

The stories are writtened by bottom of heart.it is been expecting a diamond necklace.

Sakshi_Shewale · Teen
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17 Chs

keep hope alive... for all dreamers.

What is hope? "Hope is a belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one's life. Hope implies a certain amount of perseverance — i.e., believing that a positive outcome is possible even when there is some evidence to the contrary."

The challenge before us all is to keep hope alive in spite of… That means "hoping when things are hopeless."

We have to learn to keep hope alive when our enemies come against us. We have to learn to keep hope alive when friends are not friendly. When neighbors are not neighborly. We have to learn to keep hope alive when our Loved ones are not loving or lovable. no

I have to learn to keep hope alive when my tears overtake me and laughter appears to be looking at me. Have to learn to keep hope alive when mess becomes my test and worry keeps me from my rest and achieving my best.

I have learned that People will be jealous of your joy, angry about your attitude, furious because your faith, concerned because of your creativity, provoked because of your praise and peeved because of your peace. KEEP HOPE ALIVE.

The absence of hope is despair and depression. Indeed, hopelessness leads to a sense of meaninglessness, which is married to purposelessness which can be fatal. We have to fight ourselves if we must, in order not to lose hope. For it is a lot harder to regain hope after it

is lost, then it is to keep hope alive.

One of the worst things that can happen to a young person when they are going through "issues" is to be surrounded with "haters", blockers that don't want to see you succeed, surrounded by nay sayers and pessimistic people.

You see, the last thing you need to hear when things are upside down in your life is that you won't make it. The last thing you want to do is to sit around with a group of petty, pessimistic people who are always preparing and eagerly panting to participate in a pathetic pity party.

When you are trying to keep your hope alive, you need to stay away from depressed folks. Stay away from people who don't think that life is worth living. Stay away from people who are battling low self esteem and allergic to giving. Stay away from people who don't think they deserve the best that life has to offer. Stay away from people that worship the creature more than the creator. Stay away from people that don't like to study, don't like to maintain a commitment to excellence in all areas of their lives…At home, at school…..

You have to be careful who you hang out with. Don't hang out with someone with no vision and no sense of purpose. Don't hang around someone who always sees the glass half empty. If you are a dreamer, don't hang around people that don't dream.

Being homeless since January with my grandson. Living from friend to friend to car to motel. I was happy to have a job. Than one day a lady at work call cos on me said he was afaud of me my grandson. It wasn't try we had a argument one morning and it was done. I called CPS to find out what what was going on. I got really upset I new who done this and I was not ok from yelling and wanting to hit anything but didn't I lost my job. Why is there no hope anymore this is why

Being homeless since January with my grandson. Living from friend to friend to car to motel. I was happy to have a job. Than one day a lady at work call cos on me said he was afaud of me my grandson. It wasn't try we had a argument one morning and it was done. I called CPS to find out what what was going on. I got really upset I new who done this and I was not ok from yelling and wanting to hit anything but didn't I lost my job. Why is there no hope anymore this is why

This is quite timely, a great write up. Keeping hope alive.

I find myself struggling most when the people around me seem to be trying to help, but secretly enjoy destroying my self-esteem. Those seemingly successful individuals constantly lead me down the garden path and then leave me alone, laying in the dirt. Beware the person who seems bemused by your pains and grievances. Beware the overly positive people who tell you that your only trouble is that you need to get over yourself and be happy. Don't let the covert predators blame the victim, you for troubles beyond your ability to manage. Don't let your anger with those people turn you to despair.

Look for those who forgive you your doubts and anxiety and are grateful for your presence in their lives. Return their gratitude with hope in the world.

Dreaming is not enough. You must work hard to fulfill the dream. People with doesn't work hard and dream big called day dreamers.

If a man or woman has no hope there is no purpose for him or her to live in this world. Hope keeps us alive and is a kind of self motivation and help to build a better tomorrow.

I indeed apppreciate the excellent effort of this write-up, simply meaniful.

It has really reduce my research effort on the unique "KEEP HOPE ALIVE".

No matter how dysfunctional your background, how broke or broken you are, where you are today, or what anyone else says, YOU MATTER, and your life matters!

God will fight your battles if you just keep still. He is able to carry you through. Trust Him. Keep standing, keep believing and keep hoping.

Thank God for allowing you to see another day. No matter what, keep trusting, keep believing, be strong, have hope. The best is yet to come.

mportance to humanity. You exist to complete the mold. Each step you take, great or little is important to your self-growth and success. Don't be hard on yourself when things don't go right or when the journey seems tough. You have not just one extra year but an entire lifetime to keep trying until you get it right. Please be good to yourself by keeping hope alive always. It's not about the new year. It's about you!