
chaos Sacred body

Cultivation Realm from low to high :

Body tempering , true spirit , spirit sea, origin core , soul refining ,dao opening ,dao combining , profound king , earth king , heavenly king, quasi saint , Saint , Saint king , great Saint , quasi Emperor , Great Emperor

Every realm is devided in first to ninth layer

First layer to third realm can be considered as early stage

Fourth to sixth layer can be considered as mid stage

Seventh layer to ninth layer can be considered as late stage

Realm perfection can be considered as peak stage

Chaos Sacred Body!

As the name suggests, it is the combination of Chaos divine Body and Ancient desolate Sacred Body!

He has also heard of these two constitutions, and has seen them in some ancient books.

The chaotic body is a supreme divine Constitution, Innate evolves Wanfa, destroys all things, and is not suppressed by the laws of heaven and earth.

And the ancient desolate Sacred Body is equally powerful. It is said that it can enter the Holy Realm only by relying on physical strength.

Great Completion Sacred Body, even comparable to the ancient Great Emperor!

Moreover, the existence of these two constitutions is rare, even in the population of the holy continent that contains more than hundreds of billions beings, it has never appeared.

It only exist in some ancient families and the major Sacred Lands other continents

Once born, it will definitely be an existence that countless top forces will compete for .

Su changsheng clicked his tongue secretly.

This time it really made a lot of fortune.

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait to drink in his heart.

In black lion City in which remote city

Where xuan mid level talent can be genius but it can consider as talent for cultivating immortality

In his memory his father only have peak Xuan talent have origin core realm and his grandfather have early earth talent and have soul refining realm

[Host do you want to receive Chao sacred body - y/n ]


If you receive chaos Sacred body without any shield it will cause only problem and it only entire su family destruction

Hey system, do you have any shielding function

[Yes host]

So from now on always turn on shielding function

[Yes host ]

"System, get the Chaos Sacred Body."

"Ding, received successfully."

The voice fell.

Sudden mutation.

Three inches below su changsheng's navel suddenly lit up with dazzling golden lights, all of which submerged into his spirit sea in Dantian.

The endless irrigation of life energy dyed the entire sea of vitality into a golden yellow, exuding vitality.

Then it spread to the whole body, improving every inch of his bones, flesh and skin in an unimaginable way, undergoing some kind of mysterious transformation.

At the same time, thousands of chaotic qi descended from above the void, like the Nine Heavens Milky Way flowing backwards, sinking into his sea of consciousness and spirit sea.

The dark and treacherous chaotic spiritual thread is wrapped around the huge spirit sea and sea of consciousness, and there seems to be a sound of the great way, wailing.

Until few minutes later

Su changsheng just woke up from the metamorphosis.

His eyes are half-opened and half-closed, and there seems to be a chaotic evolution of the universe in the pupils, which is extremely frightening.

However, at this moment, he only felt that his whole body was comfortable, his soul was light, every inch of flesh and blood was full of terrifying power, and his perception of the Dao became extremely keen, and he was extremely friendly, which was different from before.

"This feeling...is very good."

my cultivation during transformation goes from seventh layer of spirit sea to peak ninth layer of spirit sea realm in instant and this is only starting then breakthrough to

First layer origin core realm

Second layer origin core realm

Third layer origin core realm