
Chapter 1: The Sealing

October 10

In an unknown location, screams were heard throughout the room. The scream of a baby that had just been born. The baby had bright blonde hair and beautiful dark blue eyes.

"Congratulations Kushina-sama you did very well."- said the nurse that had delivered the baby as she handed the baby to his mother.

He looked like a carbon copy of his father, Minato Namikaze the Fourth Hokage of Konoha.

Kushina you must rest said Biwako as she took Naruto from his mother, to give him his first bath. (Biwako is the wife of the Sandaime Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Suddenly, a voice told Minato to step away from the Jinchuuriki. Who are you? Minato asked That is none of your concern said the masked man.

He held a kunai at Naruto neck, with Biwako and the nurse lay dead on the floor.

Ok, calm down said Minato worried." I'm perfectly calm." Speak for yourself added the Masked Man. Then he suddenly through Naruto in the air about to stab him with the kunai before, he could leg that happen Minato flashed to Naruto, grabbed him, and made his way towards his wife. Minato heard a sizzling noise as he saw 5 explosive tags on the blanket. "As he threw away the blanket he and flashed to his safehouse.

Stay here Naruto, I'm going to get your mother. The masked man took Kushina and began to exact the Kyuubi. After a moment the head of the Kyuubi started to rise from Kushina stomach before as it stood with all its tails swinging. With a look at the Kyuubi's eyes, the masked man put it under his control.

Before the Kyuubi could crush Kushina below its massive paws a yellow fash was scene saving Kushina. Kushina takes care of Naruto before he was gone.

Kuchiyose no just-called the masked man as he slapped his palm on the ground, before smoke cover the area was stood the Nine-Tailed Fox.

With Minato

Suddenly a person starts to appear before him. Who are you asked?- Minato once again My name is Madara Uchiha? That's impossible said Minato he died in the Valley Of The End.

Minato throws a hirashin kunai at "Madara Uchiha" but the kunai simply goes through him. Minato charges a Rasengan in his hand preparing to smash his enemy with his just. They charge at each other when the masked man think he is going to win, Minato flashes to his kunai twist his body and smashes the Rasengan into Tobi destroying the area around them.

Minato appears before Tobi and destroyed the contract to free the Kyuubi.

With Hiruzen

The third Hokage was leading the forces to push the Kyuubi out of the village. Kuchiyose no Jutsu as Gamabunta the toad boss summon drops on the Kyuubi. Try and hold him down as long as you can. Trying to teleport the tailed beast ball away from the village.

Yondaime, seal me I refuse to be controlled by this damned Uchiha. I won't allow myself to be controlled- says the Kyuubi. He quickly flashed away to get Kushina and Naruto to seal the Kyuubi.

Kushina can you restrain the Kyuubi while I prepare the seal to hold the Kyuubi. As Kushina uses the rest of her chakra into chains to snare then Kyuubi.

Shiki Funjin

Before Minato and Kushina jump in the way of the Kyuubi's claw in order to stop it from killing Naruto.

Any final words he asks Kushina

Naruto- she starts I want you to grow up into a nice young man and a strong shinobi. Remember to bathe every day. And make lots of friends. Remember, we love you and stay away from Jiraya.

Kyuubi can you take care of my son? I know he will have a hard life before he completes the seal he uses Tsukuyomi to tell Naruto about his heritage

It will do my best to look after your kit the Kyuubi replies

Eight Trigrams seal

The end

I do not own Naruto

I'm sorry if the chapter is too short

For bloodlines, he will have the Sharingan,rinnegan and more depending on what you guys want