A/N: cover obtained from the internet. All credits to the creator(s).

MarcyGold · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


Drenched in the cold sweat and with heaving breaths, she tried to calm down from the aftermath of the nightmare she had just had.

She was in a dream for the first time in her life and this was not a pleasurable one.

The attack she faced felt so real that she still felt fear for the creature.

She scanned the room with her livid eyes and her eyes landed on her roommates who were sleeping on a bunk bed.

She slept on a separate bed that was placed on the other side of the light blue painted room.

Her bed was placed on the right wall in the room

And although this was a servats' room, it was just as big as their entire house back in ferrous.

She ran her hands across her face in an attempt to wipe away the fear and patted her chest to calm her pounding heart down.

The fear of having another nightmare prevented her from sleeping as she laid down again.

Eventually her mind wandered to the tragic and depressing occurrences they experienced in the last two weeks.

After their mother died, she discovered the paper giving them instructions that would probably change their life for good. It was a letter written by their mother and addressed to them specifically. It was as though she knew she was going to die and so prepared the letter before hand.

After her death, they took her body to the far end of the district and cremated her body as was the broncos in that district. The phenomenon of burying bodies although consumed no air, was expensive as there was no land available for such. Hence the final option of cremation.

Diana carried the ashes that were left over from the cremation just to have a piece of her mother to hold onto. She wasn't ready to let go and truth be told she didn't want to, ever.

Apart from the letter in the box, there was a hidden compartment containing money which they Discovered with the direction of the letter.

They discovery of the money shook their being. They had never held such high amount of Xyrones in their life

What shocked them the most was the fact that their mother was in possession of such money but wasn't ready to get treated with it. Did she perhaps know of her disease being incurable? Probably.

The letter instructed them to leave ferrous and find a good job to have a better life somewhere else and they did. Well they didn't have much to leave behind anyway.

The money gave them a head start in their journey as the price for transportation in a subway was beyond expensive in their eyes.

They arrived at a district which is two districts away from ferrous and had been asking for jobs in different homes but we're told that their services were not needed as almost each house had the assistance of a mechanized house help. They had never seen chore bots until they came to this district.

They were dissapointed and almost lost hope but luckily found a job in this house which surprisingly used human servants. Stepping out of their district opened their eyes to a lot things they never thought existed.

Even though Diana read a lot of books so was informed of a lot of things which she would have ever known existed in real life, she was also surprised when she saw those things and how they functioned in reality.

Now in a mansion where their air, water and food supply and other needs were met abundantly, she should feel happy but part of her missed her home back in ferrous. No a part of her missed her home in her mother.

She didn't realize when she started sniffling as tears seeped from her eyelids and down by the sides of her face then into the white sheets covenring the bed she lay on.

She drifted off to sleep in the silent night with a lonely heart that sought for it's mother's love.

The sound of a buzz and people grunting as they moved around awoke her from her sleep.

She opened her eyes to the bright light of this new world she was still getting used to. Back in ferrous everything good was below the normal level.

Everything here seemed too good to be true. The air was cool and the lights fell from the sky? Absolutely amazing. One didn't have to worry about carrying lights when they moved around as they had a light source up in the sky.

Even though she read about it, she was still getting used to the division of a day into two sections here.

Daytime when the sky was bright blue and nighttime when the sky was dark blue.

She had stared at the dark sky through the windows while doing her chores last night and was fascinated by the little sparkly dots that shone from afar. It was beautiful.

" Hey. Get up. " Someone tapped her shoulder.

It was a brown curly haired girl who had black eyes. She looked quite organised for someone who had just awoken.

" Hmm? " Diana rubbed her eyes which were red and swollen from her crying last night.

" It's time to get up. There's a special occasion today so we need to report to the kitchen early or Beatrice will be furious " Madam Beatrice was the head maid who was also in charge of the kitchen.

She always had a scowl on her face which seemed like it was an expression that was cemented to her face. The woman was also strict and serious.

The food being prepared for the feast of the masters of the mansion yesterday was monitored by Beatrice all the way.

She didn't take mistakes lightly and the butler was no different. Judging from the few occasions where she saw him talking to someone and the short conversation he had with her, he was a straightforward person who didn't like to beat around the bush. He was crude and had no filters. When a servant was misbehaving he had his ways of making sure it never happened again.

They had a conversation yesterday. Well he did the talking while she listened.

"You're a new one aren't you?" He raised his fiery red brow.

She nodded and was about to speak but he interrupted her " Get acquainted to the house, it's schedule and your chores or you're leaving out the gate you came in from" and he walked away.

" Don't mind him." A girl standing beside her said.

"Huh? " She looked at the brown haired girl who happened to be her roommate with a confused expression on her face.

" He was like that to me when I first arrived too" She nodded her head to the girl in understanding and returned to her work with a new found determination in her.

She needed to work hard to stay in this heaven, and most importantly to survive.

Now with that thought in mind she got up and followed suit to prepare for the day ahead.