
Dungeon Crawler

As I entered I felt a looming feeling of being watched in these dimly lit halls. It seemed each of the halls were carved into the rock. The halls were lined with torches that cast a soft glow.

In between the torches were cells. Looking into them there was no light in them. Just a deep darkness that seemed to encompass the rooms.

As I walked through the halls I would hear the sound of heavy boot steps. Ever turn in the hall I would peek around the corner. I didn't see anyone so far which surprised me.

That changed when I peered around the next turn. A large group of knights were surrounding a jail cell door way.

"Get me a set of armour!" a female voice yelled from the cell.

This scared the group scattering them through diffrent halls. I hid in one of the rooms and waited for the knights to pass. With the heavy foot steps disappearing into the distance I came out.

I slowly approached the cell where the voice came from. There sitting on the on floor was a women with blue hair in a pony tail.

The most surprising thing though was her clothing, or her lack there of. She was only in a matching pair of bra and panties.

She quickly saw me and went to cover herself with her arms.

"Did you bring me a new set of armour!" She demanded.

Instead of answering I just made eye contact with her. With my magic in place I manipulate her to answer my question.

"Hello sir." She now greeted eagerly. She stood tall jutting her chest out a bit.

"What happened?" I asked trying to not get a borner.

An angry look spread across her face. "Ban broke out of his cell before killing Holy knight Jude. Then he stole my clothes to replace his." She informed me with shame and rage

'So Ban is walking the halls.' I realize 'I need to be careful'

"Thank you..." I say realizing I don't actually know her name.

"It Jericho sir!" She quickly introduced herself.

"Well Jericho. I think I need to leave." I say backing away.

"Wait!" She stopped me. "You were able to defeat Lord Ruin and Lord Golgius right?"

"Yesss." I drawl out going for my katana.

"Then can you take me as your apprentice!" She blurted out. "I need power and you are the strongest person I've come across fighting two holy knights at once."

Being truthfull the Holy knights I fought were not that strong mostly annoying with their sneak attacks.

"I don't know. I have no way of training you." I tell her honestly.

"That alright!" She continues. "I can just follow you like I did with the weird fangs."

Confused I used my magic to see what was happening.

The first thing I found was a sense of inferiority. It stemmed from her brother being a holy knight something she is striving for, rejecting the idea of her ever being one. Now she has insecurities.

The next thing was the pressure she felt. She always strived to be the best because her family was a house of knights. They are expected to be exceptional.

The last thing was a need for approval. Even though she performed well in being a knight it was expected of her. So all her hard work felt hallow to her.

"I won't guarantee anything." I relent. Hearing this she nods happily.

As I turn to leave the room with my plus one I was greeted by group of knights that were blocking the entrance.

I rush forward drawing Echo out and opening with a slash killing the first one. I then follow it by pulling back to block the sword swung at my back.

I then slash upwards killing the second knight. With the third knight I use my magic to make him think his friend was me.

That got rid of the fourth one now left with the third I turned to him to get rid of him. As I ready myself I see a flurry of attacks hit him from behind.

Standing behind the dead knight was Jericho holding the sword of a fallen knight. There was blood sprayed over her body and a little on her face. She was looking at me expectantly.

"Good job." I tell her patting her head.

With this she smiled brightly getting my approval.


Four knights Killed

+40 Strength'

Not needing anything else I look to Jericho.

"How do we leave here?" I ask.

"Follow me lord." She bows while answering.

With that I follow after her. Enjoying the view of her butt in nothing but her pink panties.

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