
Starting From The Dragon Clan Breake Through The World

A youth with extraordinary strength arrived in the world of the Dragon Clan. Faced with the enrollment guidance of the Cassell Academy, Lu Chen felt out of place amidst the plethora of dragonkin; he was the only pure human. How will he pass the 3E exam? Waiting online, quite urgent!... Thus begins the tale of a youth gradually rising to become the leader of Cassell Academy...

gilbert_gilbert · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Chapter 52: This Is Just Too Extravagant!

Milanra's description of the Student Union was not exaggerated at all. It was truly a place reminiscent of ancient Roman baths, filled with an atmosphere of extravagance and indulgence.

And the mastermind behind this scene, emerging from the pool of champagne with a triumphant expression, had obviously just completed a dive. His muscular chest glistened under the lights and the reflection of the "water surface," as if coated in gold.

Caesar turned around and greeted Lu Chen with a smile, though he didn't speak, his gesture clearly inviting Lu Chen to join the fun.

Lu Chen had heard about the extravagant lifestyles of Western nobles in his previous world, but now he realized that he couldn't even imagine the level of luxury enjoyed by the wealthy aristocrats.

It was truly extravagant!

As Lu Chen savored a king crab leg he had just plucked from the North Sea that morning, he couldn't help but criticize inwardly, "How decadent!"

Walking beside him, Fengge helped him clear the battlefield, commenting on passing female students as they went. In his words, he had once been surrounded by a group of girls, so this was nothing but a small scene. However, he had a special love for good food. Even while stuffing his face, he didn't forget to comment on the passing students.

As Lu Chen finished off the last lobster on the table in front of him, an old hand grabbed it at the same time.

Looking up, Lu Chen saw an old man wearing floral shorts and a cowboy hat. His prominent beer belly was quite eye-catching.

"Hey, young man, shouldn't you leave some for us old folks instead of hogging all the food?" the old man lectured.

"Please, sir, go ahead," Lu Chen replied politely, pointing out that there was more food on the other tables and that he was already 80% full.

"Hmm, not bad," the old man nodded, skillfully dissecting the lobster as he spoke. "How can you young folks be so obsessed with food? Isn't the scenery here good enough?"

He looked at Lu Chen reproachfully.

"Huh?" Lu Chen was taken aback, wondering who this old man was. Did Caesar invite grandpas to his party now?

"This is Vice Principal..." Fengge whispered quietly.

Lu Chen suddenly felt a sense of respect. He had seen Chancellor Angre before; he was a legendary dragon slayer, a formidable figure even he had to respect. Although the man in front of him held the title of "vice," he was still a vice principal, undoubtedly a formidable figure.

But as he looked at the old man more closely, he noticed that his arm muscles were slack, and his massive beer belly was almost drooping. He wore a pair of size 44 slippers, a far cry from Chancellor Angre's demeanor. If Chancellor Angre resembled a handsome old gentleman, this vice principal looked more like a village drunkard. Why did he say he looked like a village drunkard? Just by looking at the vice principal's eyes, which kept wandering over the female students with appreciative glances...

"Um... Vice Principal, hello," Lu Chen nodded politely. People shouldn't be judged by their appearance; he understood this principle very well.

"You can drop the 'vice' part. Once I outlive that old bastard Angre, I'll be the real deal," Nicolas Flamell, or Night Watchman, our esteemed vice principal, said with a dissatisfied expression, clearly unhappy with the title.

Lu Chen was momentarily stunned. Was it really appropriate to say so bluntly that you were waiting for Chancellor Angre to die?

"Brother, don't mind it. The Chancellor has never hidden his ambitions." Fengge explained beside him, with half a lobster still in his mouth, apparently familiar with the old man in front of them.

"Yeah, exactly." The Night Watchman seemed pleased with Fengge's address. He then strode away, his slippers clacking on the damp floor as he picked up a glass of champagne on the way. He skillfully climbed up the lifeguard tower, his exclusive viewing spot.

