
Stary Embrace Beyond faces and fates

Prologue: In the quaint town of Willowbrook, where cobblestone streets wound through charming shops and the scent of blooming roses lingered in the air, two souls were destined to collide. Kaylee Snow, burdened with the enigmatic condition of prosopagnosia, saw the world in a way most couldn't comprehend. Faces were fleeting puzzles, and trust was earned through familiarity rather than fleeting glances. Ryan Watson, with his piercing eyes and a charismatic smile that could win hearts, was the antithesis of Kaylee. An entrepreneur with a reputation for charm, he thrived in social gatherings, his confidence like a beacon drawing others to him. Their paths first crossed during Willowbrook's annual masquerade ball, where Kaylee's inability to recognize faces was masked by ornate Venetian masks worn by all attendees. Beneath the veneer of anonymity, sparks flew as Kaylee and Ryan exchanged sharp words and fiery glances. An instant aversion was born, their personalities clashing like flint against steel. Little did they know, the masquerade was merely the beginning. Life, with its unpredictable turns, would push them together in ways neither could have foreseen. As they navigated misunderstandings, unveiled vulnerabilities, and discovered shared passions, the flames of animosity began to wane. In their place, an unexpected connection blossomed, revealing the hidden layers of their souls. "Starry Embrace Beyond Faces and Fates" is a tale of love that transcends the boundaries of perception. Join Kaylee and Ryan on a journey where hearts entwine amidst the backdrop of a town that knows how to weave its own kind of magic.

Nelly · Urban
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6 Chs

About Mitchelle

Kaylee sat at her desk in her spacious office at Snow Fashion, her mind fully immersed in a stack of reports. Her return to the helm of the company had brought with it a whirlwind of tasks, but she embraced them with a determined spirit.

As she pored over the financial reports, her brow furrowed in concern. The numbers before her told a distressing story—Snow Fashion's sales had plummeted by a staggering 50% in the past quarter. This revelation sent a shiver of unease down her spine.

She knew that her uncle, Robert Snow, had been overseeing the company in her absence, but she had not expected such a steep decline in sales without any prior warning. Her father, who was the chairman of the board, had not been informed of this dire situation either.

Her thoughts raced as she tried to make sense of the situation. Something was terribly amiss. She couldn't help but wonder if her uncle was deliberately keeping this information hidden from her father, potentially to further his own ambitions within the company.

As Kaylee continued to sift through the financial documents, her eyes widened with shock. She discovered a series of transactions that had diverted a substantial amount of money away from Snow Fashion's accounts and into her uncle Robert's personal account. The numbers were undeniable, a betrayal in black and white.

A mixture of anger, disbelief, and betrayal surged within Kaylee. How could her uncle, a trusted member of their family, engage in such deceitful actions that directly harmed the company her father had built? It was a breach of trust that shook her to her core.

Determined to confront her uncle and unveil the truth, Kaylee took a deep breath and left her office. She knew that this revelation could have far-reaching consequences, not only for Snow Fashion but for their family's relationships as well. As she made her way to confront Robert, she couldn't help but worry about the fallout of her discovery and what it might mean for her family's future.

In the dimly lit office that once belonged to her father, Kaylee confronted her uncle, Robert Snow, about the alarming financial records. Her gaze bore into his as she presented the evidence she had uncovered.

"Robert, can you explain these transactions?" Kaylee's voice held a mix of accusation and disbelief.

Robert, sitting behind the massive mahogany desk, met her gaze with a veneer of calm. "Kaylee, I understand your concerns, but you must realize that I've been running this company for three years now. There might be financial strategies that you're not aware of."

Kaylee's skepticism deepened, her eyes narrowing. "Uncle Robert, I've been away, but this," she pointed at the damning numbers on the report, "is unacceptable. A 50% drop in sales and money diverted away from the company's account cannot be justified as a 'financial strategy.'"

Robert leaned forward, his voice taking on a tone of faux sincerity. "Kaylee, I promise you, those funds were not for personal use. I had to make certain investments that would eventually benefit Snow Fashion."

Kaylee knew that something was amiss. The insincerity in her uncle's voice was palpable, but she also understood the delicate nature of the situation. Her uncle's relationship with her father was a complex web of loyalty and trust.

Reluctantly, she decided not to push the matter further, for now. "Uncle Robert, I expect full transparency moving forward. The company's welfare is paramount, and any actions that compromise it will not be tolerated."

Her uncle nodded in apparent agreement, his expression masking whatever secrets he held. "Of course, Kaylee. I only have the company's best interests at heart."

As Kaylee left her uncle's office, she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this mystery than met the eye. The evidence was clear, but confronting her uncle further could strain her relationship with her father and jeopardize the unity of their family.

