
Chapter 2: First Date

Chapter 2: First Date

(Its Friday morning, the day of Elena and Stefan's first date. Stefan wakes up and lays in bed for a few minutes.)

Stefan opened his eyes as he woke up. He was thinking about Elena. He was thinking about her a lot lately. He smiled a little as he thought about how he would catch her looking back at him in class, he would just smile back at her and then turn his attention back to the teacher. He sat up and then got out of bed and walked to the window and looked out over the grounds of the estate that he now owned with his brother, he still wondered why his parents never told him or Damon that this place existed. He looked over at his desk and then walked over to it and sat down. He opened a drawer and pulled out what looked like a book but it was a journal. Stefan hadn't written in it in a very long time, not since Katherine died in the fire, but now he had something to write about and that was Elena. "I feel awake. For the first time in a long time, I feel completely and undeniably wide awake. I welcome the day because I know I will see her again. I met a girl and her name is Elena Gilbert and for the first time since I lost Katherine I feel like I can finally move on and start again. Damon is quite another problem. He is still grieving for our parents and me for Katherine but hopefully I can get thru to him somehow. Elena and I have our first date tonight and I am a little nervous but I know it will be amazing." He finished writing and closed the book and then went to get ready for school. After his shower and he was dressed he walked out of his room and saw Damon as he was coming out of his room "Hey Damon, How are you? I haven't seen much of you lately. What have you been upto?" Damon looked up to see Stefan standing there as he walked out of his room "Hey Stefan, Um I have been fine. I know and I'm sorry about that but how about you and me go out tonight. Just the two of us." Stefan just looked at him for a second and he hated to say no but he already had plans with Elena. "Yeah I'm sorry Damon but I have a date tonight. Can we make it tomorrow night?" Stefan asked because he really did want to spend time with his brother. Damon looked at his brother with a surprised look and raised his eyebrow "Date? With who? Stefan looked at Damon when he asked who the date was with. "Yes Damon a date. I realize it has been a while for me but I do know how to take a girl out on a date. Her name is Elena Gilbert and I am taking her to the movies tonight." Damon nods to Stefan indicating that he knew why it had been a while since Stefan had been on a date. "Oh right is that the girl you met the other day?" Damon took a step towards Stefan and put his hand on Stefan's shoulder "Look I know it has been hard since you lost Katherine but maybe this is your chance to get past it. I hope you have a great first date. You better get going before you are late for school." Stefan looked at Damon and felt his hand on his shoulder and nodded to Damon "Yeah I think this is too Damon. Thank you and don't worry I am never late for school." Stefan said and then he grabbed his stuff and headed for the door. He walked out of the house and got into his little red sports car. A red 1963 Porsche.

(At Elena's house)

Elena woke up in the morning and she laid there for a few minutes. A smile came across her face as she started thinking about Stefan. She got up out of bed and went over to the window seat, where she had left her journal and she started writing in it again. "Dear diary, this morning is.....different. There is change. I can sense it, feel it. For once, I don't regret the day before it begins. I welcome the day because I know I will see him again. For the first time in a long time, I feel good." Then she closed her journal and laid it down on the window seat and went to go get ready for school.

After her shower, she got dressed and she checked herself in the mirror before she walked out of her room. As she stepped out of her room and started to walk down the hallway she bumped into her Dad "Sorry Dad I didn't know you were there. Were you going to see Jeremy?" She asked hoping that he wasn't there to see her. "No actually I came to see you. I heard that you have a date tonight......" "Dad I know what you are going to say, I know the rules and I will follow them. We are just going to the movies and then he is bringing me home and I promise that you and mom will meet him before we go out. You have nothing to worry about." Elena said as she cut him off before he could finish his sentence. "Elena you are my daughter as your father I will always worry about you but from what your mother has told me I am sure that this boy is a good person." Grayson said as he looked at his daughter lovingly "He is Dad. Look I'm going to be late for school if I don't get going. See you later Dad." Elena said as she turned to walk down the stairs. "Ok Elena see you later and have fun tonight." Grayson said as he watched her walk down the stairs. Elena looked back at him and smiled. She knew how hard it was for him to let her grow up. Then she walked down the stairs, grabbed her stuff for school and walked out of the house and got into Bonnie's car, she was there waiting for Elena.

All Day at school Stefan and Elena would sneak looks at each other and Matt took notice of that. After their last class Elena and Stefan were walking down the hall together "So I guess I will see you tonight Elena. I will pick you up at 7 for the movie." Elena nodded to Stefan just as Matt grabbed her arm forcefully and pulled her away from stefan 'Your actually going out with this guy?" Elena looked angry as she looked back at Matt "Yes I am and you need to let go of me. Your hurting my arm." Matt refused to let go of her so Stefan stepped up to Matt "I think she asked you to let go of her. If I were you I would listen to her or you and me are going to have a problem." Matt just glared back at Stefan but he didn't say anything back. He let go of Elena's arm and walked off. Elena rubbed her arm and looked at Stefan 'Thank you Stefan. I don't know what got into him." Stefan looked at her "He still loves you and he is jealous of me. Is your arm ok?" Elena nods to Stefan to let him know that her arm was fine "I'm fine Stefan. I guess I will see you at 7 then. I have to get home. See you later Stefan." Stefan watched as Elena started walking down the hall and he saw her turn and look at him and he smiled at her and she smiled back and then continued down the hall.

