
Starvoid [Haitus]

An author finds himself being forced by gods to reincarnate into the Star Wars Universe. Forced for time and resources can he build up his own empire for his people and survive through the events that would happen to the universe? (Inspiration for my novel taken from [The Wound In The Stars] by jkjkodath) It has a similar overall plot as his novel but I decided to go with a different approach. Tech-wise still a WIP and I will do my best to stick with Canon. For those harem lovers, this story is not for you. NOVEL IS STILL A DRAFT (Still in the works and will not be updated until I finish my other novel first) (2nd fanfic I wrote)

Suuper · TV
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27 Chs

015 Torture

It has been one and a half years since Master left the order. I still long to see him. After last year when Master admitted that he had feelings for me too, I began to fantasize about being together with him.

Two months later, I heard of Mandalore disappearing. At that time I let fear consume me.

[Miss Selena]

I didn't answer as I was in too much shock.

[Initializing system protocols:]

[Protect the owner]

[System Anonymity]

[System Fail Safe]

[System Defense Mechanism]

[System Defense Mechanism activated]

[Electric Shock 5%]

I was zapped back into reality

"Sera, is he still here?" My voice trembled

[The Lord is still alive]

[Contacting the Lord]

[Stabilizing the Connection]

[Connection Secured]

"Selena" I heard master call me

"Master" my voice trembled

"It's alright Selena" He said softly


"Mandalore has just moved away from that system. We are still in this galaxy" He spoke

"Master, when will you pick me up?" I asked biting my lip "I want to be by your side"

"Selena" He sighed "I know. Just wait a little longer. I will pick you up as soon as I'm prepared on my side"

"Yes" I whispered

"Good" I can hear him smiling "Be a good girl and wait for me to pick you up"

"en" I nodded

"I sent you your birthday gift. It's under your table" He spoke again

I looked under the table and found a wooden box under it.

"What is it" I asked

"Open it and find out" He said

I opened it and found a pistol with some clothing similar to those that we wear in the temple.

I blinked and asked in confusion "What is this?"

"The pistol is a J-Wick001 Pistol I personally customized for you. It would feel better and smoother than the Westar 35 pistols I gave you. The clothes are for you to wear in the temple. The ones they gave to everyone does not feel very comfortable so I had people make them for you. They are softer and more durable. The robes may feel like fur but it can block the wind and rain for you" He explained "I purposefully made the robes white and the cloak light brown for you"

"Thank you, master" I replied

"Feel better now?" He asked

"Yes" I nodded

"Good, I still have things to do so I will end it here ok?" He asked gently

"Ok" I said quietly in disappointment

Soon the call ended.

I trained with Sona in the fields and taught her lightsaber techniques and force manipulation tricks. In a month Sona was sent on a trip with a bunch of other padawans and younglings. A couple days later, news came back saying that their ship was boarded by pirates and the padawans and younglings were captured by them. In a panic I took my ship and went to their last location as well as to find the ship that took them.

I broke into their ship but I was immediately captured and was forced to put on a force suppression collar. It has been several days since then and they have tortured me on a daily basis to force me to activate a Jedi Holocron. Time and time again, they asked and I refused. The kept electrocuting me but I resisted.

It has been 5 days since my capture. The asked me to activate the holocron again.

"No" I replied

They turned on the machine again and I was tortured once more. This time my vision was starting to become blurry. Blood was seeping out from my mouth.

"She looks like she's about done boss. What do we do now?" I heard them say

"She has a pretty face" I heard another laughing evilly

When I heard that I decided to kill myself then to give them my body.

[Miss Selena, The lord is almost here. Bear with it a little longer please]

When I heard about master coming I gritted my teeth and decided to wait a little longer before killing myself.


I heard explosions and screams outside.

"What is it?" I heard the leader shout

"S- Sir, it's the Jedi Killer"

"What?!?" I heard him panic "Get into hyperspace, quickly!"

"We can't! They destroyed our engines and blasted us with their ion cannons!"

I fainted after that and woke up 5 minutes later on the ground. All the power was out. There was blaster fire coming from outside.

[Miss, the lord has arrived]

A group of heavily armored people burst into the room. There was a man that came in, he seemed to be the leader.

"Sir, all targets have been neutralized" I heard someone saying.

"Good, take the other prisoners with us" He sounded calm but I can hear anger in his voice.

The man came and picked me up from the floor. He carried me away.

"Selena, stay with me" I heard him say

"Master?" I asked before falling unconscious.

I woke up some time later. I found myself being hugged to a man's chest. I looked up and saw that it was master. I found it warm and secure when being hugged like this. 'I wish we can be like this forever' I thought to myself. I soon couldn't help but to fall asleep again in his arms.

I woke up again a while later. "Comfortable?" I heard him ask.

I was confused but quickly found that my hands had slipped under his shirt onto his chest. I blinked before coming to a realization.

"I-" I blushed in embarrassment "Sorry"

I moved my hands away quickly.

"How do you feel?" He chuckled "You've been out for an entire day"

"I... Can I stay with you?" I mustered my courage and asked

"I have already talked with Yoda after sending the younglings and your padawan back" he told me "He will let you stay here for a week to heal"

I smiled brightly after hearing that I could stay with him even for only a week.