
Stellar Rekindled

Roland finds himself reincarnated in a universe vastly different from his beloved Cambridge, a place where the thirst for scientific knowledge is a forgotten pursuit. Gifted with a powerful materializer, a tool capable of manifesting objects from energy, he discovers a society ensnared under the utopian rule of 40 council members, where technological wonders have overshadowed the beauty of natural science. As Roland explores this enigmatic world, he senses an unsettling void, a glaring contrast to his dream of a universe blossomed through scientific curiosity. What will Roland's journey unveil, and how will the rediscovery of Earth's long-lost science stir the established celestial order?

Takodachi6969 · Sci-fi
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8 Chs

Chapter 1.2: Celestial Reverie Amidst Earthly Obligations

With a haste that bordered on frantic, Roland vaulted onto his bicycle, a contraption that had clearly seen better days. The distressed squeak it emitted as he pedaled fiercely contrasted sharply with the peaceful tranquility of the Cambridge countryside. The sun graced the old Victorian buildings with a golden hue, and the clear skies overhead promised a magnificent day.

As Roland pedaled further, he passed serene meadows where groups of cows lounged, lending a pastoral charm to his frenzied mission. They offered him blank, contemplative stares, as if silently judging his hurried state.

Navigating through the scenic route, Roland entered the iconic King's Parade, with King's College a majestic sight to behold. Parking his bike near St Mary's Church, he couldn't help but notice the stares attracted by his unusual attire and prominent hair color.


The shout rang clear from across the street as a figure in fashionable attire rushed towards him. The man's modern ensemble—a long trench coat adorned with intricate cross-shaped embellishments on his hat and impeccably polished leather shoes—screamed modern sophistication. Matt, a co-worker and a gentleman of the present age, greeted him with an enthusiasm that Roland could hardly reciprocate at the moment.

Attempting a stealthy exit proved futile, as Matt quickly cornered him, a puzzled expression on his face. "What are you doing here? Aren't your parents arriving for Merlin's birthday?"

Caught off-guard, Roland stammered out a feeble excuse. 

"Hi, Matt. Just... uh, attending the Sunday service."

Matt burst into laughter, seeing through the transparent lie with ease. The playful ribbing led to Roland's reluctant admission of his forgotten responsibility.

"Roland, every time I'm amazed you're still in one piece. My siblings would have killed me by now!" 

Matt chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. 

"But you're in luck. I know just the place for emergency cake procurement."

With a heart brimming with appreciation, Roland trailed behind Matt as they ventured towards the bakery nestled in a quaint part of town. The sun seemed to dance in joyful patterns on the cobbled streets, reflecting the sudden surge of hope that blossomed within Roland. He could feel his shoulders, which were taut with the stress of forgetting Merlin's birthday, slowly begin to relax in Matt's easygoing presence. But even amidst this tranquillity, a part of him tensed in anticipation of the usual interrogation that accompanied casual meet-ups with acquaintances.

As they ambled along, Matt fired a series of questions, inquiring about everything from Roland's Ph.D. thesis to his thoughts on the current weather.

"How's your thesis on aliens going?"

"Still no findings in extraterrestrial life, but we are working on it"

"The weather was not so good for finding aliens last week, innit."

"Well, it was not good, but it doesn't affect our work…"

Roland, a bit introverted by nature, found himself offering brief, albeit polite, responses. He braced himself for a possible deluge of further prying questions, attempting to build a mental fortress to shield himself from the verbal onslaught.

But then, almost serendipitously, the conversation took a turn that tore down Roland's defenses brick by brick. A casual remark by Matt about the night's anticipated rocket launch to the ISS struck a chord deep within Roland's core, stirring the embers of passion that lay dormant in the recesses of his heart. 

"I have heard someone in the department say, a French rocket to the ISS can be seen tonight in Cambridge."

It was as though Matt had inadvertently flicked a switch, illuminating the darkness that had cloaked Roland's vibrant inner world.

The mention of the rocket launched a fervent and almost poetic monologue from Roland, as he suddenly became a wellspring of astronomical knowledge and fervor. His words spilled out in an excited torrent, as he detailed the mechanics of rocket launches, the breathtaking sight of a spacecraft ascending into the night sky, and the wonders that awaited humanity in the cosmic frontier.

His eyes sparkled with an ethereal light, his gestures became animated, and his speech acquired a rhythmic cadence that mesmerized even the uninterested passerby. It was as if Roland was channeling the spirit of the night sky itself, painting verbal tapestries of stars, planets, and potential alien life in the canvas of Matt's mind.

Matt could only stand there, bemused and slightly overwhelmed, as Roland transformed before his eyes from a seemingly reserved individual to a man ignited with childlike wonder and profound enthusiasm. The sudden burst of passion from Roland was akin to witnessing a dormant volcano suddenly erupt in a symphony of fiery splendor, a spectacular display of natural beauty and untamed energy.

"Let's go watch it tonight!"

Roland's impassioned plea for a nocturnal rocket-viewing gathering seemed to transcend mere suggestion, morphing into a siren's song that beckoned one to abandon earthly concerns and immerse oneself in the grandeur of the universe. 

Matt, witnessing this transformation, could not help but be swept away by the tidal wave of Roland's enthusiasm. 

"C'mon, it'll be incredible!" 

Roland persisted, his face aglow with excitement. 

"We can even make it part of the party—stargazing from the hills! Merlin would love it!"

The relentless barrage left Matt feeling cornered, his resistance slowly crumbling under the weight of Roland's infectious energy. With a resigned sigh, he agreed, 

"Alright, alright! We'll find a way to incorporate it into the evening. But first, the cake. Your parents won't appreciate being kept waiting."

"And then we can see the rockets!" 

Roland exclaimed, his spirit soaring to newfound heights, leaving Matt both amused and slightly overwhelmed.

At the bakery, the slim pickings and exorbitant prices did little to dampen Roland's spirits as he purchased the priciest option available. Meanwhile, Matt took on the role of responsible adult, stocking up on alcohol for the evening's festivities.

With time ticking mercilessly away, the pair parted ways, Roland racing against the clock to return home, the precious cargo in tow, promising an evening where familial obligations would intertwine with celestial wonders in a celebration that promised to be truly out of this world.