
Starting from becoming the King of Saiyans

Lin Chen transmigrates to the Dragon Ball world and unexpectedly awakens the Strongest selection system. “Defeat Frieza and prevent the destruction of Planet Vegeta. Reward: Legendary Super Saiyan bloodline.” “Choice 2: Defeat Supreme Kai. Reward: Supreme Kai’s powers..…… *This is a fan translated novel by me * You can support me on my patreon for extra chapters https://www.patreon.com/dmtranslations

dm95 · Anime & Comics
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583 Chs

Attack and Metal Cooler Army

"What's going on?"

There was such a big commotion in the sky that no one could have missed it.

Simultaneously, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up towards the sky.

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and immediately took out his Scouter, putting it on his face.

"Paragus, I want to know what's happening!"

Soon, Paragus's voice came through the communicator.

"Your Majesty, we have just received a report from the Planet Vegeta Defense Force. An unidentified fleet is attacking us! The space fleet composed of Metal Saibamen has already been deployed to intercept them, but the situation is not looking good. The enemy fleet has released numerous individuals with unknown data, and their strength far surpasses that of the Metal Saibamen. Even the strongest Model 345, working together, are no match for them."

Metal Saibamen Model 345 were fully mechanical Androids modeled after Cooler's Armored Squadron, each with a power level close to one million. Working together, they could even contend with opponents with power level exceeding one million.

If even they couldn't hold off the enemy, then the attackers must have Power Level of at least two million?

Who are these people that they can send out so many experts at once?

Cold light flickered in Lin Chen's dark eyes.

Since the invasion of the Turles Crusher Corps on Planet Vegeta in his absence, the planet had not faced any external enemies for many years. It seems they are really tired of living.

Vegeta was filled with indignation.

"Your Majesty, I will go and see who dares to cause trouble on our planet!"

Then,without waiting for Lin Chen's response, Vegeta hurriedly flew away.

"Vegeta, wait for me! I'll come with you!" Goku shouted and followed suit.

Lin Chen didn't stop them but turned to Hanasia and the others, saying, "I'll go and take a look. You guys stay hidden with the children."

"Your Majesty, I'll accompany you!" Hanasia stood up and declared.

"No need, I can handle it myself."

Just as Lin Chen said that, Lazuli also stood up. However, she didn't seek Lin Chen's opinion and flew directly into the distance.

"This Lazuli, she's really..."

Lin Chen chuckled and followed suit.

As Lin Chen flew ahead, the Saiyans on Planet Vegeta had already mobilized in response to the sudden attack. Saiyans could be seen flying into the sky from all over the planet.

When they saw Lin Chen flying past in the sky, they immediately followed him on their own accord.

Before long, a Saiyan army had gathered behind Lin Chen.

At that moment, meteors suddenly streaked across the sky.

One, two, three...

At least a hundred meteors descended from the sky.

Simultaneously, Lin Chen heard Paragus's exclamation through the communicator, "Your Majesty! The defense line has been breached, and the enemy has begun landing!"

"I see."

As soon as Lin Chen's voice fell, he saw two red auras rise like rockets in the distance, rushing towards the falling meteors.

"Such powerful auras! Are they Super Saiyans?"

"Is that not Bardock and Queen Hanasia? Who are those two?"

"It looks like Bardock's son, Kakarot, and Vegeta!"

"Oh my, so they've become Super Saiyans too?"

Witnessing the two Super Saiyans charging ahead, the morale of the remaining Saiyans soared.

Since there were Super Saiyans present, there was nothing to worry about.

However, to everyone's surprise, Goku and Vegeta, who were the first to charge ahead, were unable to stop the invading enemies at all.

Among the group of unidentified enemies, only two individuals were separated, yet they fought Goku and Vegeta evenly.

Seeing that the opponents could match Super Saiyan and their auras couldn't be sensed, Lin Chen already had a faint idea of their identities.

At that moment, the descending enemies suddenly slowed down and stopped in mid-air. It seemed they had noticed Lin Chen and the others.

As both sides faced off, Lin Chen finally saw who those descending guys were.

Emerald green and bright figures with metallic bodies, resembling Frieza.

Although it was their first meeting, Lin Chen recognized them.


And Metal Cooler, at that?

Seeing the enemy before him, Lin Chen's pupils contracted, and his expression immediately darkened.

He had initially thought the opponents might be Androids dispatched by Dr. Gero, but he never expected it to be Metal Cooler.

This was an even more formidable enemy than the Android Army!

"How is this possible? Your Majesty, they are Cooler! Frieza's older brother!"

In the distance, Bardock, who had already transformed into a Super Saiyan, rushed over with Tarble and other four Super Saiyan Gods. Seeing Metal Cooler, Bardock's face changed drastically.

The first time he died in his life was because of Cooler, so Bardock had a vivid memory of that face.

"What? Cooler?"

"Didn't Cooler die already?"

Upon hearing the name Cooler, everyone else jumped in surprise.

"These people aren't Cooler; they're Metal Cooler! Their nature is similar to our Metal Saibamen. They should have come from a place called the Big Gete Star!"

"Back then, Cooler must not have died but escaped to the Big Gete Star!"

Lin Chen scanned these Metal Coolers, explaining while checking their Power Level.

Metal Cooler, Power Level: 32 million!

"Bardock, have everyone else retreat. Each of these guys has a Power Level of 32 million! You're no match for them!"

Upon hearing the information provided by Lin Chen, everyone was shocked.

32 million Power Level?

Keep in mind, the strongest three types of Metal Saibamen on the Saiyan side have power level of less than 1 million. Yet, the Power Level of a single Metal Cooler exceeds 32 million?

32 million Power Level, only Lin Chen, Bardock, Hanasia, and the four Super Saiyan Gods on the entire Planet Vegeta could deal with it.

Oh, and Bardock's son, Kakarot and Vegeta, should be able to handle them with some effort.

"Retreat! Everyone retreat!"

Although reluctant, no Saiyan would act foolishly in the face of such a massive gap. People began to retreat one after another.

Meanwhile, those capable of dealing with the Metal Coolers stepped forward.

Lin Chen said to them, "Finish this quickly. The enemy's numbers are too great. If even one escapes, who knows how many lives will be lost!"


With a resolute response, everyone unleashed their own auras and charged mercilessly at the enemies before them.

The sudden burst of aura caused the clouds in the sky to surge like waves.

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