

~Mina Pov~

It was around 2:00 And and i hadn't slept yet. Kaminari was here too. Guess he'd fried his brain studying. I Walked over to him "wanna play a game?" I ask with a grin on her face "yes!" Kaminari smiled

*kirishima pov*

I sat on the balcony and bakugo was on his. Since we were across from each other we'd sometimes talked on out balcony's. I liked that. He would sometimes smile or even laugh. His smile is adorable. "Oi! Kir-Shittyhair! You paying attention?" Bakugo asked. I was staring at the stars. "Eh sorry!" I smiled blushing. 'He'd be angry to know i was thinking about him' i think in my head. I hear a nock at my door."eh?? Who could be up? Ill be right back bakugo" i go to the door and mina is there along with kaminari and sero, tsuyu, ochaco, todoroki, and midoriya. "Er what is this.." i ask. Mina steps up "i want you and bakugo to play truth or dare with us! Itll be super manly." I think for a moment. "Sure how will we get bakugo though?" Mina giggles "no idea. You can convince him after all you were just talking to him on the balcony like lovebirds we'll be downstairs!!." She walks away with the others downstairs. I blush "i- Its not like that I dont.." i look down. 'Maybe i do have a crush on bakugo. He makes me happy. And he opened up to me too. And his smile just lingers in my mind I-' my thought was interrupted by bakugo "whats not like what? Who was out here?" I looked up at him "just mina and The others.. they were wondering if you'd play truth or dare with us.." Bakugo huffed "its to late for that.." i frown. "It will be fun." Bakugo was walking back into how room and faked a yawn "im tired"

~Bakugo pov~

I fake a yawn "im tired" im not tired. In reality i know they are going to pull something. I dont wanna be dragged into that. "Oh okay i guess your not Brave enough for the challenge." I stop. "Challenge? Brave enough? Im the bravest person here!" Kirishima smirked "well im going to go play and tell the others you were to tired to play. Its going to be so manly!" I think "fine ill play your stupid game. "Yay!" Kirishima hugged me. I look at him and push him away. "Dont hug me." I start to walk down the hallway and Kirishima follows. We meet up with them "cool i thought he wouldnt come!" Mina exclaims "of course i came im not scared!" I yell slightly. They have already formed a circle and Kirishima grabs ny arm and be sit down. "Okay.. this game is truth or dare EVERYONE must know how to play! I am first so im going to ask 'truth or dare' to a person and they answer i give them a dare or a question" everyone nods.

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