
Starting from Jobless Reincarnation

Andy, a simple man, was hit by a car and found himself in a pure white world. Good News: He got to start a new adventure. Bad News: The system wanted to erase his existence. However, he was ultimately allowed to stay and write his own story. --- English isn’t my main language, and this is a trnslation. I will try to avoid generic Chinese slogans, but please forgive me if you encounter lines like "courting death." If you have any questions, ask me in the comments or leave a review. Genre: Romance, Reincarnation, Harem (?), Action Words: Jobless Reincarnation, Sword Art Online, Demon Slayer

OberonLA · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 5: Rudeus Grayrat

Roya, with his bones still mending and unable to fully wield a sword, found himself with little to do. However, casting spells occasionally wasn't enough to keep him occupied. So, an idea sparked in his mind: why not improve Lilia, the maid's, opinion of him?

A yawn escaped Roya's lips. Taking the initiative, he snatched a cloth from Lilia's hand and with a determined glint in his eyes, began helping her clean the table stains.

Lilia, surprised by the young master's sudden helpfulness, offered a small curtsy. "Greetings, Miss Roya," she said with a hint of amusement in her voice.

This playful jab was Lilia's way of retaliating for Roya's earlier behavior.

Roya's face turned crimson. His hand, initially assisting with cleaning, slammed down onto the table in a show of mock anger. Finally, the icy facade he'd tried to maintain crumbled. "Call me Master Roya!" he exclaimed, his childish voice laced with playful defiance.

Sunlight streamed through the window, illuminating Roya's face. His large, clear eyes, usually as tranquil as mountain pools, held a spark of mischief. One couldn't help but be charmed by his doll-like features, especially with the morning sun adding an ethereal glow. However, only those who knew him well saw the gentle and kind heart beneath his cool exterior.

Raising an eyebrow in amusement, Lilia studied Roya. Contrary to his outburst, his expression lacked genuine anger. When truly upset, his brows would furrow, and his eyes would lose their usual calmness.

Gazing upon this miniature lord, a wave of conflicting emotions washed over Lilia. This child was the complete opposite of Paul. Paul, she had assumed, would pass on his charismatic nature to his son. But Roya, despite his young age, possessed a meticulous nature and a thoughtful spirit.

Ever since Roya had taken his first steps, he'd displayed an unwavering desire to help. Countless times, he'd unintentionally lightened her workload with his small acts of kindness.

Struggling with a stubborn stain on the table, Roya turned to Lilia with a question in his eyes. "Lilia, tell me," he said, his voice curious, "how did you meet Paul?"

Lilia paused, her crimson hair momentarily brushing against Roya's shoulder as she leaned closer to tackle the stain. A sweet, floral scent, unique to the young boy, tickled her nose - a refreshing and calming fragrance that brought a smile to her lips.

"It was probably back when I was learning swordsmanship," she replied, her voice soft. "We were classmates at the time." Lilia's expression softened further whenever she spoke of Paul, a hint of complexity lurking behind her smile.

Roya nodded sagely, mimicking the old-fashioned mannerisms he'd picked up from somewhere. "Of course," he said, his voice surprisingly deep for his age. "Paul, he always keeps everyone on their toes."

Lilia shot a playful glance at the little imp. Despite calling him "Father" in public, she noticed he slipped back to "Paul" in private moments. Quite impolite, but somehow, she saw the innocent amusement behind it.

Lilia grabbed another cloth, expertly dunking it in the wooden bucket as she prepared to tackle the floor. Sensing her reluctance to continue the conversation, Roya piped up again, "Do you think it'll be a boy or a girl?"

Lilia pondered for a moment, a genuine smile gracing her features. "I hope it's a girl," she replied. "That way, we'll have one of each."

Silence descended upon them once more. After diligently tidying up the living room, Roya wiped the sweat from his brow with a sigh of accomplishment. He gave Lilia a final wave before scampering back to his room. Flopping down on his bed, his mind drifted to a different worry - how to face Rudeus since the NEET might soon come to this house.

Autumn arrived with a flourish, painting the sky a canvas of crisp blue adorned with fluffy white clouds. Gentle breezes whispered through the golden rice fields, carrying an unnamed floral fragrance that tickled the nose. Bathed in warm sunlight, the world seemed to radiate an undeniable festivity.

