
Starting With The Ancient Refinement Body

The Great Era has arrived. Powerful beings are reincarnating, gods are summoning entities from other worlds, and the strong are creating systems to continue their legacy. In the Land of Nothingness, a summoning circle appears, calling everyone to another world. Our protagonist, Milles Grace, has a unique motivation: unlike the others who are exploring the new world and finding treasures, he just wants to find a woman to love. While others strive to become stronger, Milles gains strength simply by eating. He possesses an ancient refinement Body that can transform anything into cultivation.

MyLittleSleepy · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Ancient Refinement Body

At that moment, several people were thrown into a vast and infinite white void. There was no sound, no landscape; only an old man in blue Taoist robes, with long white hair and an imposing beard.

The old man stroked his beard when he saw the crowd. With a gesture, a blue energy emanated from him, descending upon everyone and awakening them instantly.

Milles, one of the unconscious people, slowly opened his eyes. Seeing that surreal landscape, he was surprised but quickly processed the information: he had been transported to that unknown place. Looking around, he saw several people in panic – some crying, others worried. Then, his gaze fixed on the old man in Taoist robes.

The old man, seeing everyone waking up, used his aura in his voice and said:

"Mortals, welcome. Firstly, as you can see, you are no longer on Earth. I won't say much, but I will reveal a few things. The Great Era has begun, and all beings are fighting for supremacy."

The old man spoke with an authority that made everyone stop and listen.

"Why were we summoned? And our families? What do we have to do with this Great Era?" A man asked desperately.

Milles was also surprised, but his reaction was different. Being an orphan, he had no family, but the idea of being transported to an unknown place intrigued him. He eagerly awaited the old man's response.

The old man sighed and replied:

"I cannot answer all your questions. I am merely a gatekeeper, responsible for transporting you to one of the worlds. As for your families, become strong, cultivate. Only by being strong can you seek them out and find answers to this summons."

The man started to cry, but then stood up and asked, "How do I become strong?"

Milles admired the determination of that man. He was a true example of courage, willing to face the unknown to find his family.

The old man also seemed to appreciate the man's determination.

"Hey, you there, what's your name?" He pointed his finger at the man.

"Ronny Lewis," the man replied. He had brown hair, brown eyes, and a well-groomed beard.

"Very well, Ronny. I will start explaining cultivation to you and the others."

"First, before cultivating, we need to determine your physique. This physique will determine how far you can go on the cultivation path."

The physiques are divided into grades:

- Mortal Grade

- Rare Grade

- Stellar Grade

- King Grade

- Emperor Grade

- Immortal Grade

- Divine Grade

After saying this, the old man gestured, and the blue energy from before started to take effect again.

"Aiiiii!" Everyone screamed simultaneously. The process of awakening a physique was painful, and the pain lasted for about ten minutes.

"Now, say 'status' and inform me of your physique's grade," said the old man, expectantly.

"Status," Milles said.

[Name: Milles Grace]

Age: 18]

Physique: Ancient Refinement Body - Grade ???]

Cultivation: Not Initiated]

Milles was surprised to see that his physique had no grade. Curious, he looked at the others.

"Hahaha, I awakened a Stellar Grade physique!"

"Damn, my physique is only Rare Grade."

Milles heard the discussions, becoming even more confused about his own physique. Why didn't it have a grade?

The old man, observing the discussions, looked a bit disappointed but finally asked:

"And you, Ronny, what's the grade of your physique?"

"Emperor Grade," Ronny replied.

"What?" The old man went up to him and touched his wrist. After verifying, he laughed.

"Hahahaha! I've found a genius!" He burst into laughter.

The others felt envious, except for Milles, who was still wondering about his physique. He considered asking the old man but decided against it. It wasn't wise to reveal a grade-less physique to someone he didn't know.

With this in mind, he stayed silent, observing the envious looks from the people around him.

"Hey, old man, what about cultivation?" Ronny finally asked.

The old man, hearing this, didn't get angry at the way he was addressed. He began to explain patiently:

"There are various realms and levels of cultivation. I will only explain the system of the lower world, which is divided into:

-Aura Formation Realm

- Core Building Realm

- Spiritual Realm

- Deep Spiritual Realm

- Spiritual Warrior Realm

- Spiritual Master Realm

- Spiritual King Realm

- Spiritual Emperor Realm

- Ascension Realm

The first two realms focus on the preparation of the cultivator. The last seven realms involve a stronger energy than spiritual energy, When you reach the upper worlds, you will see various types of energy, but here you will only see two: aura, spiritual.

The old man said this to everyone present. Some had their eyes shining with excitement. Milles also felt a bit excited. Who wouldn't want to be immortal?

The old man, seeing everyone's expressions, said:

"The teleportation will begin now. I wish you all a good journey."

He took Ronny and gestured, making everyone disappear from that place.nny