
Started With a Mission

My life has always fricken sucked. I've known that since I was like two years old, such a simple fact to me. Everyone hates me, labels me as weird or annoying and for some reason they feel the need to bully me and stab me in the back. I always see it on their faces they're desperate to be away from me, yet they always stare. Everyone who has ever come into my life has left shortly after getting to actually know me. Everyone except my best friend and the annoyance who refuses to leave me alone that goes by Dylan. But... then things in my world changed, the impossible happened... and it all started with a mission.

LunaFire18 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Chapter 39: Ugh.

The three of us sat on the couch for awhile, forgetting about those weird, random ass drawings of mine for the time being. We sat, Lily on my one side and Dylan on the other, watching the first How to Train Your Dragon movie, for whatever reason something in me wanted to *shudder* cuddle with Dylan as we watched. I hid it and kept it deep down since it was bad enough I do that in my sleep, let alone in front of Lily Mc screams at everything. Can't even say how many times I've watched this movie, I've seen so many movies probably fifty times each and pointlessly remember them word for word. Remembered them word for word after the first time, but the ones I really liked I didn't mind watching them over and over again. I always find myself nostalgic for VCR's, I hate how fast normal technology is advancing. Yeah I'd love that cool wrist device from work I'll get with that promotion I haven't heard about for a while, but I like the work it takes to watch a VHS tape. Having to rewind it everytime you want to watch it again, the sound it makes as you rewind it. Watching the tape spin from one side to the other as it's getting rewound. The vintage type smell. I don't know, I just miss certain old things. Seeing movies where kids play outside with their friends always intrigued me at the same time as making me sad. I would have loved doing that if my life was different, nowadays all anyone wants to do is play on a phone or tablet... its depressing. Anyhow after finishing that movie we decided on watching the second one, Lily cried at the sad part. I'm not gonna say what it is for those who haven't yet watched the movie but want to and somehow don't know what happens.

At the end of that movie I loudly exclaimed, annoyed as fuck, "I'm so fucking pissed they keep fucking postponing the third movie!!!! It was supposed to come out in like 2016 but now it's not coming out TILL GODDAMN 2019!!!!!!! ERRRRRRR!!!!!! FUCKIN ASSHOLES I WANT THE FUCKING THIRD MOVIE!!!!" By the start of the yelling, Dylan covered his ears and was starting to try and bury his head in my couch since he was sitting right beside me. Lily covered her ears and leaned away a little, obviously not anywhere near as effected as Dylan is by yelling. Once I finished yelling I huffed and crossed my arms, glaring at the T.V. as if it was its fault for there not being a third movie yet. Dylan pulled his head out of my couch, earning a weird expression from Lily who didn't know exactly why he had his head in there to begin with.

"Could you maybe NOT yell practically directly into my ear? Please? Cause that fricken hurt Quetzal." He said, being serious but there was some amusement sparkling in his eyes as he looked at me.

I huffed again, ignoring my heart flutter yet again and mumbled, "Fiiiiiiinnneee..."

Lily was still confused but let it go and said, "We should have a sleepover Skye, we haven't had one of those in way too long."

Dylan chuckled and asked her, "Does she make you sleep on the floor?" She gave him a look that said 'duh, she hates being touched you idiot. What do you think the answer is?'

"Yes, but at least there's an air mattress to sleep on." She replied, still giving him that look.

He hung his mouth open at me and said, "You made me sleep on just a blanket, when there was an air mattress the entire time???? What the fuck Skye? Still 'hate' me that much or what?" My face changed from angry pouting to one similar to a kid trying to pretend it didn't do anything.

"Pffffffffff, ha no. Pf what air mattress Lily? I don't remember any damn air mattress, unless you brought one over to use for yourself." I probably very obviously lied, avoiding eye contact with both of them as I tried defending my reasons. Truthfully I wanted to see if he'd even put up with that, call it mean or whatever you want but I keep finding myself needing to get proof he'll deal with every side of me. I need to in order to open up to him more.

Dylan crossed his arms and raised a brow at me—I saw from the corner of my eye—and Lily, being Lily, had to state the truth and say, "No. Remember, you specifically got one for me to sleep on whenever I'm over and you leave it like in your closet or beside your dresser on the floor." I slid down the couch a bit and glanced at Dylan the way a caught child would do to a parent.

"Oh really now?" He asked me, eyebrow still raised. I slid further down the couch and ended up falling off, landing on my ass with a hard thump on the floor.

"Ow.." I muttered, in the T.V. reflection I saw Dylan shake his head at me, "of course I remember Lily! Have you met me? I was clearly lying and you were supposed to back me up! Gawd!" I jokingly exclaimed, turning to her to lightly smack her leg. Which caused us all to chuckle.

"Well I'll leave now and let you guys have your girl time. I'll see you guys at school tomorrow." He said to us both, chuckling a little and standing up. For some weird as fucking shit reason, I didn't really want him to leave. However Lily was right and she hasn't slept over in ages, besides I've spent how much damn time with Dylan already this past like month? Fricken geez. Plus last time we attempted this he ruined it by telling her about our make out in the forest. Remembering that made my stomach flip, happy shivers going through my skin at the memory.

Lily smiled—a little evilly if you ask me—then said to Dylan, "I bet Skye wants you to stay, so you guys can make each other laugh and build more of that sexual chemistry."

I threw my head back and covered my face then yelled, "OOOHHH MY FUCKING GOD LILY SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT THAT ALREADY! LOSA CRIOSD A' BREITH GALLA DAMN!!!!" Dylan laughed at my yelling that time but then him and Lily gave me confused expressions at the end sentence.