"Caesar... invited the Chancellor to be a lifeguard?" Lu Chen was puzzled. With so many mixed-blood individuals present, even if someone couldn't swim, wouldn't it be okay?

"Oh, the pool has always been managed by the Chancellor. Caesar couldn't organize this event without him. The old man likes to see beautiful young sisters. He's even the chief judge of the annual Miss Cassell competition," Fengge explained, coughing a few times afterward, apparently choking accidentally.

"Don't underestimate the Chancellor. He's the Night Watchman, the keeper of words and law, with jurisdiction over the entire academy. We can't use magic words because of him. And he's also the strongest alchemist in the world today. Your Red Maple is good, but he can make it too, and even better," Fengge's words made Lu Chen deeply understand the truth of the old saying: never judge a book by its cover. He asked, "So, does he forge many alchemical weapons for the academy every year?"

At the mention of this, Fengge's expression stiffened, and he pulled Lu Chen aside, whispering, "The Vice... Chancellor is actually a homebody. He usually just watches movies and drinks in the clock tower. He doesn't do any work. Most of the alchemical weapons in the academy's arsenal are recovered from outside."

Lu Chen glanced at the vice chancellor sitting in the elevated position drinking and tasting wine, thinking to himself that if Cassell Academy were a company, the benefits would be pretty good. The vice president didn't work, but he still got to eat, drink, and have fun on the public dime every day.

But he heard that the Chancellor was also traveling around the world all the time, having all kinds of fun... Now that he thought about it carefully, hadn't the Chancellor ever gone out to slay dragons?


An hour later, Lu Chen still hadn't ventured into the pool. It wasn't that he couldn't swim; he just felt that after soaking in champagne, he'd have to spend half the day washing off.

During this time, he played dice with Senior Ludhia for a while. The loser had to drink, and without cheating, he lost miserably and was teased by the senior, "You're here to scam drinks and food."

Other peers, whether senior or junior, also joined in one after another. Everyone had wins and losses, but he kept losing.

He couldn't help but wonder, was he really just unlucky?

His luck attribute on the menu was 2, but the system didn't say what the average was. Was he really in the unlucky column?

Everyone praised his S-level drinking capacity, but even Lu Chen began to feel that he couldn't drink anymore. Then, a certain female rogue made a suggestion like a drowning man clutching at a straw: the loser could choose not to drink but had to take off an item of clothing.

The atmosphere reached its climax, and the whole crowd cheered.

Lu Chen's mouth twitched. He thought, "This is a pool party, and I'm only wearing swimming trunks. If I take them off, won't someone from the disciplinary committee come and take me away? And it will definitely make the headlines the next day."

Finally, he made an excuse to leave, just as Caesar came ashore. He said he wanted to talk to the president, and everyone else dispersed.

"Whew..." Lu Chen sat next to Caesar on a lounge chair, both of them puffing clouds of smoke.

"How was it? Did you have fun?" 

"It was alright, just feeling a bit full," Lu Chen rubbed his stomach.

"Haha, looks like you ate a lot."

"No, I drank a bit too much," Lu Chen thought to himself that he would never play drinking games again. Thinking back, in his previous life in the army, he always lost too.

"I heard that the Lionheart will be very active under your leadership recently. I think what you said is right. The glory of our mixed-blood lies not in fooling around freely, but in forging with dragon blood on the battlefield," Caesar said, extinguishing his cigarette and sighing.

"Just saying," Lu Chen felt a bit embarrassed, as if his words that day had belittled Caesar.

"I'm not someone who cares about those things. I also applied to be a temporary commissioner for the Executive Department, but I was rejected. It was the old guys in the family playing tricks. But next time, I'll make sure they approve," Caesar smiled, turning to Lu Chen. "If there's a chance, let's go on a mission together."

"Okay." Lu Chen had no reason to refuse.