
Starting life in another world

This is just fanfic I'm very lazy to write something like a disclaimer or anything like that so I will just leave a word here "if you're the owner of the original story and doesn't like my story please tell me" Synopsis: "A sick boy felt brokenhearted and died. That's not the end because he will go to another world!" That's your synopsis boy! And this story is free so I just use Grammarly Application to assist me so if you can't accept my bad grammar please leave as fast as possible because I will not responsible for your brain cells that get burn by reading my book. Pat reon. com/FallenCat

FallenCat · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 063: On The Road To Home

From behind Arthur and the rest, who was talking at a corner near the exit of the auditorium, Emilia's voices and the voice of the person whom Tatsuya was waiting for called out.

Emilia and Miyuki, who was surrounded by a crowd, slipped out from there.

Seeing the two of them coming together make it like something that comes out of a painting, because Emilia and Miyuki have several similarities like their flawless white skin, slender figure, and their high is also quite the same.

Their only difference is their hair color and eyes color. Their personality is also slightly different, where Miyuki is modest, and have a well brought up manner. Emilia is like a curious naive girl who didn't know about the outside world make everyone want to take care of her, and her honest personality makes everyone can accept her easily.

Emilia separating herself from the crowd and walk to Arthur side

"How about your first-day school, Emi?"

"It's very great! Everyone is very nice to me, also we are in the same class right?" Emilia seems very excited and full of happiness

Well, it was understandable because this is the first time for her to have so many people have favorable opinions about her and very nice to her.

It makes Arthur complicated, is he need to bring her back to Lugunica or not, but he dismissed this feeling because he believes Emilia will choose to come back to Lugunica because she wants to free the frozen elf in Elior forest.

"Yes, we are in the same class"

Emilia tells Arthur about her experience today excitedly and Arthur just makes a comment sometimes while his hand stroking her hair.

"Err... can we at least changing place first?"

Erika's voice takes Arthur and Emilia attention

"It's very awkward to seeing two grown men stroking girl hair at the open place, it bothers people who want to pass and it was unhealthy for some people" Erika's comments are supported by Mizuki who is nodding her head who has a very red face.

Arthur and Tatsuya look at each other with their hand on Emilia and Miyuki hair respectively, and both Arthur and Tatsuya have a smile on their face when seeing each other.

"Well, since we are all here, why don't we go have a cup of tea?" Arthur proposes a plan

"Sounds great! There seems to be a nice cake shop around." Erika is the one with the highest voice and Mizuki just nods and said she wants too.

"Mm, it's a good opportunity for me so I can know about your new friends, Arthur. You will join too right, Miyuki?" Emilia ask Miyuki with the eyes full of hope

Seeing her new friends who didn't inferior to her in terms of appearance and have a loveable personality make a genuine smile appear on the face of Miyuki.

"I'm fine with it, Onii-sama, what do you think?"

"Well, sounds good. After all, we just got acquainted with one another"

The "cake shop" that Erika brought them to was, in fact, a "French cafeteria with delicious dessert". They took their lunch there and spent some time chatting merrily.

Well, it was the four females who are talking merrily, Arthur and Tatsuya was only a good listener who enjoying their tea and relaxes their body on the chair.

By the time they got home, it was close to evening. Previously Arthur tells Abby to go home first before he and Emilia go to the cake shop. She is currently cooking for dinner, and for Echidna, she is still busying herself in the basement.

"Echidna, I bought various desserts from a shop near my school, if you want it you must come out here"

Arthur has access to the basement but Echidna didn't permit him to enter without her consent so he just can call her in front of the door to the basement.

"Where is my dessert?"

Seeing her come out of the basement make some strange image pop up in Arthur's head, he shook his head before asking her.

"You didn't leave the basement from yesterday?"

"Of course, there is still a lot- hey where are you going?! Give my dessert to me!"

Echidna cashes after Arthur who is leaving her with the desserts still in his hand without caring for her who is calling him.


Arthur stops when he is in front of the bathroom and throws a towel ti Echidna's face.

"What are you doing?"

