
Starting From Tensura My Path to Apex {Multiverse Fic}

Contains spoiler if you don't want to get spoiled don't read synopsis and directly read chapter 1. Good hearted young man from our world dies without knowing what killed him after his death he reachs to world beyond everything a world that his every wish come true thanks too his karma but not wanting to gain ultimate power that he can use for anything and become too strong from start of his new possible journey he rejects ultimate power and firstly wishs a multiverse travelling ability that he can control all of it's aspects and secondly wishes a great start in a fantasy anime world with reincarnating into one of the that anime's character... _____________________________________________ Yet he never taught he will reincarnate as Last Boss(Greatest Villian) of story, lets see how he will reach apex of all multiverse as he travels multiverse.

Feilnaught · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Fuck The Limits and Break Idiotic Rules!!! And Befriend Veldora(Super Long Chapter)

For Speech "....."(Changed to this way)

(.....)for understanding unclear info if you don't understand what I mean in sentence if not you don't need to read it.

(Please give some Ultimate Skill Ideas!!! and give review to my story.)

I am open to little realistic critism and please point things that can make this story better or if you have ideas please comment it and please give reviews about my story I want to know what my readers think about my story..


Not having anything else we travelled for one more month and I created another unique skill but I didn't activate it because I am too OP already and will not have any fun while fighting that is why it stay inactive but before I evolve I will activate, done with this much travelling I proposed my idea about adventurers and forming free guild as a very experienced adventurer Shizu liked this idea and have faith in me and Hinata thought this idea great to because she experienced how lawless adventurers act that is why I start to get contact in to lots of adventurer and become a rising star with my personality, looks and way of acting that's why I easily formed free guild in three months and make it into a power house that attracted lots of forces from humanity but unlike in canon's I created enough source for next ten years with not going bankrupt even a little bit and if used carefully it can hold us for fifteen years too.

But this displeased lots of humans higher ups from diffirent groups especially Rosso Family that controls Council of West but I dealt with them before they can become problematic I took Unique Skill:Greed from Mariabell Rosso and erased her otherworlder memories for why I'm making her alive simple, you guys didn't think I was just doing nothing right I think everybody can figure it out? I created Unique Skill:Ruler and used it on Mariabell now I can control Siltorozzo and Council of West in anyway I want but Granbell can be a little trouble some but he doesn't have any way to kill me even know with Spiritiual Force Nullification and Anti Skill.

After I formed Free Guild I release ranking list and other applications I can offer adventurers and those boost my fame further and other forces stop even thought of antoginisting us because there is Legendary A+ adventurer Shizue Izawa The Conquerer of Flames and other raising star rank A Hinata The Star of Judgement. Normally Hinata didn't gain such an alias in the canon's but since I have gained Statdust Hero alias because I defeated a powerful dragon from destroying a city and everytime I use Caliburn it creates light particles that looks like stars they me gave this alias therefore she gained this alias through her loyality for me and going anywhere with me and after having past time together this much I explained my secrets related my summoning and my skills they didn't got angry but told me not hide anything from them and get interested in meeting Kazaream but I said until I find a suitable body for her it is better she just dwells in my body and they didn't say anymore about this subjects.

I really like my lovers and we already deepened or relationship and done our first threesome just a few days ago and I already fix Shizu's body and got Ifrit from her and made a more powerful version of it but in her control and evolved her and Hinata into Human Sages. Like this life is just going way I wanted and there is no problem till now is there any problem I'm not aware Aestoroia?

Aestoroia:"There is none in your current world master just all beings in top food chain have some interest in you and some of them have really high interest but they don't act for now and Granbell started to see you as a young man with great potantial and future ally aganist monsters and Rudra plans to add you in his ranks in future if you show greater power that's all."

Yuuki:"I don't see any problem in these things but I can handle any of them with time and planning but what is the problem about that isn't related to world I currently reside?"

Aestoroia:"Master... It seems you can't reach Apex with you being owner of WBE it seems it will limit your potantial in future aganist multiversal beings."

Yuuki:"... How is it possible explain it to me."

