
Queer weapon

It was pitch black, I couldn't see a thing. I tried to find my way around, guess I couldn't get a hold of myself, I kept bumping into things. I felt something move in the dark almost instantly I turned back."Huh! False alarm." I thought to myself. My head was clotting with the lack of sight. My eyes were wide open trying to pick up any form of light around me. Just then I found something glow with a soft rumble. At the end of the last table, packed away and kept far from view.

"The Russians were indeed trying to hide something." I whispered into my Bluetooth head piece to my colleagues. I crept around the corner of the desk. After looking around, I slid into an empty space, right beside the glow. I took it out of the half done package box and unwrapped the surrounding dirty white paper wraps. I gasped in admiration.

A beautiful burst of colour trapped in a jar. It looked like someone had captured the galaxies into a single glass jar.

"Found some sort of galaxy star storm trapped in jar, bringing it home. Inform Team Bravo to open the entrance, Alpha moving south and Charlie and Delta moving north." I whispered into my head set. I wrapped the jar and carefully placed it in my bag.

Suddenly the light switched on. The Russian Comrades came in. I slid back into my hole carefully like a snake into the burrow. "Mission abort. Launch plan B, comrades have taken position."

Before they could reach my hiding spot, bursts and bombs were thundering in a distance. I grinned, the distraction plan worked, the comrades rushed outside. I slowly crept out of my place and motioned towards the door. Suddenly a hand caught my back. "Ne tak bystro amerikanets!" , A low deep,dense voice said.


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