"What in the shit does that even mean Quetzal?" Dylan chuckled.

I rolled my eyes at him and answered, "Jesus fucking Christ birthing a damn bitch. That's fucking what Dylan. Sheesh."

They both laughed at me but he asked, "In what language??" I went to snap a reply but realized I don't know what language, "I don't fuckin know."

They both looked baffled so he chuckled and pressed, "How do you not know what language you just spoke?"

"Know how many languages I fricken know? Just cause I speak them doesn't mean I always know what damn language I'm speaking, geez. Though I think it might've been Scottish, would make sense since we just watched a Scottish viking movie."

I thought some more, trying to remember, then Lily piped up again and smartly stated, "See, you do want him to stay."

I scoffed, snapping out of thinking and demanded, "Prove it."

She rolled her eyes and said, "Because you didn't deny it, for one. And your defensive yelling proves you don't want to admit you do want him to stay. And you're not even denying that you guys always make each other laugh." She crossed her arms and smiled, looking smug about her smartness. Fucking bitch of a friend and fricken knowing me that well...

I loudly laughed and retorted, "PF! NO! God Lily, you suck at observing shit. I'm goin to my room now, feel free to join when you stop talkin nonsense." With that I went up to my room, face slightly red as I loudly muttered, "Make each other laugh. Pf yeah right." Once in my room I gave myself super good hearing like usual and eavesdropped on their conversation.

"So you've spent the night hmmmmmm?????" I heard Lily ask Dylan who chuckled and replied, "yes, once. And I had to sleep on a blanket on the floor as far from the bed as possible, you know how stiff my back was the next morning?" He laughed and added, "It's alright though, for her... I'd do it till I die, just to be close to her." My heart felt weird after hearing that, I don't know what to do with myself now. He even lied at the start since he's spent the night four or so times now. Wow I've let him sleep over that many times already...? Jesus christ... How does one react to hearing that though? Felt like my heart was going to fuckin escape from hearing that, he really will put up with my crap... damn.

"AWWWWWWEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!" Lily fangirl screamed, probably jumping and or wiggling like crazy. Even without the enhanced hearing I would have been able to hear that, Dylan's probably deaf now from all the super loud yelling that's happened today.

"Anyways I'll let you guys get to your girls night, since I ruined it last time." I heard Dylan chuckle. I listened to them say some quick byes then heard my front door close and Lily start coming up the stairs. I sat on my bed, playing on the cell phone I literally only use to play games on if I need it. Lily walked in, saw me on my phone and crossed her arms smiling at me.

I glanced over then back to my screen and asked, "What?"

She laughed and responded, "You only play on your phone when you don't want to talk, as in you're avoiding a specific conversation."

"And what makes you think that?" I questioned, not looking over.

"Because you've only ever done this like two other times in the six years of knowing you Skye, and both times you were avoiding some sort of feelings related topic. Like when I asked for more information about your family and why you think they hate you, and when I asked why you've never wanted a boyfriend or girlfriend. Which clearly you do because here we are at number three, all about Dylan." I stiffened, not enough for her to be able to tell, but I did.

"Pfff whatever. Why'd you bring that up again?" I replied, putting my phone away to be a little more respectful to my best friend.

"I brought it up cause now you're avoiding talking about how much you actually like Dylan. Like I said, number three that you're avoiding." She answered, walking over and sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Pft, I don't like him." I defended myself, however that statement immediately backfired on me.

She gave me a look that made it obvious she doesn't believe me then asked smiling, "So you're saying you love him???"

Excitement twinkled in her eyes, my cheeks dusted pink and I defiantly responded, "No. Course I fucking don't. Geez Lily I haven't even gone on a date with him yet. The fuck you asking that for?"

Lily raised an eyebrow and asked, "You realize that he also hasn't been on a date with you, yet he loves you." Fuck.. God damn why does she have to put me through this.

"Whatever. I still don't love him, so stop sayin I do. Sheesh.." I muttered, looking away from her.

"I'll stop saying it when you admit you at least like him since you obviously don't know what love feels like." Lily answered, I could hear the smirk on her face.

"Pft. I do know what love feels like thank you very fuckin much." I retorted, refusing to admit a damn thing even if I was completely, utterly lying.

"Oh really?" She asked in response. I growled and flopped onto my side, my back to her.

"Yeah believe it or not I fucking do. I love my brother, and I love you the same way. And, AND I love dogs and ice cream. So HA." I stated, glacing at her for the ha part then angrily laid back how I was.

"But that's not the same with Dylan, you don't love him like a sibling, pet or.. food." She stated, sass mixed into her caring friend voice.

"Never said I love him." I stated back.

I growled some more as she ignored my comment and taunted, "Dylan and Skyyye sittin in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!!!!" She purposely paused and took a breath, waiting a few seconds to see if it was annoying enough or not. When I didn't yell at her she continued, "Skye and Dylan are so in love! How many babies do you think they'll—"

"FUCK ENOUGH HOLY SHIT FUCKING FINE I LIKE HIM OKAY GOD SHUT UP WITH THAT TERRIBLE STUPID SONG ALREADY!!!!!" I interrupted, throwing my pillow over my head then sitting up to finish yelling and then throw the pillow at her face to storm out of my room, leaving her laughing and smiling triumphantly to herself as I left my house entirely. Worst part is I have a strong feeling Dylan Mc eavesdropper fucking heard all of that, ugh god damn best friend making me admit shit... jesus. God damn Dylan and his super hearing... uuughh... Do I love him though..? Pft why am I asking myself that, course I don't. ...still... do I? I am so confused about it, but I guess I'll just let it go.