"You need to take a bath, although you are my contract spirits you also have a real body. Change your clothes to, there is a lot of clothes in your room and not in the basement. You must remember you're just an ordinary girl now, you must take care of your own body"

"Eeehhh... you're very caring about me? You didn't afraid Emilia get jealous? If you do care about me, how about you help me clean my body?" Echidna tease Arthur seductively while getting closer to him

"If you still play around like now there will be just vegetables as your food for the next few days, no pudding, no desserts, just vegetables" but Arthur's treat success make her enter the bathroom while pouting

"Chee~ you're no fun at all~"


"This world magic variation is very interesting, there is really a lot of things I can discover everyday" Echidna change to more casual clothes and didn't wear her usual dress after Arthur throw her to the bathroom

"That's because the knowledge about other things also more advance compared to what we know so their magic more creative than in our place"

"You're right, science, anatomy, and much other knowledge make it become possible for magic in this world becomes this advanced"

"There is a magic called rupture that can- no let's talk about it another time"

Arthur stops himself from talking about rupture the trademark of the crimson prince, seriously how he can talk about the magic that can make someone burst from inside their body when he has a dinner, with a beefsteak soak in the sauce.


Maybe it was a coincidence or maybe not

Arthur and Emilia once again encounter the siblings on their way to the school, because Arthur and Emilia are in the same class as Miyuki they walk together to the school.

Arthur and Tatsuya walking behind the girls who are become more closer in their interactions

"Tatsuya, it seems some groups of students from my class didn't like Miyuki to hang around with you"

"Oh, that's understandable because I was just a course two student after all"

"It's really stupid to have that kind of attitude because of a piece of badge"

"If you say something like that I think you wouldn't get a friend in your class"

"Oya.. how considerate of you... well I would rather don't have a friend if I must act like them to get one. I didn't want being hated by her"


"Yes, the beautiful girl over there" Arthur answer Tatsuya and laughing a little "Discrimination is something that she hates the most"

"You seems very care about her"

"Just like you, I want the best thing in the world for her, I think you have same feelings for Miyuki"

"You're right" Tatsuya smile at what Arthur said, it seems he can get along well with Arthur. "Miyuki, I will part here"

"Oh, right, we will meet again when break time for lunch, Onii-sama" Miyuki nod at Tatsuya "Emilia, let's go, we need to hand over our CAD to the staff who is responsible for storing it"

"But I see several people bring their CAD?" It seems she didn't read the book about the rules of this school properly

"Just several people who have a right to wear their CAD, like Saegusa-Senpai, student council and public moral committee members" Miyuki didn't annoy by Emilia and tell her about it patiently

"Oh... so that's was like that... but I didn't have a CAD and Arthur also didn't have it, but I will follow you in case we have one in the future so I will not confuse where the place is"

"You two didn't have CAD?" This was quite a surprise for Miyuki

"Yes, I didn't know why but every time I use magic with CAD I feel something didn't work properly and feel weird about it" this was Emilia's trait, she can't explain something properly.

"How about we use some test machines when we have time? Onii-sama is very good at CAD programming, maybe he can help you"

"Really? He is very talent if he can do something as hard as programming CAD" for her CAD is like a magic wand for magician and spirit for spirit user, so if there is someone who can programming something like CAD and is very young on top of that then he or she must be an incredible person.

Emilia's comment makes Miyuki's impression of her is going up for several notches, for Miyuki's praise direct to her brother is more priceless than hundreds of praise directly to her.


The boring time of study is over, Arthur, Emilia, and Miyuki make their way to the cafeteria. There are several people who are asking them for lunch together but Emilia didn't want to participate so Arthur rejected them too and followed by Miyuki.

The reason is that Emilia feels there is something wrong with how her classmates look at the other students from course 2.

In the cafeteria they found the Tatsuya group and head to their place, there are two new faces from the Tatsuya group.

"I'm Saijou Leonhart, you can call me Leo, mmm... how I need to call you?" Leo didn't know if Arthur wants to be called by his name or his family name.

"You can call me Arthur, and this is Emilia"

"My name is Yoshida Mikihiko, you can call me Mikihiko, can I call you Arthur too?"