Determined to protect Snow Fashion and her family's legacy, Kaylee resolved to tread carefully, biding her time until the right moment to unveil the truth.


Ryan returned home, weary from the day's events. He entered the modest apartment he shared with his sister, Maya, and his younger brother, Ethan. The evening was bathed in soft, dim light as he made his way to the small bedroom where his mother lay, her frail form obscured by a tangle of blankets.

"Hey, Mom," Ryan greeted softly as he approached her bedside.

His mother, Emily, turned her head, her eyes bright with a mixture of hope and concern. "Ryan, how did the interview go today?"

Ryan's heart sank as he sat beside her, holding her fragile hand. "I'm sorry, Mom. I didn't get the job at 'Snowflakes & Roses.' They chose someone else."

A shadow of disappointment crossed Emily's face, but she quickly composed herself, her eyes filled with empathy for her son. "It's okay, Ryan. You're trying your best, and I'm proud of you for that."

Maya entered the room, her expression filled with sympathy. "Don't worry, Ryan. We'll figure something out."

Their younger brother, Ethan, tried to put on a brave face. "Yeah, we're a strong family, right?"

As they huddled together around Emily's bed, the room was filled with a sense of unity and support. The disappointment of the job rejection was overshadowed by their unwavering love for one another.

Emily's eyes shimmered with pride and love as she looked at her children. "You three are the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you so much."

Tears of emotion filled their eyes as they held hands, a tight-knit family facing the challenges of life together. Ryan's job search might have hit a roadblock, but their determination to overcome their obstacles remained strong.

He gave his mother a kiss in his forehead before leaving the room. He changed into a casual outfit before leaving the house 

Minutes after leaving his home, Ryan found himself at his friends' coffee shop. The warm aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the soft murmur of customers filled the air. Behind the counter stood Tom and Sarah, the owners of the cozy establishment, busy preparing drinks and pastries.

Tom, with his friendly demeanor and a perpetual smile, spotted Ryan and waved him over. "Hey, Ryan! Good to see you, buddy. What can we get you today?"

Ryan returned the smile, appreciating the familiar comfort of the coffee shop. "Just a black coffee, please. Thanks, Tom."

As Tom prepared the coffee, Sarah joined them, her bright eyes filled with curiosity. "So, how's the job hunt going, Ryan?"

Ryan sighed, taking a moment before replying. "Honestly, it's been tough. I've been rejected more times than I can count. It's like I'm hitting a brick wall."

Tom handed him a steaming cup of coffee, and Ryan took a grateful sip before continuing. "I don't get it. I have the experience, the skills, and the references. I'm starting to think there's something more to it."

Sarah leaned against the counter, concern etched on her face. "That does sound strange. Have you tried reaching out to any of the companies for feedback?"

Ryan shook his head, his frustration evident. "I have, but the responses have been vague, if at all. It's like there's a cloud of mystery around it."

Tom's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "Remember that girl, Michelle, who used to come here all the time?"

Ryan's expression darkened at the mention of her name. "Yeah, I remember her. What about her?"

Sarah chimed in, her voice lowered as if sharing a secret. "She had a huge crush on you. You turned her down pretty bluntly, and she didn't take it well."

Ryan's memory flashed back to Michelle, a persistent admirer whose advances he had firmly rejected. He recalled her anger, the harsh words she had spat in response. "Yeah, I remember that. She didn't take rejection lightly, that's for sure."

Tom nodded in agreement. "If you could remember, she said something about making your life miserable."

Ryan's brows furrowed as he considered the possibility. "You think she's behind this? It sounds far-fetched, but with the way things are going, I wouldn't rule anything out."

Sarah's expression grew serious. "It might be worth looking into, Ryan. If someone's holding a grudge and trying to sabotage your job search, you need to know."

Ryan clenched his jaw, his determination returning. "You're right. I can't let this go on. I'll dig deeper into this Michelle situation and see if there's any truth to it."

As Ryan contemplated the mystery surrounding Michelle and her possible involvement in his job rejections, he couldn't help but recall an important detail that made the situation more complex. "You know," he said, his voice tinged with frustration, "Michelle's father has some pretty influential connections in other companies."

Tom and Sarah exchanged knowing glances. Tom leaned closer, lowering his voice. "That changes things, Ryan. If her father has connections, it's possible that he could use his influence to hinder your job search."

Ryan nodded, the pieces of the puzzle beginning to fit together. "Exactly. I've heard whispers about her father's connections before. It makes me wonder if there's more to this than just a personal vendetta."

Sarah added, "If her father is involved, it could explain the lack of transparency in those rejections. They might not want to openly admit any foul play."