
Stay with the dragon prince

Who said all the dragons were scary and gruesome? Sheryl met a dragon a week ago. She was assigned as a guard to protect the mightiest dragon's son himself. The dragon prince. Except he was, in no way, how the tales predicted him to be. His name was Denzel Deon, the most beautiful and the most harmless dragon you'd ever meet. He hated being followed by his guards, especially her, now that she was always around him. And she hated not being able to stay loyal to her young master. Will the dragon prince accept her and her extremely loyal self?

shesaid_hesaid · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter three

"Young master, two of them from the other side of the classroom keep staring at you. They've been noted as suspicious, they'll be arrested immediately."

Denzel widened his eyes, scooting over and pulling Sheryl down to sit next to him. "Shh." He placed a finger on his lips. "The class us going on, stop standing up."

"I cannot sit down next to you-"

"Shut up." He whisper yelled at her. "Do you not know how classes work? Be quiet before we get thrown out by the professor."

Sheryl gave a swift nod. "Got it. And about the two students-"

"They're my friends!" He panicked. "Don't bother them."

"Friends?" Sheryl gave a look of disbelief. "Got it."

Denzel was so close to popping a vein. "Why do you look surprised? Can I not have friends?"

"I did not say so."

"Mr. Deon, please refrain from disturbing the class even further than you already are." The professor called out, grabbing Denzel's attention.

"Sorry." He nervously laughed, looking down at his book.

Sheryl observed closely, before giving another nod. And he did not miss the way she turned around and sat up straight, looking forward.

If disturbing Young master was gonna get him into trouble, then she would rather not do so. She decided she will listen to the class herself.

The dragon prince could finally take a breather after Sheryl stopped talking for the entirety of the class.

Lunch soon rolled in, and she found out that Denzel did not have his next class for three more hours. She would look around at what everyone else were doing during the meantime and just stand next to Denzel.

It was getting weird, though. She hadn't spoken for a while now and she let him do whatever he wanted. At the same time, it was a relief that she wasn't speaking nonsense.

"Are you hungry?" He asked her.

"No, young master. If you are, I can take you back to the-"

"I'm having lunch with my friends. You can wait out if you aren't hungry. I won't take long."

"Your friends?" Sheryl asked. "I don't trust them."

He gave her a straight bored face. This wasn't the first time he was hearing this. Almost everyone who worked before her said so.

"Do you trust me?" Denzel questioned her.

"Yes, young master."

"And I trust my friends. So indirectly, you trust them." He made hand gestures towards the table where two of the friends who ran away previously and also who were staring at him during the class were sitting as munching away on their lunch.

Sheryl thought for a moment. "I will.. wait outside."

She was, however, unsure about this. It did seem reasonable, but she wasn't going to completely take the dragon prince's word for it.

So, she walked out and stood near the entrance as she was supposed to, or that's what she thought she was supposed to do.

Denzel shot a glare at his friends as he approached them, and they peeped behind him.

"Did she stop following you around?" one of them with silver blond hair said.

"Why did you run away earlier, you morons? You made yourself look suspicious." Denzel hissed.

"She looked extremely scary." The other replied. "And is she the replacement for your-"

"Yes." The dragon prince gritted his teeth whole taking a seat. "Don't say it out loud."

"The whole campus knows."

The silver blond haired went by the name Andrew Miller and he was one of the werewolves rarely found around the country. To be honest, they could be found anywhere but in the vampires' domain.

They were like sworn enemies.

No, no, they were sworn enemies.

"Gimme some of that food." Denzel gestured towards the brunet. Well, it wasn't their fault the three of them had different hair colours by birth but they did look out of place. The dragon prince had jet black hair which contradicted his pale skin. "Raymond, I need the next class notes. I'm skipping."

"What? Why are you skipping?"

"I'm mentally exhausted." Denzel put a fry into his mouth and lazily chewed on it.

Raymond White. He came from a family of water dragons exceptionally talented underwater and on ground. They were well known around the country as much as the dragon king himself.

Denzel's grandfather and Raymond's grandfather were great friends. How could Sheryl not trust these two extra sets of harmless men?

"What did she do?"

"She breathed."

"Don't be so dejected." Andrew butted in. "She's coming towards the table."

Denzel felt a hand on his shoulder, and he grabbed it, shoving it away. "Stop. Stop bothering me." He turned around to look at Sheryl.

Wait, that wasn't Sheryl.

That was Ruth Aurelia, the beauty of the university, of course, after Denzel. She was his childhood friend, and it was known throughout the whole elementary, middle school, high school, and now till the fourth year of university.

"Ah.." She smiled awkwardly. "Okay then.. See you later?"

Another funfact: Denzel likes Ruth. Has liked her ever since. But he wasn't able to tell her. He just couldn't tell her.

He always thought Ruth didn't deserve someone weak like him. He should have worked out long ago, but he never did and that's on him.

He does and also doesn't regret it.

Denzel faced Andrew. "Bastard why didn't you tell me it was Ruth?"

"Didn't have enough time." The latter shrugged. "And, let me tell you, if you can't have Ruth, there are many others pinning over you."

"What do you mean?"

"Just look around." Raymond sipped his drink. "Everyone."

It definitely wasn't a secret. Denzel knew it too. He was kinda the centre of everyone's attention everywhere he went. Blame it on his father. Or blame it on his looks.

He won't lie. He knew many tried to confess to him, but he just escaped every time. He liked someone already, he wasn't going to sit around and let that be known to others or rather disappoint then by rejecting.

Then again, giving them hope wasn't something he wanted to do either, so he ignored social interactions most of the time.

What can a dragon prince who has no power do anyway?

He was a prince just for the sake of it.

He had three older brothers and two older sisters and so yes, he was basically just there, existing.

"Say, Denzel, what are you going to do after you reach your palace?"

Denzel looked down at the table, face resting on his palms. Anyone would notice his hazel brown eyes, they really were pretty.

Honestly, he doesn't know what to do after going back home.

"I'll.. I'll just take a leave for today."

Leave it to Sheryl to tire him even further. He could just lie down somewhere and slip into deep slumber.

"Hey, look. This time it's your guard coming up to us." Andrew threw in the last fry into his mouth. The three of them watched Sheryl walk towards them and now slightly.

"Young Master Denzel, your presence is being requested by the dragon king." She told him, "For dinner."

"Shit," Denzel but his lip. "Father called for a dinner?"

"Yes, Young master."

Raymon sipped his coke in silence while sharing looks with Andrew.

"Is everyone going to be there?"

"I can find out and tell you, young master." Sheryl nodded. "And about the training.. I think we should go buy supplies for it."

"Training?" Andrew cut in. "Y'all are working out?"

Sheryl snapped her head towards Andrew, and even though he flinched, he managed to keep the eye contact going. "Yes."

"Can I join in?" Andrew's eyes sparkled in excitement. He was always up for fitness but never really tried. He could run for miles using his wolf strength and muscles but he never really paid attention to his body. This was a good chance to start, that is, if Sheryl didn't mind.

"Eh?" Denzel raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." Andrew nodded his head up and down.

Raymond gulped, gaze shifting between the three. "Should I.. join too?"

"That would be amazing." Andrew grinned at them, flashing his long canines.

Denzel curiously looked at her, his eyes meeting hers. He couldn't see what colour her eyes were through her bangs and glasses, but anyways. "What do you say?"

For Sheryl, having the other two around would actually be a great opportunity to keep a close eye on them.

"Anything that you want, young master."