
Starting From The Dragon Clan Breake Through The World

A youth with extraordinary strength arrived in the world of the Dragon Clan. Faced with the enrollment guidance of the Cassell Academy, Lu Chen felt out of place amidst the plethora of dragonkin; he was the only pure human. How will he pass the 3E exam? Waiting online, quite urgent!... Thus begins the tale of a youth gradually rising to become the leader of Cassell Academy...

gilbert_gilbert · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Chapter 39: Post-Game Analysis

Lu Chen wasn't interested in probing his inner journey like Lutisia did. He felt confident that what Fingol had feared wouldn't happen to him.

Abel's experience was indeed pitiful, but Lu Chen didn't feel any sympathy. Even if he did, Abel shouldn't have harmed other girls afterwards. He deserved to die.

So Lu Chen's strike was swift and decisive, without a hint of hesitation.

Not far away, Lance Lot, still with some strength left, struggled to lift himself and dragged a specialist who was about to be engulfed by flames to safety. He looked somewhat bewilderedly towards the man and woman under the maple tree in the distance.

Was this what an S-rank looked like?

It was beyond a gap; it was like a chasm!

Eight specialists fought valiantly in vain, including three A-rank seniors who were nearly wiped out. Abel had transformed into a deep dragonization, leaving them helpless.

But when the S-rank arrived like a gust of wind, it harvested Abel's life as effortlessly as plucking a maple leaf during a leisurely stroll.

For a moment, he doubted life itself.

Meanwhile, Lutisia, initially excited and relieved to survive the ordeal, shifted her attention. "Junior Brother... you're on fire."

Lu Chen was puzzled. Wasn't this something Fingol often said to him? Did Lutisia turn into a paparazzo out of fear?

But the next moment, he realized that his left side was warm. With a glance, he noticed flames igniting again and hurriedly extinguished them.

The violent breakthrough from the fire obviously took its toll. At least his clothes couldn't withstand it. The casual outfit Milanra bought for him was not only completely destroyed but also riddled with holes.

His refined chest muscles were now exposed, and Lutisia had been staring at him...

"Cough, Sister, let's get out of here first. The executive has already called the fire department to deal with it."

Lu Chen felt a bit embarrassed, changing the subject.

Lutisia also realized that it wasn't the time to complain. She grabbed her junior brother's hand and stood up, casting a glance at the massive body still twitching on the ground below the maple tree. The vitality of a deeply dragonized being was evident.

Abel was indeed dead, but his trunk still subconsciously sought survival, although it wouldn't last long.

Lu Chen rushed back into the fire to rescue Lance Lot and other specialists, placing them safely outside the fire scene.

"Retrieve the bodies."

Lance Lot pointed at Abel's body, which no longer resembled a human. It couldn't be left exposed to the public eye. Compared to that, the forest fire wasn't even newsworthy.

Half an hour later, outside the Red Mountain Park, Lutisia sat on the steps wrapped in a blanket, watching the fire department working hard to extinguish the flames.

Abel's body had been recovered by the enforcement department, and the severely injured specialists had been taken to the hospital, but not all of them. Two specialists died on the battlefield during the fight, and one had a rib pierce his lung. Lu Chen brought him out and onto the ambulance, but the rescue was unsuccessful, and he was declared dead.

Dragon slaying wasn't a game; this was a battlefield, and people would die here. Perhaps this was the lesson Principal Angro intended to teach him.

After the mission, everything became clear.

In the villa area behind Red Mountain Park, six bodies were found—five boys and one girl.

The girl's name was Melissa, the same name Abel had been calling out incessantly. Everyone had seen the photos of the girl when she was alive, and indeed, she was quite beautiful.

But Lutisia and Milanra wore expressions of dissatisfaction. Was this it?

The girl was indeed quite pretty, with features somewhat resembling theirs, but her aura fell far short of theirs.

According to the post-event sampling and analysis conducted by the enforcement department, they were able to reconstruct what happened that night, which was largely consistent with Lutisia's earlier analysis.

Except for one detail: Abel hadn't violated Melissa. Her upper and lower bodies were separated, cut by a glass table. Through the reconstruction of various traces, it was perhaps a case of Abel accidentally killing Melissa in his frenzy; he hadn't intended to harm her.

So amidst his frenzied battle cries during the fight, there were often one or two apologies mixed in.

It was ironic. Despite wielding absolute violence and destroying everything he despised, Abel still couldn't obtain what he wanted. Even though he became the strongest boy, he was still willing to be the lapdog of a loose girl.

As for why he later sought out women who resembled Melissa in appearance to do those things, perhaps it was to make amends? Or perhaps it was madness after his fall from grace? Who knows?

"What are you thinking about?"

Early in the morning, after completing the mission report, Lu Chen walked onto the balcony to get some fresh air and saw Lutisia already leaning against the railing.

"Nothing much, just thinking. Sometimes, loving the wrong person can lead to a lifetime of mistakes."

Lutisia gazed at the bustling street in the early morning, the rising sun adding an almost transparent texture to her already dazzling golden hair. Her complexion was somewhat pale and haggard; evidently, the violent resolution of her language spirit had caused harm to her body that wouldn't heal overnight.

"How did you know he was wrong?"

Lu Chen lit a cigarette. Abel did have some pitiable aspects. Post-event analysis of his blood extracted by the enforcement department indicated that while the boy's bloodline belonged to a high-risk category, he might have been a super A-rank hybrid if he hadn't been triggered to awaken involuntarily and fall into corruption. If discovered by the Cassel Institute, he might have had a more splendid life with proper education and training. But Abel fell in love with a rotten girl, and anger and regret burned his heart like lava, turning him into a complete monster.

"I didn't figure it out."

Unexpectedly, Lutisia's response left Lu Chen momentarily stunned. He had thought it was her superior deduction skills at play.

"Profile analysis isn't foolproof, and besides, I was just chatting with him. If you had sent me to the first crime scene, perhaps I could have seen more."

Lutisia shrugged.

"But you..."

Lu Chen was puzzled.

"Yes, I always thought he was a shy and ordinary boy. Even when I found out he was adopted, I didn't suspect him much."

Lutisia's expression turned melancholic. "The Red Mountain Park at night was indeed a good place for a crime. But if you think about it carefully, everything that happened yesterday was actually under my guidance. It's not so much that he took me there, but rather, I took him there. So, from the perspective of location, it can't be considered a major point of suspicion."

"But Sister, your final series of soul-searching questions seemed quite confident."

Lu Chen was puzzled.

"I was just probing reflexively. Who knew he was really guilty?"

Lutisia looked somewhat terrified, patting her chest. "When he finally looked up and revealed those golden eyes, I was really scared. But I had to maintain my composure because at that moment, to be honest, I was a little angry."


"I can't say exactly what it was directed at. Maybe at that loose girl, maybe at the pathetic Abel."

Lu Chen nodded. "I understand."

"What do you understand? You understand nothing."

Lutisia rolled her eyes.

"Sister, you're... actually a gentle person."

Lu Chen extinguished his cigarette, feeling the morning sunlight, and looked into the distance.

When he struck, he didn't have such complicated thoughts.

Those bad boys and Melissa had done wrong, so they received punishment.

Abel had done wrong, so Lu Chen struck him down.

People always have to pay for their mistakes. If it's overdue, it's just that the gods haven't opened their eyes.