
Chapter 1. The Great Lord.


In ancient times, all ruled by terrible monsters, owners of enormous strength and incredible abilities. All of them differed among themselves in nature, form and habitat. Some of them were intelligent, and others lived only by instinct, but all of them were United by one thing, the boundless power of their eternal ruler, the master of the life of Inmir.

Inmir was the one who ruled all, and there were no fools in the world eager to fight him. His strength had no limit, and wisdom was glorified for centuries.

And then one day, the great master of this world, with the help of his all-seeing eye, foresaw a terrible catastrophe.

The two suns that illuminated the world would collide and the small sun would be absorbed by the big one. But this process will be accompanied by immeasurable radiation that will erase all life from the face of the planet for many millions of years.

Inmir, who as if his father loved his subjects, could not sit idly by. He gathered all the most worthy at his feet and declared that he would save his children from a terrible fate and create an impenetrable barrier deep underground that would withstand all adversity.

All as one have bowed to the great Lord, and by his order have created the whole country, deeply underground, in boundless caves of night.

And that's when it was a hot hour, a consummate ruler, stopped the movement of vital energy in the bodies of all those present, and they all fell into a deep suspended animation in order to revive again after many millions of years.

Chapter one.

At the 77th level, in the personal chambers of the Lord of life, his Titanic body lay motionless. For two million years, it continuously maintained an impenetrable barrier over the underground country, simultaneously controlling the anabiosis of a huge number of monsters. And then, finally the day came when all the above no longer needed and an ancient creature opened its eyes.

Unlike many, he didn't have to turn his head or move his eyeballs to look around. Inmir's eyes were unique and could see through any object, covering the entire spectrum of the environment.

"I can feel the life force coming from the surface, so the planet has fully recovered. Hmm... That's good, I wouldn't want my subjects living in an inferior natural environment. Besides, I let out such a large biomass on the fragile eco structure of reviving the planet, and the balance of nature could falter or even fail, and this is not desirable."

The Titanic body of the ancient creature tried to move.

"It seems like I'm exhausted too much, it takes time to recover. Then…»

— [Building life.] — a ray of energy fell from the giant's body, and a humanoid organism appeared in that place.

Inmir closed his eyes and opened them in the same body he had just created.

"Yes, it will be much more convenient. I have already given the order to my "power" to sleep from my children, but I think it will take time for them to get used to their bodies, which have been dormant for so long. Therefore, I will call only one."

— Come to my call, Kaisar, king of the fallen!

* * *

The Lord's call was heard, and the mighty leader of the fallen moved.

Flapping his huge wings, as if woven from the darkness, the monster with a pair of horns on his head and a humanoid body with completely missing legs, the place of which came from the pelvis dark trail of flesh, soared to the vault of the cave, which hitherto was in suspended animation, like his entire army.

With an emotionless face Kaysar, even through the hollow eyes which glowed a little bright red light, examined their possessions, watching closely all his subject came to life and whether those who need help.

Realizing that nothing to worry about, the fallen king turned and immediately walked towards his waiting in the throne room of the Lord.

* * *

As Kaisar expected, in the throne room he was waiting for him, dressed in human flesh, the Lord, whose human body had no clothes and sat on the throne chair, sprouting directly from the monster –a tree, the trunk of which from the top was covered with ingrown skulls, and from the bottom, at its base, was flooded in blood.

The king of the fallen knew this tree well, the living roots of which, wrapping around the whole room, had the appearance of predatory monsters, with their paws and jaws.

— On the one for whom the world exists, about the one for whom we all live, receive my deepest gratitude, — levitating in the air Kaysar, bowed.

— I'm glad to see you again, Kaysar, are you feeling well?" Is everything in order with your subordinates? the man on the throne, whose body and pair of horns seemed to have been made of white marble, asked.

— It's all right, my Lord, it could not have been otherwise, for your power has protected us all this time. Accept my deepest thanks, o one in whom all the life of the world flows.

— If so, then I have a job for you, he extended his hand a little strontium, and sensing this, one of the branches, standing behind the tree, gave him a glass of blood.

— I will do your will, whatever it takes, master."

— Well, — the Lord smiled, — now my true body is exhausted and he needs rest, so the task of studying and settling this new world, I will lay on your shoulders, my children. As far as I can feel, the solar radiation has returned to normal and is no longer a danger to us, and the planet is full of life. From what we can conclude that not only we were able to hide and survive. Therefore, we should study this new flora and fauna, and then, following the most reasonable path, build again our great Empire, in which we will all live and prosper.

— I will do your will, my unsurpassed master." If necessary, the world itself will fall at your feet.

For a start, went his shadows to explore, and then report back to me what they find, and to this free.

— I obey and obey, — Kaisar bowed again.