Today was a momentous occasion. Zenith had given birth once again.

As predicted, the newest addition to the Greyrat family was another bouncing blonde bundle of joy. Roya leaned in for a closer look, a mix of curiosity and amusement dancing in his eyes.

The newborn, a miniature version of himself with a chubby body and an oversized head, blinked around with a bewildered expression – a scene eerily reminiscent of Roya's own arrival in this world. Despite their joy, a subtle unease lingered in the air. 

Both Paul and Zenith fell silent, a flicker of bewilderment crossing their features. It felt uncanny, statistically improbable, that both their children would manifest this unique silent personality.

If Roya could have voiced his thoughts, they would have likely been, "Congratulations, both of your sons are reincarnators!"

However, the pure joy of a new life overshadowed this unsettling revelation.

Paul, ever the doting father, leaned in to greet his son. But a memory of their last encounter two years ago flickered in his mind, causing him to pull back sheepishly. He gazed at the swaddled baby with a glint of fatherly pride in his emerald eyes.

"He's a healthy one," he remarked softly to Zenith, placing the baby gently in her arms. A hint of tenderness softened his features.

Roya stood beside them, witnessing this heartwarming scene unfold. A slight frown etched itself onto his youthful face as his eyes fell upon the newborn. Rudeus Greyrat. The protagonist of the story he remembered, though that title didn't guarantee smooth sailing.

In his past life, Rudeus had been a shut-in, and even in this new world, he was seemingly burdened by the manipulations of a God. And to be perfectly honest, Roya's feelings towards him weren't exactly warm due to Rudeus's perverted tendencies.

Rudeus had flaws, that much was evident. But Roya acknowledged the progress he would make, gradually overcoming his weaknesses step-by-step. Still, his opinion remained guarded.

Jobless Reincarnation, a story that embraced the harsh realities of life. It portrayed characters who weren't born perfect, even in a fantastical world, where regrets clung to them like shadows.

He hadn't finished the novel; his knowledge only stretched to the first ten volumes or so, leaving the ending a mystery.

But fate had placed him in this world, making him Rudeus' older brother. And with that realization came a newfound purpose – to guide his brother, to help him forge a better path, a brighter ending than the one depicted in the pages he'd devoured.

The mention of shifting events, the Demon Continent, humans, gods, dragon gods – it was all a swirling storm of information that made Roya furrow his brow even deeper.

Logic dictated that he crushes the human gods' conspiracy, form an alliance with the dragon god, and achieve a picture-perfect ending. But a nagging question gnawed at him – would defeating the dragon god grant him immense space-time power? Could he flip the script, overpower the dragon god and bend it to his will, then eliminate the gods, and finally reach his happily ever after?

The question pivoted on one crucial point: could he overpower the dragon god? After all, it was the strongest being in this entire world.

He cast a silent glance at his own talent: Immaculate Body. Fool. Greed.

Perhaps a gamble was in order? Yet, attacking now was a guaranteed suicide mission.

Suddenly, Rudeus's piercing cries shattered the tense atmosphere. Roya flicked his gaze towards the oblivious baby, happily chugging down milk, and a sneer twisted his lips.

Unlike Rudeus, possessing strong personal integrity, Roya had exclusively used a bottle after the initial forced feeding.

Watching the oblivious infant before him enjoying sucking the warm milk bags, Roya's internal monologue turned bitter: "All thanks to this cursed morality of mine."

Rudeus, satiated from his meal and with novelty of big breasts fading, finally turned his attention to the quiet child standing beside him. His eyes widened in surprise. A little girl (?), no older than two, stood next to him. Strikingly handsome, with soft, golden hair cascading down his back and features as delicate as a doll's, the boy captivated Rudeus.

In that instant, a bizarre notion sprouted in Rudeus's mind. This enchanting child, with his cherubic face and golden locks, could be his first waifu. But a swift glance at the girl's expression sent that grotesque fantasy crashing down. Yeah, he wasn't a girl but a boy. Rudeus's older brother.

Cold eyes, reflecting Rudeus in their golden depths, gazed upon him with disdain, silently questioning, "Who are you?"

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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