
Starting The Group Chat With Solo Players

《Disclaimer》 The following is a non-profit Fanfiction parody. I do not own「Solo Levelling」,「Sword Art Online, and 「Kumo Desuga, Nanika?」 and many others, Please support the official release. Akihito Okamura would consider himself with two words: A "Coward" and a "Psychopath". He's not some main character who will let the antagonist make a move first to mess up his life. If anything, he'd turn over the role of antagonist and protagonist right even before the villain was able to do anything. Now imagine it when he was reincarnated to an anime world where he obviously had the advantage of knowing the plot. *Ding* [Messages have arrived!] But nevertheless, another world is still another world. Anything is possible in this multiverse. A Magical Group Chat that allows you to communicate between worlds. [A Quest has arrived!] Who would've thought that solo players have to be in groups too? How it developed, wasn't exactly like how an easygoing fanfiction of Dimensional Chat groups would've done either... In reality, it was full of conflicts and manipulations. [Welcome, to the Dimensional Group Chat] Well, Akihito is just thankful that he is an Admin of the group. . . . NOTICE: This fanfic is 1k-1500 words/ chapter. Don't expect every single thing to be explained in one chapter. The MC won't obtain the group chat directly in Chapter 1 as it should've been an introduction to the main character's normal life before the problem rising happens. And yes, there are conflicts in this fanfiction. There are MAIN Conflicts and MAIN Antagonists as it is a story. So shut it about characters from other animes that can one-shot the antagonist. So what if antagonist from this anime is stronger than this antagonist??? Does that mean I, the author, need to change the plot? F*** no. I am trying to make a story here, and my self-satisfaction is different from you guys. Because I like reading stories. Not a mess that throws both character development and problem rising out of the window. In a nutshell: Please kindly deal with it.

Door_kun · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

The Good Slime


The first thing you need to do when you arrived in another world is to review it.

What was the world's law?

How is the power scaling?

Something like that.

"In this world, the Four true dragons are the highest-ranking beings in existence. They're nigh-invulnerable and nigh-unstoppable avatars of nature that serve as the pillars of all creation with only four known to exist."

As we make our way down the mountain, I explained this world to all the members.

"Naming is a form of major events in this world."

"To put it simply, monsters can be named in order to instill Master-subordinate relationships or even Equal relationships. And the monsters at receiving end will gain a power boost too, sometimes they'd be able to evolve."

But then I looked at the Spider who was deep in thought, "And no, you can't name yourself."

She flinched before getting a bit dejected.

Well, maybe I could try that later...

"What about the humans?" These questions are spoken by none other than Sung Jin Woo.

That question made me stop in my tracks...

"You can't. Humans have been naming their subordinates or children for decades, but their body is still far away from resisting Magicules poisoning." I answered before continuing my steps.

"Magicules?" This time, it was Hiromi.

Ah... Right.

"It's the term of mana or magic power in this world."

"Oh!" (Hiromi)

Now that should do it...



"How do you know of all this?" Once again, I stopped in my tracks.

That question seems to have brought everyone's attention.

I look Jin Woo straight in the eye...

And smiled.

"Administrators have their perks."

I know he realized I was hiding something, but he decided to stay quiet otherwise.


"The Orc Lord that was mentioned in the quest was an orc monster variant that appears once every century. If any appeared before that, that means an anomaly happened. This time, it's likely that someone 'named' an Orc which then evolved into the Orc lord. The perpetrator might be a demon lord." I explained further.

"Demon lord..." (Jin Woo)


Finally, we reached our destination.

"We're here."




--- Sung Jin Woo's POV ---

A town? No... A village?

It was quite big but one thing stood out, which is the fact that everyone there was green.

Well... Most of them.

"This is..."

"Hey there..."


I looked down to see the owner of that sound...

"A slime?" The admin's little sister stated these.

"My name's Rimuru! I am not a bad slime you know!"

A talking slime... Weird.

By the time the slime said that... "PFFT--!"

I saw the admin guy and his little sister trying hard not to laugh.


The spider seems to also have some kind of reaction, but I can't figure out what kind of expression she's making.

Then there's me. Thinking that line was super familiar yet I can't seem to figure it out.

The slime seemed a bit happy by their reaction but I just stand there being confused.

It was very interesting.

The slime stated that it found out about us approaching this place, therefore it went on standby to greet us at the entrance...

It "found out about" us?


I felt something since we passed through the clean river, but it must be one of them.

"Please stay here for a while! You guys are fine with barbeque right?"

It brought us to a building I'd assume was an inn.

Ah... It's a Japanese-style inn.

They also have the onsen and everything...

I thought the other world would be like... I dunno, western-like?

Oh well...


"Thank you slime-san!" (Hiromi)

"It's Rimuru you know?" (Rimuru)

"Right, thank you Rimuru-san" (Hiromi)

I just realized it now but... What is this feeling?

I can understand the slime, yet I can't figure out what kind of language it's using...

I saw some goblins along the way, will I be able to understand them?

As the slime left us at the inn, we went inside and were greeted by a pink-haired girl, she has two horns on her head, and hot-pink eyes under very light, barely existing eyebrows.

She wore a white kimono, with simple but graceful red embroidery and a red kimono skirt that was held in place with a red ribbon as if she is a shrine maiden.

"Welcome, my name is Shuna. I would be guiding you to separate rooms, currently, no one is residing inside this inn, would you like to decide on your rooms on your own?

