
Steel City

Daphne Ross was a rising star in Steel City and was taking Pollywood by storm but her shiny life and career crashed down after she was betrayed by her stepsister and a man who swore he loved her to the moon and back. She was sent to prison for two years and came back for revenge but wasn't strong enough, luckily she met. Mr Cy who became her business partner and maybe something mo....

blue_bookworm · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 24

Arthur Ross stared at the young girl in front of him completely baffled as she narrated his grandaughter's ordeal.

He hadn't been away for 5 years and all this had happened in his family. He immediately regretted his decision to retire but he didn't have a choice at the time.

The old man was diagnosed with a rare disease that required treatment in isolation. He couldn't tell his family because it would cause an internal war and also his life would be targeted by his family.

If his descendants found out about it, they would have acted recklessly knowing the patriarch of the family was sick and probably wouldn't survive the disease.

Arthur slammed his hand on the table in front of him furiously and Mira flinched but his Butler Grey who was beside him remained unmoved as he was used to his master's sudden outbursts, but he was worried because his master was still in the recovery stage.

But he could only sigh internally as he knew there was nothing he could do to calm his master down when he was angry especially when it was related to his dearest granddaughter.

Among his many grandchildren and descendants, Arthur only acknowledges one and that was Daphne. No matter how spoiled she acted or how many tantrums she threw her grandfather would spoil her and even support her when she was wrong.

He loved her so much because to him she was special. She had a high IQ, was a business prodigy, and was also his only grandchild who didn't flinch at his intimidating presence when she was still a child instead she embraced her grandfather's leg with her tiny arms and ever since that day Daphne became his favorite.

The only reason Arthur acknowledged his first son Tom whom he saw as useless was because of the father-daughter relationship he shares with Daphne.

Arthur Ross slowly rose from his enormous chair whispered something in Grey's ear and started walking out of the room gesturing for Mira to follow him.

As they walked out of the room Mira couldn't help but stare at the old man's back which was slightly bent but was very straight in comparison to other elderly people. She also noticed that he was quite tall for his age.

She then proceeded to look around the old man's house in awe of its beauty, she was in love with the aesthetic of the design. She was so occupied with appreciating the house's beauty that she didn't realize that the old man had been calling her for some time.

"Are you even listening ?" Arthur asked as he turned to the woman he had asked a question to two minutes ago but got no reply.

"Huh?" Mira replied which made the old man roll his eyes in irritation.

" I said that I was going to see Daphne and I also asked if any of her family members had visited her during her stay in prison," Arthur replied.

"Daphne didn't mention anyone's visit but then again she vaguely spoke about her time in prison, she seemed different," Mira said.

"How so," Arthur asked without looking back as he made his way out of the building.

"Her eyes were unfeeling and cold, and she seemed distant, if I cried the way I did today a year ago she would have run to my side to comfort me but this time she did comfort me but it was just different," Mira replied as her friend's emotionless face popped up in her mind. She started thinking about what may have happened to her in prison but snapped out of her thoughts when a car parked in front of them. Then Arthur got into the car and it drove off.

Mira stared at the retreating car confused then she remembered Arthur saying he was going to see Daphne but was still shocked that he had just driven off leaving her standing there.

This reminded her of Quinn and the thought of his disappearance made her face fall.

Mira turned around to go to her car when she met Grey standing a few steps away from her which made her shriek.

"I'm very sorry to have startled you ma'am," Grey apologized in a monotonous tone.

"It's fine," Mira said walking past him towards her car.

Mira decided not to go to the station to give Daphne some privacy with her grandfather and she also didn't want to go home because she hadn't forgiven her dad for what he did so she decided to stay at a hotel.

When she got to the hotel she booked a VVIP room and was on her way to the room's elevator when she saw two people come into the hotel.