
Starting a New Adventure in Another World

Our Main Character Rai Akamine, and his entire class got transported to another world with a fantasy game-like system involved. They can see their stats and have been given their skills. How would they survive in this new type of world? Find it out yourself.

KingAka20 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
201 Chs

Chapter 15: Aftermath (part 2)

"Please forgive me Akamine-sama!"

Ryoto was prostrating himself and was asking for forgiveness.

"It's okay Ryoto, getting himself get captured was part of Rai's plan."

"Wait is that true Akamine-sama?"

"Sorry Ryoto, but it is true."

Ryoto was dumbfounded and started lecturing like he's my retainer in which he kinda of is, Yuki then intervened and asked me.

"So what's the next step?"

"Well... we're gonna raid the king's castle and fight the heroes."

Both of their mouths dropped open and Chieko went into the room.

"Rai's right our classmates are inside the king's castle."

"We just have to fight them not kill them right?"

I nodded, but if push comes to shove then I'll use <Judgement> but at most I could handle them cause of the new feature.

"Yes and wait for me there I need to do some preparations, Midori, Kayda, and Zei are already heading there."

"Wait is that true Chieko?"

"Of course it is Yuki, come on let's go."

Chieko left and Yuki sighed before leaving as well, but Ryoto remained.

"I will not leave Akamine-sama's side."

"Well you can stay but..."

I pulled out The Scale from my inventory and An option appeared.

[Do you want to replace the current gem?]


[Acknowledged, the current soul gem will now be unequipped, equipping new soul gem]

[The <god> '???' Is happy for his 'Vessels' new profound power]

[The <god> 'Chieftain of the Guardian Angels' is shocked to see you have a 2 soul gems already]

[The <god> 'Mother of Dragons' is worried about what'll you do]

[The <god> 'Wisewoman of Olympus' is greatly shocked of the gems]

[some <gods> are more cautious around you]

[Some <gods> are asking you to join their <pantheon>]

The human soul gem that I got disappeared from my inventory, and got replaced by a dragon soul gem.

[Effects will now be applied]

Ryoto suddenly staggered back a little and started shivering, he has never felt this kind of fear before.

"Akamine-sama what was that?"

"It's an item that gives me additional bonuses against specific races, this time it's against humans it also applies to party members."

He wiped the sweat off of his forehead and looked at me again, this time with admiration for my new power.

"Ah I see, you are so great Akamine-sama."

"Then shall we go meet with our old friends."

Ryoto nodded and we sprinted out of the building, and start running on rooftops so that we can get a better view of where we're going.

"I can see them."

We arrived there in a short time, I looked towards where Ryoto was pointing and it was Zei and the others, we jumped of the building and made our way towards where they are.

"Took you long enough."

"Yeah sorry about that."

"It's okay."

Yuki and Chieko went up to me and Chieko said.

"Well this huge door is locked and is also reinforced to withstand attacks coming from Yuki, and from magic."

"It's really hard to open, and if we do manage to do it then we'll be tired before fighting out classmates."


I looked over and saw Kayda trying to slice it open but it's not working, as the giant gait keeps regenerating.

"Hey Kayda where's Midori?"

"My savior!"

Kayda hugged me before answering.

"Midori is busy talking to her supporter."

When Kayda said that I felt an intimidating aura coming from behind me.

"Move Akamine-san."

Midori has a golden aura surrounding her body as if she became a cultivator, She looked fierce her blonde hair was waving around, and her emerald eyes shone, her sword seems longer than usual, although it cracked a little.

[The skill 'Heavenly King's Martial Arts' lvl 10 has been activated]

Midori then murmured to her self as she was flustered embarrassed to chant the name of the skill.

"Heavenly king's first blade, [Earth Splitter]!"

A dragon emerged from her aura then went along with the sword swing, The door which was reinforced, to withstand attacks coming from heroes and magic coming from a sage, was cut down to size in less than 20 seconds.

The golden aura that Midori had started disappearing and she almost collapsed onto the floor while coughing up some blood, I caught her right in time.

"Hey are you okay?"

"I'm fine but most importantly our job is still not done."

Midori staggered to get up and Zei started buffing us again, Midori got all better and we soon entered.

"Midori could you teach us that skill."

Kayda and Ryoto said simultaneously but were interrupted.

"Heh, look who it is, a slave who killed our classmates and the traitors who chose to ally themselves with her."

In the throne room I could see a lot of familiar faces, this made me frown but atleast they didn't turn into bandits well some of them did I think, I stepped up raising both of my hands in the air, then I said.

"We don't have to fight I just want to talk with the king."

Suddenly an arrow was shot pass me. These people are the bully group the nerds aren't with them and so as the teacher. Kayda whispered to me.

"There's at most 15 of them do you think we can handle them my savior."

"Of course we can, but it's best to not fight."

Yuki then walked up and said raising his shield to protect me.

"Look, like we said we aren't here to fight we just want to talk with the king."

"Heh... hehehehe... hahahahaha!!! do you think we'll let you pass so easily as you betrayed us!"

My party members started readying their weapons and I said.

"You don't want this fight."

Suddenly a man charged at me with sword in hand. But Ryoto was much faster.

"If you want to harm Akamine-sama you'll have to pass through me!"

"Then we'll have to kill you too!"

The fight began and we're totally outnumbered but Zei's magic helped tilting the scale towards our favor although people began focusing on her, I pulled out the scale from my inventory them.

[Effects has been applied to you and your Party members]

An axe was swung at me and I blocked it with my sword then countered with a kick, my stats would be at 400 and above now.

We started pushing them back, and Zei was easily able to overwhelm them now.

"Give up you guys are no match for us!"

"Well if we can't beat you we'll just have to kill one of you!"

