
STB System In Strike The Blood

Noa Elkeon is a pretty much normal guy at least on the outside world... When he reaches home from work or different types of activities he changes personalities and become a Vampire progenitor... Or at least he would wish to become one but unfortunately, this is real life and not his favourite Anime... But what happened when an earthquake happens and demolished countless apartments??? The answer is simple he died.....

Seion · Anime & Comics
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242 Chs

Chapter 31 : Meeting...

Noa and Avrora were having a blast since they got their new ID...

They bought legally clothes now and many other stuff that they needed, within a few hours they even looked for a home to stay permanently.

Noa was seeing his bank account going down the drain and started twitching at this, how the hell did he manage to spent 100.000 cash within 5 hours??

He needed to find a way to gain a stable income because his trick with the hypnosis will at most work 1 or 2 more times before they realise something is off...

During the next few days as they stayed at Kojou which had it's ups and down teasing Nagisa and sometimes Asagi as she was coming over to her own amusement, they tried hard to find a house...

Finally, after 10 days he finally found something with Avrora that would make them call this place home...

It was a large round mansion at the edge of the Itogami Island and had a nice view, apparently, the previous owner died as it was remade, and the authorities put it up in sale incomplete...

Avrora : Isn't 300.000 cash too much??

Noa : Yeah but don't you like the view??

Avrora : The View is top notch, as the mansion in next to the sea on top of the cliff... But with our budget right now if you add all the types of furniture and in order to complete this how much will it reach??

Noa : Xmmm, I believe somewhat double that...

Avrora : Then won't we be left with almost 200.000 Cash??

Noa knew that Avrora was right but what he could do?? He took a fancy on the house as it reminded the hideout of Iron Man and it was freaking huge...

After pondering for many minutes he finally steeled himself, if i want the girls i need a house, he turned towards Avrora and told her it's their new home...

Avrora beamed in delight as she also liked this place but she knew that they must somehow control themselves a bit, but having gotten the okay from him they signed all the necessary papers and after that, they called constructors...

They told them their own versions of finishing it and surprising enough it went up by 150.000 cash, they were told that it would take around a week to finish repairing and renovating to the state they wanted therefore till then they started looking for types of furniture...

They looked directly for sets as there was a chance of them being cheaper and add everything up they bought pieces of furniture equal to 200.000 cash.

Avrora : Ugh... In the end, it went up more than we expected...

Noa : Don't worry we still have 150.000 or so cash that will last us for a month...

Avrora : What about after the month??

Noa : I have my plans...

Avrora : What plans??

Noa : To have plans... Oh??

Avrora : Hmm?? Where are you looking??

Avrora heard him exclaim as he was speaking and then when she looked at him she saw that his eyes were looking somewhere, she followed his line of sight and was stunned to see 2 girls in school uniform a few dozens of meters away...

Avrora : What is she doing here this early?? I remember she comes 2 weeks later...

Noa : Aren't those two the one who you told me??? One married Kojou and the other became his blood contractor??

Avrora : Yeah, if they are here this means they were sent for something else first...

The 2 girls across the road as they were walking they felt someone was watching them and saw a few meters away Avrora and Noa looking at them.

Both of them tense up as they could feel an incredible silent pressure coming from them and spread in the vicinity...

What I owe you guys!!! sorry for being late the Job is quite taxing and i'm not in my right mind to write...

One Of The Two!!!!

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