
Stellar Witch S

Being a CEO is hard enough as is, so Weiss looks for more excitement within the world around him. Weiss is a genius man with an exceptional track record. His business deals with viewing the ever expanding universe and figuring out the best times for Dimensional Portals to open so he can be the first human to ever travel to a different dimension and collect data. One day, shooting stars crash down and strange beings emerge from the stars that land on earth. Weiss comes into contact with one...What will happen to Weiss?

AyoooSteven · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Cursed Vessels

I woke up the next day and got ready for work as usual. I went downstairs to get some breakfast then heard an explosion then sighed softly. I walked into the kitchen and heard Kuroi meowing. I looked at Verdi who's face was covered in smoke like it was a cartoon.

"At some point, you've got to learn to give up." I said and opened the refrigerator and grabbed the milk.

"I literally only started yesterday after the crash, thank you. I don't need your input. I know what I'm doing." Verdi said.

"Shit could've fooled me." I mumbled and grabbed the cereal from the pantry.

"You're a CEO still eating cereal? Where are your maids? Where are your butlers? This house is like three stories high and you live alone! Worry about that, C-E-O!" Verdi said and blushed looking at me with embarrassment.

"What's wrong with cereal? Everyone loves a good bowl of cereal from time to time. You need to worry about cleaning my kitchen when you're done doing your little science project." I said and began to prepare my bowl of cereal.

"It's...not a science project! Look why won't you just kiss me and give me some Essence?! I won't need to do this if you ACTUALLY cooperated!" Verdi said.

"Oh I am cooperating. Watching you fail, is pretty hilarious. I guess Karma is real because look at my kitchen. I might as well paint the walls black at this point. Maybe it'll be harder to tell if your failed or not." I laughed and walked off.

Verdi watched me walk off and grumbled. "Next potion."

Kuroi cleared his throat. "We're out of materials."

Verdi sighed in defeat. "Being a witch is too hard..."

Kuroi hopped off the counter and walked to the livingroom then walked toward me. He meowed and purred, rubbing himself against my leg. I sighed and looked at Kuroi.

"What?" I asked.

"Just go through with it." Kuroi said.

"No." I said.

"Remember who saved your life." Kuroi said.

I stared at Kuroi then stood up. I closed my eyes and crouched down. I picked Kuroi up by the back of his neck and stared him into his eyes. "Your manipulation and guilt tripping doesn't work on me...To kiss her, I wouldn't feel a thing but emptiness. For me to release Essence I would need to willingly do it. I am not willing, so find your own way Kuroi."

Kuroi grunted as I set him down. I stood up to walk toward the the kitchen and wash my bowl. As I washed my bowl, Verdi tugged my sleeve.

I looked at her. "What?"

"Uhm...can I borrow some money so I can go get more ingredients..?" She asked in an embarrassed manner.

I looked at Verdi and sighed then turned the water off. I reached in my pocket to grab my wallet. I took some money out of my wallet then gave it to her. "Here, go crazy."

Verdi looked excited and took the money. She looked at me and grunted softly, looking away. "Thanks...Let's go Kuroi!"

I watched as Verdi and Kuroi rushed out of the house. I finished washing my dishes and walked to the counter to grab my keys and head to work.




Verdi sat on her broom, flying cross the sky and looked at the map. "There's a flower shop nearby where we can find some alternative materials to make potions with."

"We would also still need Essence for your spells and Mana for your potion potency and your Mana Points. Weiss is the only one with strong enough Essence because of his connection to the Stellar Bodies. We quite frankly have no alternatives for him other than exploring places people have recently died in." Kuroi said.

"I know, but as of right now, we can't depend on Weiss. He's not even capable of defending himself against our enemies. They will also be targeting him because of his Essence. I now realize my mistake of reviving him.." Verdi sighed softly.

"Best not dwell on it now. We have work to do." Kuroi said.

Verdi nodded and flew toward the flower shop then landed on the ground in an alleyway. She walked around the corner in casual attire to blend in with the people of th city. She walked into the flower shop and looked around.

"Welcome! Welcome to my shop, is there anything in specific you're looking for?" The owner asked and smiled at Verdi.

"I'm looking for...some of your best flowers that come in Red, Blue, and Yellow. Any type of flower will do, I just need something for...uh...decorations?" Verdi answered.

"Of course, I have a few recommendations. Our Roses come in all assortment of colors, but also our Mums are very popular... Personally...I recommend this beautiful Rainbow Lily of the Valley..~ There's only one in stock...as these flowers are nearly impossible to grow perfectly." The owner said.

Verdi gasped as she looked at the Rainbow Lily. "So beautiful...My home has nothing like this..."

"It's only $500 Dollars..." The owner smiled and held her hands behind her back.

Verdi looked in her wallet and noticed I only gave her $150. "Can I make a call really quickly?"

"Sure~ Be quick!" The owner said.

Verdi rushed out of the store and dashed into the alleyway then sat on the ground. "Weiss! Weiss! Can you hear me?"

I sighed softly. "Talking to me via telepathy now? Was that $150 not enough?"

"No! There's this special flower I want called the Rainbow Lily! Are you nearby? I really want it!" Verdi said.

"Yeah...I'm nearby. What you want me to buy it for you?" I asked.

"Please? I'll make you a special potion! I'll wash you, cook you dinner just please help me! This might be my one chance at making successful potions again!" Verdi begged.

"Alright, just shut the hell up. I'll buy it for you." I groaned softly.

"Thank you! I promise you won't regret it!" Verdi said then opened her eyes.