(Suppressed anger be can feel in it)

Aestoroia:"Master every power beings in Multiverse even Outer Gods are inviduals who reach rank of universe creater, destroyer or becoming universe themself but you who is a universal being that turned into invidual from start is already too powerful and limitless talent is limitless but there is nothing stopping multiversal being stopping from killing you if you're not in WBE and with you being Master of WBE you can hide from them if you want master but reaching their level with training is can take centuries if not thousands of years and that is just low multiversal scale and not counting you hitting your limit with not interfearing your goal...."

This was last straw I knew she is saying all this for my safety but I can't accept this am I angry for thinking my safety no I'm not like those idiotic beta beta protogonist they think themselves as alpha but I will never accept being weak and I will not go down this way!!!

Yuuki:"Aestoroia is there anyway for me to broke this limit?"

Aestoroia:"Master there is a few ways but mostly unachieable choices like you can let WBE get stronger but Higher Multiversal beings can start perceive us and possibly interact with WBE but there is one choice that you can change your existence into an invidual that way normally you would lose your all powers even you have now and start with nothing but I can utilise WBE for using boosting you and make it so you do not lose your current powers this is the only way I find that doesn't interfare with your goal of reaching apex if not you can just become fusion of invidual and universal being and reach apex."

I do not want to live like a coward or a fake reality nor become strong like this in first place if not I would reach but I already chose my path and not regret it and never had a sense of danger with having WBE but if it existence works aganist my goals then I shall utilise it to it's fullest for first and last time.

Yuuki:"Aestoroia use WBE to it fullest and find me an evolution path can make strongest as I can be currently

and activate Unique Skill:Evolver that was intactive till now"

Aestoroia:"Done it my master do you wish to start it now?"

Yuuki:"No there is something else Aestoroia since I'm there WBE is get destroyed and there is nearly limitless energy in this world transfer this energy in a seperate dimension only I can access but before that Aestoroia do you wish to follow me even after I will lose WBE?"

Aestoroia:"I wish to follow you my master but I can't do that because for you to evolve and tranfer energy of WBE in to the seperate dimension I the terminal of WBE is an opstacle my dear master I'm grateful to you since you didn't have any doubt regarding me ever since that accident when we first met I ..."

Yuuki:"Okay that is enough I know you're sincere but stop being a drama queen and I know you want to follow me that is why I want you to turn into an ultimate skill but I want you to able to interact with me like we could do in past witout you being a Manas got it."

Aestoroia:"Hai master!!!"

Yuuki:"Great wait for me to get corpse of Chaos Dragon and Veldora now I will use all skills I have to their limits!!!"

Like that in next two weeks I get myself Chaos Dragons body and steal or copied some of unique skills of lots of inviduals and created Kagali a new High Elf body that is even better than body of current queen of Magic Dynasty Sarion Elmesia El-Ru Sarion and she seems to have no problem of idea of being my lover after seeing my relationship with Shizu and Hinata, is she jealous of me a little bit well not unaccepted even makes more lovable and making my love life more interesting, I travelled to Great Forest of Jura specifactly cave that Veldora sealed. Then I arrived infront of 4th True Dragon Storm Dragon Veldora. It looked at me with enthusim and start speaking.

Veldora:"Hooh to think a just a mere human to come the cave I The Great Storm Dragon Veldora sealed for what reason you have come human."

Yuuki:"I will cut it short I know you are gonna die if you lose magicules like this that is why I come here to meet you because I always wondered how a True Dragon looked like."

Veldora:"Is it just that? Or are joking with me human?! Even thou I'm sealed I'm still one of the Existance that is at the peak of this world one of few True Dragons that exist Storm Dragon Veldora!!!"

Yuuki:"As I said I just wanted to see a True Dragon and I saw how you looked like that is why I'm leaving goodbye Veldora."

Veldora:"Heyyy!!! Since it's been a long time I met someone I will let you stay here a little bit more be grateful that I Storm Dragon Veldora let you feel my presence. Know that there is not a lot of beings to meet me and stay alive!!!"

Yuuki:"Well I do not doubt that I just come here to satisfy my curiousity towards True Dragons that was all the reason I came but since you want me stay I can stay a little bit more."

