
Starting from Jobless Reincarnation

Andy, a simple man, was hit by a car and found himself in a pure white world. Good News: He got to start a new adventure. Bad News: The system wanted to erase his existence. However, he was ultimately allowed to stay and write his own story. --- English isn’t my main language, and this is a trnslation. I will try to avoid generic Chinese slogans, but please forgive me if you encounter lines like "courting death." If you have any questions, ask me in the comments or leave a review. Genre: Romance, Reincarnation, Harem (?), Action Words: Jobless Reincarnation, Sword Art Online, Demon Slayer

OberonLA · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 11: I'm the Blonde Kid at the Kirigaya Household

The world wasn't extraordinary; it was simply ordinary. Bustling cities thrummed with the daily routines of their inhabitants. Traffic hummed, its constant rhythm setting the beat for life. Here, people lived ordinary lives, experiencing the full spectrum of emotions - joy and sorrow, triumphs and failures - from childhood onward. This was a world devoid of magic and swordsmanship, a stark reflection of modern reality. No grand heroes existed here, no fantastical adventures awaited. Only ordinary people, weaving their own ordinary stories.

These ordinary people harbored their own dreams and aspirations, however small they may seem. The anticipation of a delicious meal, the excitement of a planned trip, the simple joy of a new outfit - these seemingly trivial things painted the world with vibrant hues. Difficulties and setbacks were met not with magic or blades, but with practical solutions: hard work, seeking help, or a shift in perspective. Life was a journey of learning and growth, paved with mistakes and the wisdom gleaned from them.

This world, in its very ordinariness, held the essence and beauty of life. Within this small island nation, teeming with over a hundred million souls, resided an orphanage much like any other.

Here, children had two paths. They could be raised in the orphanage until adulthood, eventually venturing out on their own. Or, they could find a forever home with adoptive parents, forging a different childhood. This was the future that awaited the children in this small island nation's orphanage.

But a few months ago, an anomaly arrived. A boy, no more than five years old, materialized seemingly out of thin air. He lacked identification, lacked an adult guardian, and thus the ability to register.

But, this unaccompanied child possessed an uncanny eloquence. He could persuade anyone, even strangers, to offer him a room in a regular hotel. Authorities were notified on multiple occasions, but this enigmatic child always vanished before they could intervene, as if he possessed an uncanny prescience of events.

His enigmatic arrival at the orphanage wasn't immediate. After being discovered by staff wandering the streets, the boy, after some deliberation, agreed to their offer. His reasoning was refreshingly pragmatic: "Free room and board means less time worrying about survival, and more time for my own pursuits." And so, the child with his dazzling blonde hair became a resident.

However, unlike other children, he didn't crave toys or playtime with his peers. Every day, a veil of disinterest and lethargy seemed to drape him. This unusual behavior piqued the staff's curiosity, eventually reaching the director himself.

"What is it you truly desire?" the director inquired, hoping to pierce the boy's enigmatic facade.

The blonde child pondered for a moment, then spoke, "If possible, a computer. It would allow me to research and play online games."

The director, initially hesitant, offered a nonchalant challenge: "A perfect score in all subjects earns you a computer."

Clearly, he underestimated the boy before him. The very next day, the boy returned, eyes glinting with purpose. He requested a test, and without a shred of doubt, aced every subject.

The director, a man of strict principles, wasn't keen on the child becoming a gaming addict. Determined to test his resolve, he reneged on his deal, presenting the boy with high school-level questions to discourage him.

But a month later, the boy stood before him again, requesting another challenge. To the director's utter astonishment, the boy tackled university-level questions flawlessly, scoring a perfect hundred in each.

And so, it became a common sight – a four-year-old boy, perched in a corner of the orphanage, engrossed in a laptop. The games he played were mind-bogglingly complex, challenging even adults.

This incident sparked a firestorm in society. People from all walks of life flocked to the orphanage, eager to witness the brilliance of this prodigy. Their motives, however, weren't always pure. Some came with a challenger's spirit, armed with university-level questions to test the limits of his genius.

Disappointingly, the boy met each challenge with the same impassive expression, his mind effortlessly dissecting the questions. The truth became undeniable – this was a true prodigy in their midst.

Suddenly, the number of hopeful adopters skyrocketed. Each offer, however, met with the same silent smile and a resolute shake of the head. His reasons remained a mystery.

Finally, one day, a voice broke through the boy's concentration as he navigated the complexities of his online game. He looked up from his laptop screen.

"You must be the incredibly intelligent prodigy everyone's been buzzing about, aren't you?"

A slender figure stood before him. A woman of about twenty years old, with delicate features accentuated by light makeup and her hair pulled back in a neat style, addressed the boy directly.

"Are you here to adopt me?" he inquired, his voice laced with a hint of lethargy.

The woman smiled warmly, her answer a simple nod. "I also have two exceptionally intelligent children. It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Midori Kirigaya."

Midori Kirigaya extended a hand, slender yet firm. The boy, unusually quiet on this particular day, pondered for a moment before returning her handshake.

'Midori Kirigaya? As in Kirito's and Suguha's mother?' The thought flickered across his mind. After a calculated pause, he spoke, "Alright, I'll accept your invitation."

To the astonishment of everyone present, the boy, now known as Naoki Kirigaya according to official records, left the orphanage alongside Midori Kirigaya. Everyone there couldn't help but envy her stroke of luck. They assumed Midori had stumbled upon a treasure – a child prodigy unlike any other.


In current world.

Roya relinquished control of the Sword Art Online world, a touch of helplessness washing over him as Roxy sprawled, practically using him as a human pillow. He hadn't anticipated her sleeping posture to be so undignified, her azure hair tickling his cheek. A sigh escaped his lips.

This seemingly elegant girl, why did she sleep like a starfish, half her body clinging to him? The urge to wake her warred with the sight of her peaceful slumber. Deciding it wasn't worth disturbing her dreams, he closed his eyes, content with his earlier progress in the game.

However, the night betrayed his plan. A heavy sensation and labored breathing jolted him awake. His gaze darted to the side. Roxy, somehow, had managed to drape a smooth, slender leg across him, her form now nestled tightly against him, her chest, though not overly voluptuous, pressed against his cheek.

A blush flooded his face as he took in her perfect features, mere inches from his own. Regret, sharp and sudden, stabbed at him for allowing such a captivating creature to sleep beside him. With agonizing care, he lifted her foot, remarkably like polished jade, and sighed. Thank goodness for his youth. Another five or six years, and resisting the urge to completely devour her might have proven impossible.

The interruption significantly impacted his sleep quality. Multitasking through the night left him feeling as drained as after a marathon gaming session in another world.