
Starting from Jobless Reincarnation

Andy, a simple man, was hit by a car and found himself in a pure white world. Good News: He got to start a new adventure. Bad News: The system wanted to erase his existence. However, he was ultimately allowed to stay and write his own story. --- English isn’t my main language, and this is a trnslation. I will try to avoid generic Chinese slogans, but please forgive me if you encounter lines like "courting death." If you have any questions, ask me in the comments or leave a review. Genre: Romance, Reincarnation, Harem (?), Action Words: Jobless Reincarnation, Sword Art Online, Demon Slayer

OberonLA · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 8: Roxy

Two years flowed by, and Roya, with surprising efficiency, secured a wife for Rudeus – the timid Sylphie. Introducing her to a blushing Rudeus, Roya issued a silent command, "There you go, one for you. Now behave yourself."

Behind the facade, Roya held his own agenda. While Rudeus embarked on fumbling attempts at courtship alongside his magic and swordsmanship lessons, Roya played the waiting game. Waiting for who? Roxy, of course.

After all, if Rudeus had a future wife, surely it wasn't unreasonable for Roya, the elder brother, to seek his own happiness, right? With this justification in mind, four-year-old Roya approached Paul and Zenith with a carefully crafted request.

"Father, Mother," he began, his voice earnest, "I believe Rudeus and I would benefit greatly from a dedicated magic instructor."

It wasn't long before a carriage pulled up, and a young woman with hair the color of a summer sky stepped out.

"I am Roxy," she announced, her voice polite yet laced with a hint of weariness. Petite and adorned in a simple mage's robe, she resembled a middle schooler more than a teacher. Her eyes, half-closed and perpetually shadowed by fatigue, radiated a quiet coolness.

The moment Roya's gaze fell upon Roxy, a silent urgency flickered within him. He swiftly drew Rudeus aside, his expression uncharacteristically grave.

"Rudeus," he began, "tell me honestly, do I treat you well?"

Caught off guard, Rudeus could only nod. Despite his brother's often stoic demeanor, their interactions were unquestionably kind.

Roya leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "There's something you should know – I like this girl."

Rudeus' eyes widened like saucers. He darted a glance between the captivating Roxy and his undeniably handsome brother. The image sparked a blush on his cheeks and a flurry of unexpected ideas in his mind.

To ensure his message landed, Roya repeated, a hint of impatience creeping into his tone, "I said, I like her."

Understanding dawned on Rudeus. He nodded curtly and leaned in himself. "So, what's the plan?" he inquired, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Roya tilted his head in confusion. "The plan? What else is there?"

A sly grin spread across Rudeus' face, causing Roya to take a wary step back. "Well, you can't just stand there, can you?" Rudeus whispered, his voice dripping with implication. "She's such a cutie! Don't tell me you don't have any ideas?"

A thoughtful crease appeared on Roya's brow as he mulled over Rudeus' suggestion. With a final nod, Rudeus reached out and patted his brother on the shoulder. He then cast a glance towards the house where Sylphy was, before calling out in a booming voice, "Sylphy, come join us! You're welcome to listen in too!"

Roya, well-versed in handling such situations, dipped his head in a respectful bow. "Are you to be our teacher?" he inquired politely. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Roya Greyrat, but you can call me Roya."

Roxy, utterly taken aback by the sight that greeted her eyes – a figure that exuded a delicate and innocent charm, a girl… no, wait, a boy! – couldn't help but point at Roya again, her voice laced with disbelief. "You… you're a male?"

Roya's eyebrow flickered, a knowing glint in his eyes. He was all too familiar with the confusion his appearance often caused. A simple nod was all it took for Roxy's initial shock to morph into a slightly apologetic smile. Her gaze darted back and forth between the two brothers, a silent question hanging in the air.

"So, these two young men are here to learn magic, are they?" Roxy finally asked, her voice regaining its composure.

Rudeus, ever the eager one, shyly raised his hand. "If it's alright, I'd also like Sylphy to receive your tutelage."

Sylphy, her cheeks flushed a light pink, cast a hesitant glance at Rudeus. "Me? Just being with you and Roya is plenty for me. Learning magic on top of that… wouldn't that be a little overwhelming?" she whispered shyly.

With a reassuring wave and a bright smile, Rudeus attempted to quell her anxieties.

Paul, clearly exasperated, threw his hand up in exasperation, burying his face in his palm. "Didn't I already tell you two? You don't get to make all the decisions! It was supposed to be just the two of you for magic lessons!"

Roxy's smile faltered, a touch of weariness creeping into her eyes. She took in the sight of the timid Sylphy and let out a soft sigh. "Alright, alright," she conceded. "Sylphy can stay and observe for now. But honestly, isn't this a bit young to start? Six years old for one, and the other two… barely four?"

The cheerful smiles momentarily adorning Rudeus and Sylphy's faces vanished instantly.

Unfazed by their reaction, Paul puffed out his chest, a proud grin splitting his face. "Don't underestimate my boys!" he declared with booming confidence, "They're geniuses!"

Roxy, seemingly resigned to the situation, pinched the bridge of her nose with a sigh. "Alright then," she muttered, "Let's get this first lesson underway. Find yourselves a comfortable spot in the courtyard, all of you."

With that, the peculiar group of four made their way towards the courtyard, settling themselves down for what promised to be an unorthodox introduction to the world of magic.

Roxy reached into her bag, her hand emerging with a hefty tome most definitely dedicated to the arcane arts. Briefly considering it, she instead set it aside with a sigh. Three pairs of curious eyes, belonging to the children seated cross-legged before her, watched this exchange intently.

"We'll delve into the intricacies of magic eventually," Roxy announced, "but for now, let's gauge your current abilities. Have you dabbled in any practical spells beyond theoretical knowledge gleaned from books?"

Before Rudeus, ever the eager participant, could blurt out a response, Roya interjected with his characteristic calmness. "Our exposure to magic has been limited to some foundational knowledge gleaned from texts," he clarified.

Roxy's delicate features remained impassive, betraying no surprise at their answer. With another sigh, she scanned the area before addressing them all. "Very well," she conceded. "Let's begin with a demonstration. Observe closely, and attempt to replicate the spell if you can. With a plea to the great water spirit to grace this place with its presence, I call forth a gentle stream – Water Ball!"

A sphere of water, roughly the size of a clenched fist, materialized within her hand, swirling playfully before launching itself off into the distance. A resounding splash echoed as the water ball collided with the ground, leaving a damp patch on the nearby railing.

Roxy's expression remained rather lackluster, a clear indication that she wasn't expecting much from the three youngsters. "Did you manage to catch that?" she inquired, her voice devoid of much enthusiasm.

Rudeus, ever the showman, feigned awe. "Wow, that was incredible!" he exclaimed, throwing Roya a playful wink.

Sylphy, however, furrowed her brow in confusion. Weren't they already familiar with this particular spell?

Magic, in all its wonder, held an undeniable allure. Its ability to conjure elements like fire, wind, water, and earth from seemingly thin air was truly awe-inspiring. However, this very power came at a cost – the stringent requirement for magical aptitude.

Unbeknownst to Roxy, however, fate had placed three exceptional prodigies directly in her path.