Veldora:"Who wants you to stay humph you are just a normal human!"

Haaah this old man is really a pain in ass and because he is in unlimited imprisment he can't even a little bit analyze me if not he could tell how strong I really am but I know he has good heart to for a dragon that likes destruction and he never betrays his loved ones that is why I want to make him my friend not someone I want to steal his abilities.

Yuuki:"Actually I'm very strong and I'm an otherworlder also a hero."

Veldora:"Whattt??? An otherworlder and also a hero but you're not here to kill me???"

Yuuki:"No as I said previously I just wanted a True Dragon that is all and I'm happy to meet you Veldora but I'm also guild master of adventurers their is lots of jobs I need to but I can visit you in future and do you want to become my friend."

Veldora:"So you are lea... wait do you mean to become my friend? Why should I become your friend even if you are hero so what I'm a True Dragon!!!"

Yuuki:"So you don't want to become my friend?"

Veldora:"Don't be a fool! I have given you no answer yet positive or negative!!!"

Yuuki:"So what it is going to be?"

Veldora:"Well I suppose if you insist... I might consider it."

Yuuki:"I do insist so that settles it... and if you say no I will never come back!"

Veldora:"W-wait! Y-You leave me no choice! I allow you to be my friend."

Yuuki:"Now how should I unseal you?"


Yuuki:"What? Did you really think I would abandon a friend here? I have a few methods but they all take a lot of time or can have negative effects that is why let me talk with my skill for a while till I find a way to get you out of unlimited imprisonment."

Veldora:"I will not interupt you but don't take it too long and ignore me!"

Don't get jealous for multiverse's sake old man! Like that I acted like I talked with Great Sage and explained Veldora my plan with a little twist.

Yuuki:"It seems thanks to my unique evolution potantial I can make you break out from your seal after my unique skills evolve into ultimate skills but first it said that if we analyze unlimited imprisonment from both the inside and outside we might be able do undo it."

Veldora:"Ah.However my skills like my body imprisoned."

Yuuki:"All I need from you is the data and my skill will do the analyze."

Veldora:"But that will take time don't you wish to return your guild?"

Yuuki:"Well I do..."

Veldora:"So you are leaving already"


Yuuki:"Not exactly I have a deal for you! Here is the plan. How about you squeeze into my stomach through my skill?"

Veldora:"Heh heh heh Kuh ha'ha Kah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!

Very interesting very interesting do it! And I shall entrust my self to you."

Yuuki:"You are gonna trust me just like that."

Veldora:"Trying to break out of this Unlimited Imprisonment together will being me much more enjoyment than waiting alone for your return!"

Yuuki:"Then I'm activating my skill."

Veldora:"Oh but before that can you tell me your name since you didn't tell it before in our conversation?"

Yuuki:"Ohh? Sorry for not mention it before my name is Yuuki Kagurazaka."

Veldora:"Since you are my friend I think about a name that can bond us what do you think?"

Yuuki:"So like a surname hummm what could go good with this since I'm planing to become as strong as True Dragon or stronger and you are a True Dragon how about Pendragon!!! It means Dragons best qualities and qualities you and I possess like vigor, bravery, strenght and loyality how about it!!!

Veldora:"What a great name!!! There can't be a better name ever exist than this, it is the best name ever!!! From this day forward my name shall be Veldora Pendragon!!! And you what it will be?"

Yuuki:"I will leave my surname Kagurazaka since it has bad memories in it and I think you know what to do."

Veldora:"You shall have name Yuuki Pendragon from now on my friend."

Veldora:"And proceed my friend as our lives become one in soul."

Yuuki:"Are you ready to escape unlimited imprisonment?"

Veldora:"I am ready dont keep me waiting."

Yuuki:"See you soon my friend."

Voice of World:"Evolution requirements are completed evolution is starting..."

Well it seems I will broke another limit again...


(Veldora is added in Character Images chapter)

I hope everybody who reads my story enjoys it please tell me if there is some mistakes please comment it so I can improve myself about those part see you guys soon have a great readings from now on too, Goodbye.

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