They were about to lunge themselves at me but a voice rang out through the halls causing everyone to stop.

"What are you <heroes> doing?! You're treating the <Judge> quite harshly."

"So what if he is a <judge>?!"

"If you want to die, with all your sins completely exposed to the public then be my guest."

The man flinched and stopped attacking he signaled his party members to back off.

"Hello king."

"Why are you here <judge>."

"Look I just want to talk to you one on one."

The king hesitated for a moment before answering, but as he answered I could see that he was already weakened, his face was pale and his figure was to thin.

"Fine... then if you will, follow me but leave your party members behind."

Kayda didn't took this lightly also Midori.

"Midori, Kayda it'll be fine I promise."


"Don't worry about it. I'll message you if something goes wrong."

I looked at them before Midori nodded and Kayda said softly.


[The <god> '???' Doubts your words]

[The <god> 'Chieftain of the Guardian Angels' Will make sure to keep you safe]

I looked at Midori who glared at me then looked away.

"Comeback soon Rai-kun!"

"Akamine-sama please stay out of trouble!"

I nodded and followed the king. Minutes of walking we arrived in a bedroom, well decorated, not too over the top it was simple for a king but I could tell that all these items are expensive.

"Sit here."

I scanned the chair in case of any traps.

"Don't worry I can't even hurt you at this point. Now tell me what is it that you want?"

I sat and thought about it for awhile, An idea came up and I answered him.

"I want to stop the fighting."

The king was shocked to hear my proposal, he must've thought that we came here to deal the final blow and end his life. Then his eyes focused on me and he became relaxed.

"I also want to stop the fighting. But you must have some sort of conditions do you?"

I smiled at him and I answered.

"Well you could say that."

He sat on the chair and looked at me with a warm smile, I could tell he don't have much time left.

"Now tell me the conditions."

"1st I want you to kick out all the corrupted people from nobility."

"That'll be hard for I don't know much and we would be underhanded if that happens."

Before, He could say anything else I quickly said the other conditions.

"2nd let the people decide who'll take over those places, and 3rd I want you to apologize publicly about all these mistakes that happened in the kingdom."

Making the king apologize to the public for the misdeeds of the queen and other nobles will be hard for him, But suddenly the king coughed and covered his mouth, I noticed some blood on his palm then He said.

"About the queen... thank you for putting an end to her treachery."

I already knew what he was talking about. The whole thing was caused by the queen and her lust for power. There 3 sins that stood out to me, 1st is that she killed her own sister just to get the throne herself, 2nd she slowly poisoned the king so she can take over the whole kingdom, and 3rd she forbade her son to see his own father.

"Look it's fine, and I'm sorry to put you through this even though you are sick."

I approached the king and checked on him, I could see the veins on his arm turning into a different color.

"It's okay, I've got to correct the wrong things my wife had done... in other words yes I'll accept in one condition."

"What is it?"

"Protect... my... son."

I got a bad feeling and the king collapsed onto the floor. I messaged the party what has transpired as I screamed for help.

The whole party arrived but so as our classmates.

"Hey old man how about our payment."

[The <god> 'Judge of Fire' doesn't like the interference of these extras]

[The <god> 'Wisewoman of Olympus' is annoyed by the other heroes]

"He's dying and that's all you could think of!"

Midori glared at them and they immediately backed off.

"Zei, Yuki, can you cure him."

They nodded, I lifted the king onto his bed and Zei and Yuki began curing him.

"Hello there little kid what do you want?"

I looked back and saw Chieko talking to a child, the child was wearing a purple clothing with gold lining, I guess he's the prince.

"My savior are you okay?"

"Akamine-sama I heard what has happened. What can we do to help?"

"It's okay Zei and Yuki already got this, and Kayda I'm okay, but I think there are some unwelcome guests."

I glared at our classmates who could only think of money, Ryoto pulled out 2 katanas and Kayda held her great sword.

"If you don't want to die then get out of here."

Chieko went up to me holding the hand of the child and I saw the child covering his eyes.

"Chieko why is his eyes covered."

"I told him that I'll give him a prize if keeps it covered until I give the signal to uncover his eyes."

Zei went up to me and said.

"Rai I'm sorry but-."

[The <gods> are silent]

I cut Zei's words. it looks like it's to late.

"Little prince you can open your eyes now."

"Okay Chieko nee-chan."

The young prince looked around to see unfamiliar looking faces. I knelt down in front of him.

"What's your name?"

I asked him, I didn't used 'eyes of heaven' to look at his stats or name.

"My name is Griff Ulric."

"Ah I see, Griff want me to carry your fathers side."

His eyes widened and he shook his head.

"No, I'm okay mister, my mom told me that father was sick so I can't see him."

"So since when is the last time that you saw him?"

Griff shook his head to signal that he had never seen his own father before. A weak voice was heard.

"It's... okay... you may be able to see father now."

I looked to see the king crying. It seems that the king wasn't able to see his son for a long time.



The party members looked at me as I carry the child to his father's bed. The father who was weak due to poisoning gently stroke the hair of his son.

"You have grown healthy and strong Griff."

Griff was silent and hugged the father tightly while tears fall from his eyes.

"I'm really glad to see father! I got so many stories to tell."

"Yes... I'll listen to them."

Griff happily told his short 7 years of his life, it was sad but there are times when it was happy. the father listened intently to he's son's stories.

"That... was... a... good story."

"Yeah so wait for me until I grow up, I'll be a greater king than father was."

"I... know."

The father closed his eyes and said to his son.

"I love you."

"I love you to father so please get better soon."


But there was no reply. The son shook his father gently then roughly trying to wake him up, he hugged his father as he cried aloud. My party members left so that they can give him a moment but I didn't leave.

I watched Griff as he grieve over his dead father.