
Starting my new life in another world as a zombie?

Eldrich gods a gamer system dropped in the middle of a zombie apocalypse as a zombie of all things. Well, I ask myself what could go wrong? The best way to answer this question is yes. I don't own the picture on the cover. List of traveled world's + Highschool of the Dead +Campione

Victor_Moura_ · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

15- The Bloodstained Red King

Solomon was a hungry man right now, and for the first time in his unlife he felt the scent of one delicacy, or rather several ones, of course, it didn't compare to Shizuka's blood but when compared to the other humans he'd encountered so far, they could be considered of the highest quality Solomon had a hunch as to why and if he was right... It could clear up many of his doubts about this world he found himself in...

Solomon turned towards the scent and propelled himself towards it, in a hurry to get more information he didn't even notice how easily he moved at supersonic speeds or how impressive was the way he controlled his strength just by pure instinct he distributed his force over the surface of the ground to not cause any damage almost like he'd done the same action many times before...

Approaching his target Solomon was able to immediately locate the source it was a stone "tower", although by modern standards it didn't fit the tower classification it was like a small stone cylindrical house, but don't let the simplistic appearance fool you, everything was purely a distraction even from afar Solomon could taste "magic" in the air, yes you heard right it's a common occurrence for a (Magus) to develop a synesthetic ability to sense magic, some (Magus) can sense and differentiate smells, sounds or taste of "magic" the latter in Solomon's case, through associations to specific types of magic and their respective scents, noises, and tastes.

There were several flavors but what stood out the most was the strong honey flavor that gave Solomon a motherly impression? It was divine like the "God" he killed but looked extremely weak almost as if it had been diluted to less than a thirtieth of its original value...

At the same time as Solomon slowly walked towards the tower, the magical side of the world was in pandemonium because moments ago when Solomon killed the (Heretical God) Balor, the (witches), (Hime-Mikos) and (Divine Ancestors) from all over the world rolled their eyes in their heads and started making a prophecy.

"The fourth was just born he is the one who came to prove the true meaning of the Devil King title... Resting on his throne of bones awaiting the promised day... He will be known as The Bloodstained Red King."

Right now, is possible to see a blonde woman with her hair braided in a long side braid that touched the floor a flower tiara decorated her head her clothes adorned her curves, her breasts could only be called modest, but in compensation, she had an ass, which would draw attention wherever she goes.

But even though, none of the people around her dared give her an inappropriate look, on the contrary, she seemed to be extremely respected in her current surroundings occupying the head position at the long table a clear demonstration of authority.

She was speaking about some kind of magical ritual when she suddenly stopped talking her eyes rolled back in her head and she said in an enigmatic tone of voice.

"The fourth was just born he is the one who came to prove the true meaning of the Devil King title... Resting on his throne of bones awaiting the promised day... He who will be known as The Bloodstained Red King."

But at that moment no one was paying attention to her why? Everyone was extremely desperate at this point as they suddenly began to feel the magical wards that surrounded this place being broken one after the other, when all wards fell they finally felt a tyrannical magical presence, something Solomon still didn't know was that one of the effects of having become a (Campione), is the multiplication of any metaphysical energy the "person" has by one hundred, this is enough to raise an average person to an EX Rank in mana instantly, and Solomon was by no means what could be called an average "person" and like that a chain reaction started several people started to faint some even vomited on the floor or even in themselves when the footsteps could start to be heard from the hall there were only eight people still standing, normally it would be a funny scene to imagine a naked man with a smile on his face causing such harsh reactions but now all these people could think about the said man was how this beast would exterminate them at the next moment.

Solomon looked around the room seeing all the people on the ground without knowing the context of the situation he could only think of one thing.

"Pathetic, but I have to work with what I have..."

Solomon pointed at the blonde woman.

"You seem to be the leader in here start explaining everything you know about Campiones and the supernatural side of the world!"

After that, the woman in question finally managed to overcome her despair she began to inform Solomon about the whole situation as if her life depended on it.

After hearing all she had to say, Solomon couldn't stop himself from laughing wildly.

"Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha"

Solomon stopped, placing a hand on his chin in a thinking position. 'What is the best way to take advantage of the situation... An organization perhaps but operating purely on fear is doomed to failure but what kind of reward could I bestow them that could easily instill control in my subjects?' Solomon suddenly stopped and smiled devilishly.

"Woman come here!"

The woman started to shake in fear as she fastly walked in Solomon's direction when she stopped Solomon grabbed her with one of his hands holding her ass the other behind her neck and then picking everyone in the room by surprise he bit her jugular, the woman began to slowly pale until her eyes became opaque life had left her, now everyone was shocked but before they could start running the woman's eyes turned red her body trembled in ecstasy...

"This is my gift to those who are loyal those who follow me will live forever as my first order to all of you is to reunite all "magic users" in this kingdom and the neighboring ones, find the most propitious place in these lands to build a magic fortress this day marks the beginning of the Crimson Court."