
Stealing from the Sins

how did I go from highschool gradute to trying not to die in what is obviously britian.

Tacoma12 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Corrupting a princess R18

We are close to the prison so we might as well try it. I'm also curious why they didn't just kill Ban. So heading to the bar I find hawk eating scrapes on the floor.

"Hey Hawk!" I yell across the room startling him.

"What can the powerfull Sir Hawk help you with." He said in pride. I would eat him if it didn't mean I would lose the ride.

"Can you ask your Mom to take us to the prison." I ask keeping the bite back.

"Are you insane! There are powerful Holy knights protecting that place! They even captured one of the sins!" He explained freaking out.

"I'm sure they would stand no chance against you." I force out.

"Of course they could never defeat the great Sir Hawk!" He boasts. Didn't even need to use magic.

He then seemed to strut out of the bar to talk to his mom. Soon I saw the giant green pig jump it's way out of the ground. It stood as tall as Diane in height.

It then turned a little and began it's trek seemingly knowing where it to go. As it walked Diane walked along side it, semingly holding a conversation.

As they talked I went back in.

'What to do now?' I wondered.

Soon I heard the shower start up stairs. Headed up to the the stairs I pass Hawk. As our eyes meet I use my magic to make sure he won't bother me.

Getting to the shower I could hear Liz humming to herself.


As she hummed I quickly undressed. I snuck up behind her and grabbed her breasts and pressed my groin on her rear.

Instead of screaming she let out a soft moan. She quickly whipped her head around to see who it was.

"Oh hi Nash." She greeted wriggling in embarressment. All that did though was lodge my penis into the crack of her butt.

I could feel the heat of her supple butt encased around my dick. this caused me to groan in pleasure.

Struggling she continued talking. "What are you doing?"

"Well I figured that since we have some time before we get to the prison we could bond a little." I lied.

Hearing this she seemed to calm down.

'How much did these two have?' I questioned.

"Did you want to wash each others backs?" She asked inoccently.

"I thought we could do something a bit naughtier." I said, moving my fingers to tweak her nipples.

"What do you mean?" she asked while panting

"I thought we could try having sex." I emphasized this with a pinch to her nipples.

This stunned her. With more strength then I thought she had she pushed her butt back and pushed me away. I feel out of the tub onto my butt.

"We can't do that!" She said in a panic. "My sister said I can't have sex until I'm married!"

'I need to salvage this!' I thought now being help.

"Well we can do something else." I blurted out as she approached to check if I was hurt.

She did not answer and simply gave a side longed look. Seeing her confusion I grabbed her hips and pulled her down on my lap. My penis now returned to the crook of her butt.

I leaned forward and whispered in her ear peppering kisses along her neck.

"We can try anal." I say using my magic to increase her lust.

Before she answers I stand up and bend her over the tub. I then grab her hip with one hand to keep her steady and the other on my dick to guide it.

"Since it's in the butt it doesn't count as sex." I explain in a very sure manner.

"Alright if you say so." She agrees looking back with innocent eyes.

With out further ado I ram it in. The sudden force caused Liz to scream in pain. To stop the pain I use my magic to turn the feeling into pleasure. This quickly turned the screams into moans.

Once in I felt her anus wrapped around the shaft of my penis tight. Now placing both hands on her hips I began to saw in and out.

"See we can have fun without sex." I teased

"Yesss" she moaned out.

"It feels almost as good as real sex." I say planting a seed of lust in her.

As I watch her butt ripple from my pelvis impacting it I was mesmerised by it. Taking a hand back I swat her rear, causing her to moan louder.

This seemed to be a kink of hers if the sudden tightness meant anything. So I continued doing it.

I felt my climax coming so I snaked my arm up her body's front. Grabbing her breasts I pulled her back so she was leaning into my chest.

I was now pounding into her butt upwards. With my free hand I tilted her head to me and kissed her. I slipped my tounge into her mouth, dominating it.

With one last thrust I came deep in her bowels.