"Of course, use honorific with someone with the same age is feeling weird for me"

Their topics of conversation are around their first impression of the school, what school activities club they intend to participate in, and other miscellaneous things.

The group of Arthur is really getting a lot of attention from people who have their lunch because this is a group that consists of eight people who are from different courses, and the three highest scorers in a magic test are there too.

Putting aside their test results Miyuki and Emilia are enough to gather a large number of attention, and Arthur has some share on that too.

Before the break time is over they agree to go home together.


"Why human can't treat their own kind fairly..."

All of this happened when Emilia and Miyuki reject politely their classmates who want to go home together with them the reason is Emilia want to go home with Arthur (it's normal because they are living in the same house) who is already meet with Tatsuya group and Miyuki who want to go home with her brother and slightly feel annoyed with her classmates' attitude to her brother.

"Won't you all stop being such poor losers? Emilia-san wants to go with Arthur who has an appointment with our group and Miyuki-san has said she wishes to go with her brother. It's not the place of any one of you to say otherwise, is it?"

Her opponent was a student from class A. It was the guy they had seen in the dining hall during the break who want to Emilia and Miyuki to sit in a different place but stop by Arthur.

At first, Emilia wants to pacify the situation but her classmates are getting more unreasonable, by the way, those classmates were girls. Obviously, there was also a flock of male students in the vicinity who had stared silently at first, but that restraint had already been lost and all decency rapidly followed.

For Arthur, there are very little people who make him want to befriend with, and his attitude to his classmates make him has an aura of hard to get along with, so all of them here is mostly the one who acquaintances with Emilia and Miyuki.

The argument reaches a boiling point and one of the students from course one point his specialized CAD wich Leo attempt to grab with but there is a scream came from the first-course student that aiming his CAD.

The handgun CAD had been knocked from his hand. Before their eyes, casually swinging a baton that had suddenly appeared from somewhere, in a relaxed manner, Erika was smiling. There was no trembling or hastiness in that smile. Just by looking at that confident alertness, you could tell there was no such thing from the beginning.

"At this distance, the body moves faster."

Erika smile quite provocative

"Can you didn't use violence! We're from the same school after all" Emilia separating herself from the group and trying to be a middleman

"Emilia-San it's better- hii!!"

One of his classmates want to stop her and grab Emilia's arm but there is a sharp ice crystal stopping his open hand from grabbing her, he can feel the coldness of the ice crystals even if there is still some distance before he touches it.

"Pay attention to where you want to place your hand" Arthur's voice is heard and makes people taken back by his actions to one of his classmates.

'Why they can't understand the rule of looking is permitted but touching is forbidden?'

But for several people like Tatsuya, Miyuki, Erika, and several people in this place what makes them surprise is the speed of Arthur invoke his magic without the help of CAD, and it was nearly instantaneously.

Tatsuya who has a better vision then all of the people here catch an interesting phenomenon with his eyes.

"Stop right there! Using attack magic on others for any reason other than self-defense is not just a violation of school rules, it's a criminal offense!"

"You are students from 1A and 1E aren't you. I will hear you out. Please come along."

The first voice is coming from Saegusa Mayumi, her small figure was wrapped in an aura of Psion light far beyond that of ordinary mages, giving her an inviolable air of dignity.

And the second voice is coming from the girl next to Mayumi. According to the introduction of the Student Council during the entrance ceremony, she was the 3rd year Public Moral Chief, Watanabe Mari.

Mari's CAD held an already deployed and expanded activation sequence. It was not difficult to imagine what any form of resistance here would lead to.

There is Tatsuya who tries to pacify the situation but it seems Mari didn't want to leave it to slide just like that. Well, it was understandable, if the first offender for breaking the rule in his first day leaves out just like that then there will be more people who break the rule.

"Haaah... it's gonna be a long day..." Arthur let out a sigh and grumble a little before stepping forward

'Abby, come to the school as fast as possible and accompany Emilia for me'

'I understand, Arthur-sama'

Arthur cut off his telepathic connections with Abby, and he is in front of Mayumi who has her smiling mask and Mari who still held her CAD.

"Let's see... from where I need to start to explain it?"