
Won't Fall for Your Trick

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

It was early spring and everything was on track in Yale City.

Some of the seeds that Wang Lun brought back from Earth were bought by merchants and farmers. Thereafter, the farmers got busy in the farmlands, planting all the seeds.

The surrounding cities heard of the great development of Yale City and the city was also described by some as a paradise.

Many people came to Yale City after surviving winter, ready to become its residents.

Most of them were of the lower class, including despised half-beasts who hoped to get a job to feed themselves.

As Yale City continuously expanded, Wang Lun accepted anyone who came to the city, making them residents and arranging work for them.

For that reason, Yale City's labor force increased greatly and the speed of construction had also become much faster.

Every time Wang Lun went to the streets, there were always people offering him gifts with gratitude. However, as the city lord, he had to refuse their kindness.

"These are earned by your hard work, so I cannot accept them. The city hall isn't short of them too, so please keep them for yourselves!"

This was what Wang Lun said the most in recent days, so much so that he stepped out of the city hall less often now.

But the greater the development of the city, the more jealous people were. There were some who began coveting Yale City.

"Baron Wang Lun's city is developing well. What do you think of that, Theodore?"

Miller was discussing Yale City with one of his subordinates in his city hall.

The man named Theodore was Miller's right-hand man who often offered advice to the latter.

Theodore spoke with a frown. "I totally didn't expect Baron Wang Lun to be able to develop an otherwise lifeless city into this current state.

"Back then, it was a careless judgment by me!"

After Theodore said the last sentence, he couldn't help but sigh, slightly lowering his head as if he were repenting for his mistake.

"It was your idea to give Yale City to him in the beginning. And now that Yale City has developed so quickly, aren't we missing out on lots of taxes with the previously stated terms in our contract?"

Miller stood up with a wine glass in his hand, ambled to the window, and looked up at the sky, "My mind is like the night sky right now—dark and heavy to the core!"

Like a sorrowful poet, he lifted his hand to bring the wine glass to his mouth, gently sipping it and letting the bitter taste emanating from the wine reverberate around his mouth.

"My lord, as our subsidiary, Baron Wang Lun has to do whatever we tell him to!" Theodore showed a treacherous smile at the thought of Miller regretting his decision to give Wang Lun a hopeless city.

"Oh?" Miller turned around and looked at Theodore, "How so?"

Theodore took a few steps in Miller's direction, but didn't approach the latter too closely. "My lord, just think about it. Since we were the ones who proposed the tribute tax, it also means that we can change it entirely. Now that Yale City is prosperous, we can collect taxes as a percentage, which means that we get more benefits, don't we?"

After stating his opinion, Theodore's expression became even more exaggerated, like a blood-sucking bat ready to attack its prey.

Miller pondered and after a moment, nodded. "You are right. If he doesn't agree to our terms, we can simply take back the management of Yale City and he will be left with no choice."

Miller thought about it and agreed that Theodore's idea was splendid.

Soon after, Miller sent his emissary toward the direction of Yale City.

Wang Lun was so bored that he went to the training ground to observe Hallmark train the soldiers. However, a servant came to the training grounds in the afternoon.

"My lord, a man who claims to be Earl Miller's emissary wants to see you."

Wang Lun was surprised and very puzzled as to why Miller sent someone to Yale City. However, Wang Lun was clearly aware that the emissary definitely wasn't here to deliver a gift because he knew how stingy of a person Miller was.

"My lord, do you need me to go with you?"

When Hallmark heard that Miller's emissary had arrived, he had some unpleasant thoughts.

Wang Lun nodded and said, "All right, go with me!"

The emissary waited inside the city hall for Wang Lun's arrival. He sat there and watched as Wang Lun headed for the seat at the taller platform.

Wang Lun sat down, looked at the emissary, and asked, "What did Lord Miller send you for?"

Wang Lun naturally didn't speak in a nice tone.

The emissary finally stood up. He tilted his head in an arrogant and domineering manner, saying. "Lord Miller orders Yale City to pay the tribute tax."

Pay the tribute tax?

Wang Lun didn't overreact. He signed a contract at the start, so even if he was obligated to pay the tribute tax, it would start only after a year.

Wang Lun said: "I think Lord Miller has been mistaken. The contract clearly stated that the tribute tax will be paid after one year. It hasn't even been a year, so what's with this arrangement?"

The emissary replied, "My lord, you may be mistaken. Lord Miller has the say as to when the tribute tax should be paid. Besides, the amount of tribute tax is now percentage-based.

"This is the new contract made by Lord Miller. Please sign it!"

The emissary took out a contract and passed it to Wang Lun through Hallmark's hands.

"Are you trying to intimidate me?"

Wang Lun uttered these words after reading the contents of the contract.

The emissary laughed. "My lord, I advise you to sign it without question!"

"What if I say no?" Wang Lun replied with a snicker.

The emissary snorted coldly and said, "Then Yale City will be destroyed, and you will definitely be enslaved. When that happens, it will be too late for regrets! Hahaha!

"Do people like you think you are capable of fighting against Lord Miller if you don't do as you are told?

"The contract has been delivered to you. Whether you sign it or not is your business." The emissary turned to leave. "If Lord Miller doesn't hear an answer within three days, wait to be destroyed!"

Wang Lun clutched the contract in his hand.

How is this damn thing even a bloody contract?!

"Hallmark, capture him!"

Wang Lun roared, his eyes blazing with rage.

Upon hearing Wang Lun's order, Hallmark swiftly leaped forward and grabbed the emissary's arm, using an over-the-shoulder slam to restrain him to the ground.

"What are you trying to do?!" Not only did the emissary not beg for mercy, but he also gave an interrogative look.

Wang Lun slowly walked over, crouched down, and held up the 'contract'.


Wang Lun slapped the emissary on the cheek, immediately leaving a red palm mark.

The emissary was instantly dazed; he didn't know what had just happened. The only thing he felt was the stinging and burning sensation on his cheek.

"H-How dare you hit me!"

The emissary shouted hoarsely.

Wang Lun stood up, "Not only will I hit you, but I will also beat you up. You make my blood boil."

After saying those words, Wang Lun lifted his foot and viciously stomped on the emissary.

Along with several consecutive kicks, all that was heard throughout the entire city hall was the emissary's miserable scream echoing.

Wang Lun was panting for air as he finally lay his foot down.

"Go back and tell Lord Miller to stop daydreaming. I'll be waiting for him!"

Wang Lun tore up the so-called contract on the spot.

You want me to sign this unreasonable clause in my home?

I developed this city and you're trying to destroy it?

Do you think you can take advantage of me?