
Starting with 100 Trillion Points

Daniel was born without a family and his only friend was Lily and in a world where Monsters roamed, how would Daniel survive? (This novel contains Yandere and lots of manipulation towards MC)

ADboy245 · Action
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15 Chs

A Young Boy Name Daniel

A long time ago, Earth was a peaceful world, where people lived in harmony with nature.

But all that changed when menacing Aliens of Monsters from other worlds invaded through a phenomenon called Gates.

These fearsome creatures brought chaos and destruction, causing the deaths of countless people.

When hope seemed lost, a remarkable event occurred.

The Ten God Saints, legendary figures with incredible power, awakened up to protect Earth.

They fought the Aliens in epic battles that shook the world.

Slowly, the tide of the war shifted, and the Ten God Saints began to push the Aliens back, reclaiming Earth's lands. Their bravery inspired everyone.

Centuries turned into thousands of years, and Earth recovered from the terrible invasion.

Although the Ten God Saints had pushed back the monsters, they still remained a threat today.


A sharp voice cut through the drowsy air, jolting the young teenager awake.


His name echoed through the classroom, and he blinked in confusion as if he'd just emerged from a dream, realizing he had unintentionally dozed off in the middle of the lesson.

As Daniel's bleary eyes struggled to focus, he realized that the entire classroom was now fixated on him.

His cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and he hastily straightened up in his seat, attempting to regain some semblance of composure.

His teacher, Mrs. Anderson, stood at the front of the room, her stern expression softened by a hint of concern.

"Daniel, are you with us?" she asked, her voice less sharp now.

Daniel, feeling a bit flustered, mumbled an apology, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Anderson. I didn't mean to doze off."

A few classmates snickered, but Mrs. Anderson silenced them with a stern look.

''It's important to pay attention in class, Daniel''

"We were discussing a crucial part of our history lesson. Please make sure you catch up later."

With a nod, Daniel managed to muster a weak smile and whispered another apology.

He couldn't help but feel a little relieved that Mrs. Anderson had been understanding.

Throughout the rest of the class, Daniel fought to keep his eyelids from drooping again, determined not to let himself drift off once more. 

The lesson about the Ten God Saints and the Alien invaders, while fascinating, had a way of lulling him into a daydream.

As the bell finally rang, signalling the end of the school day, Daniel gathered his belongings and headed out into the hallway.

His best friend, Lily, caught up to him with an amused grin.

"You sure know how to make a scene, Daniel," she teased.

He rolled his eyes, playfully shoving her shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. It won't happen again, I promise."

Lily chuckled. "Come on, let's go grab some ice cream. You've earned it after your starring role in today's class drama."

As they stood in line at the ice cream parlour, Lily couldn't contain her curiosity any longer.

"Say, Daniel, do you know what's happening in a few days?"

Daniel furrowed his brow, his mind racing to remember any upcoming events.

Then it hit him like a bolt of lightning, and his eyes widened with realization. "It's the Awakening Day!"

Lily smiled at his reaction. "Exactly! That's the day when our fates will be determined by the strength of our Awakening Class."

Awakening Day was no ordinary celebration.

It was also the day when young people of their age were tested to see if they possessed the potential to become Guardians, individuals who could defend Earth from future Alien invasions.

"I can't help but look forward to the kind of Awakening Class I'll receive," Daniel mused, his thoughts wandering.

"How about you, Lily? What kind of class are you hoping to awaken?"

Lily broke into a soft, sincere smile as she replied, "Honestly, Daniel, I don't care which class I end up with''

''What matters to me is being by your side through it all."

Daniel's heart skipped a beat at her words.

He felt a warmth spreading within him, though he couldn't quite comprehend the depth of their meaning.

"Then I'll be by your side too, Lily," he replied with a genuine smile as he sealed a silent promise. 

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over the town, Lily reluctantly spoke up, "Well, Daniel, I guess it's time for me to head home before my parents start to worry."

Daniel nodded, a hint of sadness in his eyes, but he quickly brightened and said, "Sure thing! Let's meet up again tomorrow."

With a wide, infectious smile, he waved goodbye as they walked together.

They shared a few more stories and laughs along the way, cherishing the moments they had together.

Finally, Daniel accompanied Lily to her doorstep before they reluctantly parted ways.

Eventually, Daniel stood in the doorway of his house, a sense of solitude washing over him as he called out, "I'm back''

However, there was no response.

There weren't any responses. He had no families or even siblings to greet him, and the only response was the faint twinkle of a speck of dust dancing in the air.

There was a lingering sadness in his eyes, a feeling of loneliness that had been a constant companion throughout his life.

But the thought of Lily, her friendship and support, dispelled those feelings like a passing storm.

In an instant, his face lit up with a cheerful, radiant smile.

With renewed energy and a heart full of hope, Daniel stepped into his home, ready to face

As Daniel settled into his room, the quietness of his home enveloped him.

Unlike many of his peers, he had no family to share his thoughts and dreams with.

He was an orphan, having grown up in a foster home, and he often found solace in his own company.

Sitting at his desk, he stared out of the window, lost in thought.

The prospect of becoming a Guardian-in-training excited him, but it also brought a sense of isolation.

Sure the idea of becoming a Guardian was exciting, but as far as he was concerned, he didn't have any reasons to become one. 

With a deep breath, he picked up his sketchbook, flipping through the pages of his artwork.

Each drawing held a piece of his soul, a reflection of his inner world.

It was through his art that he found an outlet for his emotions, a way to express what he couldn't put into words.

As he sketched, his thoughts returned to Lily, and he couldn't help but smile as he remembered their promise to stand by each other's side. 

In the end, what became of the sketch was a portrait of Lily's laughing expression and he was entranced with it that he couldn't put his eyes away from it.