I made my way to the flower shop in hopes of getting this Rainbow Lily for Verdi and going about my way. I parked in front of the flower shop and got out. I walked into the shop and the owner and Verdi looked at me.

"Oh and this is the boyfriend you were speaking of?" The owner giggled. "Well I didn't know Mr. Welsh had such good taste in women~"

'Boyfriend..?' I thought to myself.

Verdi giggled nervously and hurried over to me. "Yeah this is my handsome boyfriend!"

I looked at Verdi and sighed softly. "How much is the Rainbow Lilies? I'm running pretty late.."

"They're only $500." The owner said.

I grabbed my wallet from my pocket then opened it and pulled out my card. "I'll take that and every flower she wants.."

Verdi looked up at me surprised. "What..?"

"If you'd like, I would like to buy this entire shop off your hands. You're a kind lady Ms. Dahlia...you deserve to rest now." I smiled.

Ms. Dahlia looked at me with sparkles in her eyes. She nodded and smiled that I was able to give her the retirement she always wanted. "I-It's sold to you! All of it!"

I nodded and looked at Verdi. "It's in your care, babe."

Verdi was in complete awe then looked around the flower shop. All of the flowers and herbs she could ever wish for was now in the palm of her hands.

"I'll call a few guys to get all of these transferred to my house. You have a lovely day, Ms. Dahlia." I said then looked at Verdi then leaned into her kissing her cheek.

Verdi's face went completely red as I kissed her cheek. She watched as I walked off.

"Well, he was very committed to his role...I am impressed..." Kuroi said to Verdi via telepathy.

Verdi held her cheek and closed her eyes then sighed softly. "Yeah..."




The day went by and I finally got off work, tired. I got into my car then sighed softly. I started it then grunted softly as a sharp pain occured in my head. I had a gut feeling to not drive my car so I got out and walked backwards.

"Your instincts are well. It would seem that you're adapting to your Essence...being able to sense other presences like mine..." A voice said and a figure landed on the top of my car.

The figure was woman with long dark brown hair, white skin, red eyes, and a cursed mark on her neck. She wore black and red clothing and wielded a red axe made from cursed energy.

"They call us Cursed Vessels...Beings cursed by witches and us Cursed Vessels have become Witch Hunters to gain our exact revenge against those damn Witches...and all who are associated with them.." The woman said.

I took a step back then ran off. I wasn't going to see who she was or what she was all about. The woman chuckled then vanished and reappeared in front of me. She slashed at me, but I evaded her slash and grunted softly.

"Verdi!" I called out to Verdi. "Verdi! I need your help!"

"What's the matter, Human..?~ Scared to rebirth again..?~ I would be too if it meant brutally dying each time, just to be revived and having to live your life as someone else's puppet..~ You are no more important than any other speck of dust on this planet. The only thing that makes you more valuable is your knowledge and connection with the Stellar Witches...take that away and you're nothing but free Essence for us." The woman said and chuckled.

I ran off once again and tried to call for help. As I tried to yell out for help, the woman kicked me into a dark alleyway. I rolled on the ground and coughed a bit.

"No one is coming to help you, Human..." The woman smirked and stepped on my chest, digging her heel into my body.

I groaned in pain and tried to take her leg off my body. "Verdi...!"

The woman had a sadistic smirk on her face as she dug her heel deeper into my body. She held her axe at my neck then rose it up to kill me. She groaned as she was blown away. A cloaked figure appeared in front of me and looked back at me. Kuroi landed on my chest and began to heal me.

"I'm sorry that I was late...I had to deal with the lackeys that this woman had summoned. I'm here now, Weiss.." Verdi said.

"Well well! The Witch of Earth, Verdi has appeared to her Human's rescue! I'm quite surprised that you knew where he was...now I can quite literally exact my revenge!" The woman bellowed and dashed toward Verdi.

Verdi readied her wand then launched green waves of energy at the woman. The woman dodged each wave then slashed at Verdi, but her axe was blocked by roots. Verdi glared at the woman then smirked.

"Y'know, when I find someone I kinda like, I don't take anyone trying to kill them lightly...And I say kinda like because me and my human have some things to work out. For hurting him...I'll make you pay for that.." Verdi said and used the roots to knock the woman away.

She groaned and recovered onto her feet then noticed Verdi appeared in front of her with her wooden sword in hand. Verdi slashed at the woman, but the woman blocked the attack then entered a blade lock with Verdi.

"I know who you are...Julia." Verdi chuckled softly.

Julia grunted as she was behind pushed back. They repelled each other then clashed once more before entering another lock. Roots wrapped around Julia and swung her around in a circle then flung her into oncoming traffic. Julia warped away before any cars could hit her.

Verdi hurried back over to me and Kuroi engulfed us into shadow energy then warped us back home.




We appeared in my room then Kuroi hopped off my stomach. Verdi checked on me then summoned a bottle with green liquids inside. She sat me up and made me drink it. I swallowed the potion and felt rejuvenated, but also tired.

"A successful potion, but uhm...you used a herb that puts one to sleep didn't you?" Kuroi asked.

"I didn't know it would have put him to sleep, but all that matters...is that he's safe. Safe from those Witch Hunters. He's not even safe at his own job anymore..." Verdi said.

"That only means you have to train him to use magic and not only just you, but your sisters as well. We still need to find him a Familiar also." Kuroi said.

"I know...I guess I should swallow my pride for this one huh..." Verdi said.

"Yeah..." Kuroi said and looked at me..