She introduced herself with a gentle smile and let us know about our rooms.

"Ah, we'd like to be in the same rooms." (Akihito)

The admin and his little sister hold up their hands high.

"Please!" The little sister exclaimed with a huge smile on her face.

The siblings of our group obviously decided to stay together for some reason.

With a nod, the pink-haired girl continue her words,

"Very well, then may I have your names?"

Ah... Right, we only gave our names to the slime earlier...

I still feel alerted by all of this, so just in case...

"I'm Shun."

"Akihito, and this is my little sister, Hiromi"

"Onii-sama, I can introduce myself!"

Shun eh? ...Akihito-nim was actually the one who gave me that name, he told me...

"[Administrator Y: If you want to fake your name you can just use "Shun" as your aliases. I won't be using any, but I would use it too if I judge the situation to be bad.]"

It's what he said to me in private chat before the quest started...

Why didn't he say it to the group?

"Then Shun-sama, Akihito-sama, and Hiromi-sama it is... Then the spider-san is...?"

"She doesn't have a name yet?"

The admin, answered her questions naturally. Not a slight of doubt or bewilderment was shown on his face.

As if the situation itself was not weird in any kind way...

This whole thing about getting transported to another world to complete quests was very suspicious.

But if I can grow stronger with this then...

I guess it's worth taking part in it.




--- Rimuru Tempest's POV ---

"A smartphone!? Is that actually a smartphone!?"

It's been a long since I've seen that thing.

That rectangular object with an on and volume up/down button on the side, a small hole to be plugged in a charger, and a touchable screen that emits blue lights.

Yup, that's a smartphone alright.

Let's try this again.

My name is Mikami Satoru, I was stabbed by someone whilst protecting my kouhai.

When I woke up... My body had shrunk--- NOT...

I mean, I had turned into slime.

I made a friend with a dragon, and he gave me a name, Rimuru Tempest...

A lot of things happened after that...

I saved a bunch of goblins, become a leader of the goblins and dire wolves, named them, they evolved, meets the last few surviving ogres, named them, they evolved, and here we are.

Does that make sense?



So anyway, a kijin that I named Souei, also my subordinate who is in charge to patrol the forest through the shadows notified me through 『Thought Communication』...

"Rimuru-sama, there seem to be some visitors..."

He said...



Are they adventurers like Kaval's party?

That's what I thought before, but the moment I see them, I'm sure I've got the most bewildered face I've ever made after reincarnating into this world...

"Just how many did you bring... Onii-sama?"

"Well, it says '× 801' so..."


Junk foods.

That guy called "Onii-sama" brought his hands into a tear in the space and pulled junk foods out of thin air...

What the f*ck?

They all sat on the ground and ate what I'd call potato chips...

One of them isn't human, the white spider was munching on the potato chips very scarily.

It was a questionable sight.

If anyone were to see them, they'd be like "What the hell is going on?" And I am one of them...

But I guess that doesn't matter...

Great sage, tell me about them.

«Report. All four individuals don't seem to have a huge amount of magicules.»



Are they otherworlders perchance?

«Answer. That is highly possible.»


"Alright, we're done here... Let's go."

The guy with black hair seems to be the one in charge, he was called "admin" by the other black haired.

Just before I thought nothing would else happen...

"A smartphone!? Is that actually a smartphone!?"

There's no mistaking it, the girl in that group pulls out a smartphone that is protected with a pink soft case.

It even had a cute strap with a certain anime character that I don't think I am familiar with.

I've gotta find out more about this!




Even though I said that...

Here I am ended up in a girl's room.

No, if I was correct, her brother is also using this room.

I greeted the group and led them to an unused inn.

And now Shuna made the preparations while the four of them are currently relaxing in the onsen.


Why am I here in the first place?

You see...



I found that rectangular object on the tatami floor next to the girl's futon.

There's no mistaking it... They're otherworlders.

Did they just arrive yesterday or something?

Since they got this thing (smartphone), then they must've been transported here.

Reincarnation and summoning are out of the question.

When I opened the screen...

[You are online]


What is this?

Some kind of chat group?


["Administrator Y" is online]


Someone is online?? But they're all inside the onsen so...

Ah... Oh no...





The black-haired guy named Admin opened the room with a slight frown on his face.

He scanned the content of the room to find anything suspicious...

No, specifically, he is trying to find his little sister's smartphone.


A certain surprised Pikachu face can be seen on his face the moment he sighted his little sister's phone, in its original place, whilst drops of water from the ceiling seems to fall right on the smartphone, causing the screen to play with itself...


He concluded the situation in a flash.


And took the smartphone and placed it away from the water.

"Huh? But this is the first floor and... It wasn't raining outside..."

That thought was spoken out loud after he closed the door.




"Thankfully he dismissed the thought and go away... Phew..."

That was me, sighing in relief once the guy leaves.

Oh well.

I only needed that thing for a few minutes anyway!


Because, fu fu fu... Great Sage! It's your time to shine!!!

«Reporting. All components have been successfully analyzed. Recreation of the perfect replica, as well as a few enhancements, are possible. Would you like to proceed? Y/N»


After I "ate" the smartphone and stored it in my stomach, great sage breaks it down and completely memorized its structure...

And finally...


I spat a black rectangular object out from my stomach.

Fu fu fu, fuha ha ha ha ha, muahahahahahahaha!!!

This is it! A smartphone!


["Good Slime" has joined the server]





To be continued.