
Starvoid [Haitus]

An author finds himself being forced by gods to reincarnate into the Star Wars Universe. Forced for time and resources can he build up his own empire for his people and survive through the events that would happen to the universe? (Inspiration for my novel taken from [The Wound In The Stars] by jkjkodath) It has a similar overall plot as his novel but I decided to go with a different approach. Tech-wise still a WIP and I will do my best to stick with Canon. For those harem lovers, this story is not for you. NOVEL IS STILL A DRAFT (Still in the works and will not be updated until I finish my other novel first) (2nd fanfic I wrote)

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27 Chs

022 Chiss

Two months since the augmentation, I boarded the Falling star and made my way over to the Chiss Ascendancy. Not long since our arrival into their system a fleet of the Chiss arrived right in front of us.

"Sir, they are trying to patch through to our comms" An officer notified

"Patch them through" I nodded

"This is the Admiral Ar'alani of the Ascendancy Defense Fleet. Your fleet is trespassing on our territory. Please state your purpose or leave immediately."

"This is the new Mand'alor of the Mandalorians. We have recently taken refuge in the nearby star systems. I'm here to make a trade with your people and discuss an alliance between us or at lest keep a friendly relationship with each other"

"... Let me talk to my leaders first"

"Please" I allowed her and we just sat there in space waiting for their answer

Finally after waiting for some time, they have replied to us.

"You may arrive on one of our planets where you would be talking to our leaders through holocomms. Your fleet may follow you to my planet"

"I understand but I will arrive with only a few guards on a corvette" I told her

"Sir?" An officer asked with uncertainty

"Don't worry, we'll be fine" I shook my head

We got onto a AA Clacker Class Corvette. I brought a squad of Augmented soldiers.

We quickly arrived onto a planet they called Noris. I arrived at a table where their leaders are there waiting for me.

"What do you wish to talk to us about Mr. Mand'alor?" They asked

"I wish to do a trade and create a friendly relationship between us" I told them

"Oh? what kind of trade" One of them asked

"I've heard that space beasts and entities were problems to your outer worlds"

"What about it?" They asked

"I will trade you one of my war droids for some fleet training and management for my people"

"Why do we need your war droid?"

"Before I answer that question, I'd like to say that I am not interested in your technology or plans to invade you. I only wish to protect my people and we all know how dangerous it is in the Unknown Regions. I will let you watch a video and we can talk after that" I quickly showed them a video of one of the War Droids in action against a S rank space beast.

After they were finished watching the video they were silent.

"I can only spare to trade one of such droid as we only have a few of them and they are barely protecting our borders" I told them

"Alright, what do you want again?" one of them asked

"I only have a couple of such droids and I want to trade one for one of your commanders or admirals to teach my people how to fight in fleet combat" I replied

After thinking for a while they asked me "Why are you trading with us if you have such powerful machines?"

"I wish to have a friendly relationship with our neighbors and not engage in a needless war that would only kill my people. Besides, this is mutual relationship. You get a powerful asset and I get a teacher for my people" I concluded

They begun to quickly whisper amongst themselves.

"We accept the trade" The replied after a while of discussion

"Great!" I smiled "I also have other stuff we could trade but we will give you a detailed report of what we want to trade and you can see what you need. We only ask for some of the knowledge you have"

The began to talk among them again.

"Fine we accept that too" One of them concluded

"Then I hope for a friendly relationship between us" I smiled

They nodded

"I will leave now and send you that droid. You can believe in my words as a Mandalorian. We never go back on our words" I told them "It's great meeting you all, I hope we can continue our friendly relationship and not resort to a fall out"

"And we will follow through on our side" The nodded

"Thank You" With that I left with a smile.

We returned to our fleet and told the Chiss Defense Fleet "I thank you for your hospitality. Our droid should arrive soon. We will wait outside your borders as we conduct the trade as our sign of courtesy"

As we were about to leave their borders, their entire fleet suddenly entered hyperspace into another location, leaving just a small escort fleet. I frowned.

"Can you get a lock on where they went?" I asked

"Yes, we barely had a lock on where they went"

"Good" I nodded before entering the comms again.

"If you don't mind we can actually provide some help" I told their ship captain

"Thank you, but that wont-" The captain's voice cut off as they too went into hyperspace and left.

I frowned.

"Follow them" I ordered

"Yes, sir" The officers nodded

Our fleet soon entered hyperspace and found ourselves appearing in a battlefield. I patched into their comms and asked "Need some help?"

"No thanks" they replied before taking a hit from enemy kamikaze attacks.

"Looks like you need some help. As we have a friendly relationship, I will help support you in battle" I replied

"Fire away at enemy ships and provide support to our friends" I ordered

"Sir, Yes, Sir" The officers shouted in enthusiasm as this would be the first fleet to fleet battle we had and they could boast about it to their friends back home about it. Morale skyrocketed by 200%. Very quickly, we attacked the enemy fleet. Fighters were quickly deployed to counter enemy fighters. Our Xeno-fighters were highly effective in space combat. While we were doing great against enemy starfighters, our fleet to fleet battle tactics were sloppy. Our formations were a mess but we were getting the damage in.

Very quickly the enemy fleet started to retreat. "Fire the main weapon against their flagship. Warn our Chiss friends to back off"

As the Chiss Defense Fleet got our message, they quickly scattered their fighters and prevented them from chasing them down. Our ships also backed off and the enemy was completely confused. They started to turn around but our main gun was fully charged. We fired at their flagship and blew it up immediately. The enemy ships were stunned and tried to quickly retreat. Unfortunately for them, we already targeted their engines and hyperdrives. They were now completely immobile.

Our fleet moved in with our fighters and I sent a couple dropships into the enemy ships. The Chiss Defense Fleet also did the same and we boarded the ships. I asked if they wanted to take any prisoners and they said no so we killed them all. We found prisoners on one of the ships and quickly freed them.