Stefan walked to his car after walking out of school and as he walked up to his car he noticed that there was a piece of paper taped to his winshield so he took it off and read it.


You should watch your back Stefan because you are being watched.

Stefan looked around wondering who could have left the note but he didn't see anyone. He figured that it might have been Matt who left the note but he would have to get into that later because right now he needed to get home and get ready for his date with Elena. So he crinkled up the note and put it in the pocket of his jacket and got in his car to drive home.

(Gilbert house. Elena is up in her room getting ready for her date with Stefan.)

Elena walked back into her room with a towel wrapped around her, after she got out of the shower, and looked at the clothes that she had laid out on her bed. She shook her head and decided to wear something different. At first she had picked out a black skirt with a white blouse but then decided that wasn't right for this date so she picked out a pair of black skinny jeans and a dark green shirt. She stood back and smiled at what she had chosen. That was a much better choice. Then she got dressed and then did her hair and makeup. She looked at the clock and saw that it was only 6:30 and Stefan wouldn't be here to pick her up for another 30 minutes so she picked up her favorite book and sat on the windowseat to read until it was time for Stefan to be there.

(Salvatore boarding house. Stefan had just come home from school and put his jacket and bag on the couch and headed upstairs to get ready for his date with Elena.)

Stefan walked back into his room with a towel wrapped around his waist when he was slightly startled by Damon standing in his room holding his jacket and the note that he had crinkled up in his jacket pocket "Uh, Damon why are you in my room and why do you have my jacket? Damon just looked at Stefan and held up the note "What is this Stefan? Is someone threatening you?" Stefan crossed the room and took the note out of Damon's hand and shook his head "Its nothing Damon. Elena has an ex-boyfriend and he is jealous of us and I am sure he left the note. Don't worry about it I can handle Matt Donavon. But just in case that is not what this is, keep the note in a safe place as evidence." Stefan said with a serious look on his face then he turned away from Damon "Now can you please leave so I can get dressed for my date with Elena?" Damon put Stefan's jacket down but kept the note "Sure thing Stefan. Oh and have fun tonight." Then he turned to leave "I will Damon. Oh and thanks for looking out for me." Stefan said as he watched Damon leave his room and raise his hand to indicate that he heard him. Stefan got dressed after Damon left the room. He decided to wear black jeans and a dark blue shirt. He looked at the time and saw that it was 6:45 so he thought he should go ahead and head over to Elena's house seeing as how Elena's parents wanted to meet him. So he grabbed his jacket and headed downstairs. He didn't see Damon or Zack so he grabbed his keys and headed out of the house. Stefan got in his car, a cute little red sports car, and drove over to Elena's house.

(Gilbert house. Stefan drives up to Elena's house and parks in front of the house. Then he gets out of the car and walks up to the door and knocks.)

Elena was upstairs in her room, still reading her book when she heard the knock on the door and knew that had to be Stefan. So she put her book down and walked to the mirror to check herself out one more time and then she walked downstairs just as she sees her father open the door for Stefan. Grayson hears the knock at the door and opens it "Hello you must be Stefan. I'm Grayson, Elena's father. Its nice to meet you finally." Grayson said as he offered his hand to Stefan. As the door opened Stefan was surprised that Elena's father answered and as he offered his hand Stefan in return offered his hand and he smiled nervously at him as they shook hands "Its nice to meet you too Mr. Gilbert. I have been looking forward to meeting you." Grayson laughed at what Stefan said knowing that he didn't really mean that and stepped back from the door to let him in "Come on in Stefan, Elena should be down any minute and you can call me Grayson." Stefan smiled and walked in the house just as he looked up the stairs and saw Elena coming down "There she is." Stefan said as he smiled at her. Elena got to the bottom of the stairs and sees that her father let Stefan in "Hello Stefan I hope my father wasn't talking your ear off." She said jokingly as she looked at her father. "No of course not we were just getting acquainted." Stefan said and then he looked Elena over and saw how pretty she looked. "You look very pretty tonight. Are you ready to go because the movie is going to start soon?" Elena smiled at Stefan as he complimented her "Thank you Stefan and yes I am ready just let me get my jacket." Elena said and then she went to grab her jacket and then went to stand over by Stefan. Grayson looked at Stefan and Elena "You two have a good time and Stefan please have her home by 10:30." Stefan looked back at Grayson "I assure you that won't be a problem Grayson. She will be home on time." Then Grayson opened the door and Stefan let Elena go ahead of him until they got out of the door and then he went ahead of her so he could open the car door for her and let her get in. After she got in Stefan went around to his side and got in and started the car and headed for the movie theater.

