
Haoshoku Haki

Peter and Lorna both found a place and stood together.

Although this was not a party, to the two of them, it felt like the adults left them out, and they had an excellent time together.

It was weird because this apocalyptic scene was nowhere near an 'Excellent Time.'

Spiderman & Polaris: [How long is this going to go on]

[And what the hell is this]

[This thing can split the sky and summon lightning]

[Did all of them become gods or what]

Although both Spiderman and Polaris had a lot of thoughts going on in their minds, not long had passed since this clash began.

In only a few seconds, the intensity of the clash began to decrease.

Tony Stark was the first to fall, followed by Frank Castle and then Wilson Fisk, Daredevil, and the others.

An impressive fact is that Adel did not continue till the end.

However, it is understandable, after all, that it was his Haki that forced everyone else to awaken.

And all of them instinctively went against him to resist.

It would have been fine if it were only 1 or 2; after all, they were pretty weak in intensity.

However, these guys came on seven at once; even if he was strong, he was not strong enough to overpower 7 of them at once.

After all, he had never experienced any big waves till now, and although his control over his Haki is firm, his Haki itself is pretty weak.

Soon everyone was exhausted and had fallen down.

Seeing that the clash between them had ended, Spiderman immediately came up; he was extremely eager to know what was that red and black lightning they just used.

Spiderman: "Mr. umm."

Adel: "Adel, you can call me Adel."

Spiderman: "Mr. Adel, what was that red and black lightning you just caused."

Adel: "No need to call me Mr. Adel; I'm not that old."

"As for that lightning, it was caused by the clash of Haoshoku Haki."

"This was told to me by the Shopkeeper."

"You all should know that there are three types of Haki, right."

Everyone: "Yes"

Adel: "However, he should not have explained the Haoshoku Haki to you in detail."

"Haoshoku Haki, this is a Haki that cannot be acquired by training."

"Haoshoku Haki is a rare form of Haki that allows user to exert their own willpower over others."

"This type of Haki cannot be attained through training, and only one in several million people are born with this ability."

"It is said that whoever possesses this type of Haki has the qualities of a king and are known as Supreme Rulers."

"Haoshoku Haki is considered a dangerous threat and a precious asset by powerful groups."

"Now, let me tell you about how it awakens."

"It is currently unknown if there is an actual way to awaken this Haki since it cannot be learned, only controlled after one discovers that they are one in several million people to be born with it."

"So far, all seen cases of people awakening their Haoshoku involved them using the ability subconsciously while in a state of distress, but also with an unwavering will."

"Silvers Rayleigh has stated that although this Haki can be controlled, it cannot be trained to become stronger directly."

"Since it is, in essence, the embodiment of the user's spirit, it can only become more potent if the user themselves becomes stronger."

Spiderman: "Wow, this thing called the Haoshoku Haki is so amazing."

"However, how did it cause the lightning."

Adel: "The lightning or the sky being split are all because of the clash of the conquerors."

"Whenever Conquerors Haki clashes, lightning rages, and sky splits apart."

"Also, don't forget, none of us has been able to grow our Haoshoku Haki to a strong enough level."

"The shopkeeper once said to me that most people don't even have the right to stand in a battle of conquerors."

"Our clash was still too weak."

"I hope to grow to that level soon. When islands tremble in my wake and the sky splits to pave the way for me."

Spiderman felt goosebumps just imagining that scene.

Even for the others, like Erik and Tony.

Erik was the Leader of the Brotherhood, which did not have a glowing reputation.

If he had that kind of entry, Evil or not, many Mutants would join him to help him in his cause.

As for Tony, that guy has always been one to Show-off.

He likes all kinds of glamour and pomp.

This kind of entry will alleviate his pomp to an unimaginable level.

He felt excited just thinking about it.

And for the others, they were also thinking about various thoughts of their own.

However, what was common was that Haoshoku Haki had impressed all of them, even if it was just the beginner version of Haoshoku Haki.

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