
Starting From Becoming the Master of Monsters

During the demonic encounter, a young man, distinguished by double horns and waist-length crimson hair, led a procession of hundreds of demons at the forefront. Yuto sighed, expressing his reluctance, "Honestly, I have no interest in being the master of monsters. This profession is utterly pointless. My dream is to become a magician... no, to become a great onmyoji." The multitude of demons pleaded with their lord, "My lord, please awaken! You are the leader of the demons!"

Taiya · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Yuto Treated as a "Master"

This young man is certainly not an ordinary individual. Having served as a detective for many years, he has encountered numerous cases of death. However, upon laying eyes on the current corpse, he was taken aback by a sudden wave of nausea. Surprisingly, the young man displayed a composed demeanor while handling the deceased.

The person lying on the ground had undoubtedly met a gruesome end, with intestines strewn across the floor and clear signs of being gnawed upon. Observing the victim's condition and combining it with the foul odor he had recently encountered, Yuto was now almost certain that the culprit was a rat demon.

The rat demon, while not considered a formidable monster, was among the lowest-ranking creatures in the demon hierarchy. This raised questions for Yuto because these creatures were generally weak and timid. What could prompt them to go on a sudden rampage, attacking and devouring humans?

Examining the residual demon energy at the crime scene, it was evident that the rampaging rat demon was considerably weak. If that was the case, what compelled them to leave the sewers and openly assault humans?

"Hey, kid! Our captain is asking you a question! Pretending to be deaf won't help. Although you look like a student, if you don't explain yourself, we can still arrest you on charges of obstructing justice."

Just as Yuto grappled with these questions, a nearby detective couldn't bear it any longer and berated him. However, the captain, in charge of the case, interrupted his subordinate's attempt to scold Yuto. He could tell that Yuto knew something from his behavior.

This case had become quite troublesome. The media had taken an interest, and the higher-ups were aware of the so-called serial killer. If they couldn't solve the case smoothly, it could directly impact the captain's future promotions.

"Officer, I won't hide anything from you. This case is complicated, possibly beyond your imagination. I can assist you in solving it, but I don't recommend you getting involved. I can handle this matter for you."

Although Yuto had anticipated the possible reactions after uttering these words, he still needed to say them. The rat demon might be considered weak amongst other demons, but it was not something ordinary humans could easily handle.

Besides having a sense of smell a hundred times more powerful than humans and being extremely agile at night, the rat demons also operated in a group. While handguns could cause harm to these weaker demons, the critical question was whether they could hit them.

Moreover, the exact number of rat demons was unknown, but judging from the body that had been nearly devoured, it was clear there were many.

"Ha? You little brat, don't be too arrogant. Students should act like students. We are the detectives. Just provide the information you know, and we'll handle the rest ourselves."

As Yuto had expected, he was bombarded with curses right after speaking. His head even took a blow. After all, he was just a teenager, and things like demons were too supernatural. Even if he spoke about it, few would believe him.

"Are you sure the so-called culprit is not a creature we can deal with? If so, do you have confidence in handling such an entity? If you do, I, Yosaburo, would like to request your assistance."

Yosaburo, the previous Captain with a little mustache, suddenly bowed respectfully to Yuto. It surprised the other team members to see their usually respected captain bowing so low to a young boy.

"Captain, just a little kid..."

Although other team members wanted to step forward and stop their captain from bowing to a young boy, they were stopped by Yosaburo, who extended his hand.

Being an experienced detective, Yosaburo was obviously not like other newbies. Due to his long career, he knew a bit more about the other side of the world, which others didn't know.

"So I'm saying, can you leave this case to me?"

Despite Yosaburo's attitude, Yuto couldn't help but feel surprised. It seemed that not all ordinary humans were unaware of such things.

"No, rather than leaving everything to you, I hope we can participate. After all, as a detective, this is also our responsibility. Moreover, we can't let you face the danger alone."

Hearing Yosaburo's request, Yuto admired the man's sense of responsibility. However, they didn't know that Yuto's decision was more about ensuring their safety.

If these detectives hadn't discovered the victim first, Yuto would have silently resolved the case. He didn't want his peaceful life to be disturbed. However, now that the case had become a big deal, the police would intensify their investigation. Demons weren't friendly, and a more substantial police presence could lead to more casualties.

Yuto ultimately couldn't resist Yosaburo's persuasion. Even though Yuto was putting on airs, he was still a student, and he couldn't compete with the authorities. In the end, they reached a consensus. Yuto agreed to assist in the investigation, but the specifics of the operation would be planned by him.

It wasn't Yuto being arrogant; the timing simply wasn't right. Rat demons were nocturnal creatures, and during the day, they were unlikely to appear. Even if Yuto could find them through the residual Yokai energy, it was too risky to act during the day.

Although Fuyuicho was not as bustling as before, there were still quite a few pedestrians during the day. If the rat demons went on a rampage, it could harm innocent people.

So Yuto instructed Yosaburo to wait until the evening to start the operation. As for his current identity as a student, his task was to attend school.

Yosaburo didn't find this strange. After all, those mysterious individuals, in today's society, followed the principle of blending in with the public. The everyday life of these people was similar to that of ordinary people.

Yosaburo was curious about Yuto's identity, wondering if he was associated with the famous Togami Shrine, which was not too far from here.

"Hinano, you don't need to participate in other matters today. Your only task is to protect this kid."

Although Yuto, a "master," didn't seem to need protection, Yosaburo still decided to do so. It was because individuals like Yuto typically didn't interfere in worldly affairs. On the other hand, those who worked in his profession often encountered strange and peculiar things. Initiating good relations with such individuals was the right move.

As for why he chose the rookie Hinano, it was probably because, among the team, everyone else was a grown man. To gain favor with someone like Yuto, it seemed that Hinano, with her "assets," had an advantage.