(The Movie theater)

Stefan pulled up to the mall where the movie theater was and parked the car. Then he got out and went around to open Elena's door to let her out and they started walking towards the movie theater. As they walked Stefan noticed that Elena dropped her left hand down to her side and he wondered if that was a signal to take her hand because he really wanted to hold her hand but he wasn't sure that he should. He steeled his nerves and decided to go ahead and do it, so he stepped closer to her and took her hand in his. Elena looked at him when he took her hand and smiled at him letting him know that was exactly what she wanted him to do. They continued walking and arrived at the ticket window and Stefan turned to her "Ok so what are we going to see tonight?" Elena looked back at him "Let me see, I am not sure what I am in the mood for." Elena said as she turned her attention to the list of movies "Ok sure take your time." Stefan said as he decided to look around to make sure that he wasn't being watched. He noticed a guy standing by a pole reading a newspaper that looked a little suspicious, like he was watching him and Elena so he turned back to Elena and put his arm around her protectively "Did you decide on a movie yet?" Elena smiled as she felt Stefan put his arm around her "Yes I think I have. I think we should see Timeline. That looks like a good movie." Stefan nodded to her and smiled back at her and then paid for the tickets and as he opened the door for Elena he looked back at the man that he that he thought was watching him and he was gone so now he was sure that he was watching him but wasn't sure who sent him. Elena noticed that Stefan was a little distracted and looked back at what his was looking at "Stefan is everything ok?" He looked down at her and smiled "Yeah everything is fine. Let's go watch the movie. Would you like a drink or anything to eat?" Stefan asked her as they got inside "Yes a drink would be great and some nachos." Stefan smiled at her as she asked for nachos because that is all he ever saw her eat "You and your nachos. Ok while I get the nachos and the drinks will you go and get our seats please?" Elena laughed a little "Hey what can I say, I like nachos. Sure I will go get our seats." Then she walked into the movie and left Stefan waiting in the line. While he was waiting Stefan took out his phone and sent a text to Damon: Damon, I am at the movies with Elena and there was this guy that was watching us. I am starting to think this is not about Matt Donavon. Don't worry I will be careful but I think we need to find out what this is about when I get home tonight. I will talk to you later. Stefan. After he sent the message he put his phone away and got the nachos and the drinks and walking into the movie and found Elena and sat down next to her and handed her a drink and the nachos as the movie started. They both turned toward the screen and started watching the movie. Elena smiled and decided to try her trick again so she put her arm on the armrest palm up just to see if Stefan would take her hand again. Stefan was watching the movie when he looked down and noticed Elena's hand and he knew what she wanted him to do so he took her hand in his and smiled at her and she smiled back.

Throughout the movie Stefan noticed that Elena was a little distracted and he figured that this probably wasn't her kind of movie. After the movie Stefan was driving Elena home and they were making small talk, talking about their families and things. They were both kind of nervous, Elena because she didn't know if Stefan would try to kiss her and Stefan because he really wanted to kiss her but didn't know if he should. Stefan pulled up to her house and parked in the driveway and got out and then went around to open her door and as they were walking towards the front door Elena dropped her keys and Stefan bent down to pick them up "Here you go." Stefan said as he handed her the keys. Elena smiled nervously "I'm gonna need these. I'm so clumsy." She said with a nervous laugh. They reached the front door finally and stood to face each other "So, uh, you hated the movie, huh? Elena laughed nervously again and shook her head "No I didn't hate it. I just wasn't exactly paying attention either." Stefan laughed a little and nodded "I am hoping that you will want to do this again sometime?" Elena smiled as Stefan asked if they could go out again which is what she was hoping for "Yes of course I would love to go out again Stefan. I had a great time tonight." Stefan smiled when she said yes to going out again and he thought of a great idea "Great then why don't you come to dinner at my house tomorrow night, my brother and uncle will be there and they really want to meet you. I am going to cook so be prepared." Stefan said as he was hoping that she would accept his invitation to dinner. She smiled back at him and nodded Yes of course I will come. I wouldn't miss it and I really want to meet them too. " Elena said as she smiled at him. Stefan and Elena just stood there looking at each other for a few seconds not sure what to do next. Then Stefan leaned in and kissed her, she was surprised by the kiss but kissed him back. The porch light came on as they kissed and they both laughed slightly and pulled away "That's my dad waiting up for me. So embarrassing." Elena said as she blushed and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and shyly looked at Stefan "I am really looking forward to dinner tomorrow and I will text you with the time tomorrow." Stefan said as he realized he was still holding her hand and let it go. "Yeah me too. Goodnight Stefan." She said as she stepped closer to the door. "Good night Elena." Stefan said as he smiled at her and then started walking to his car but looked back at to watch her go inside before he got in his car and he saw her looking back at him. He knew then that this girl was special and she was going to change his life. After she went inside Stefan got in his car to drive home.

-----------------------End of Chapter 2---------------