
Start of A Millionth Life - ONE PIECE!

Ryujinn, the man whose lived a million lives and experienced things only the gods know. Having been entrusted with another life, Ryujinn sets foot into the world of Pirates and Marines, with no clue of how the future would go and being put in such a strange world, he begins to build up his strength before setting foot out onto the seas! How will this reincarnator set the waves of change in motion?

TWIZZY · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

- Work & Altercation!

It's been a couple weeks since Maya got that job for the salesman with the burritos. She's already referred me to the man and we even met, but I asked for a two weeks time to get myself 'prepared' for working.

He took it as a child being nervous, something akin to stage fright. I didn't bother to correct myself nor did I even bother questioning what he was thinking. As long as I got two weeks to myself without Maya being over, I could train and better myself to the fighting techniques I've honed over millions of years.

If that's not worth anything, I don't know what to tell you.

Anyways, I've also gained some insight towards my fruit, though it's not much… Aerokinesis is my ability, beside the immense strength, stamina and durability. Having messed around a bit with the power, I've found out that I can actually somewhat alter the weather if I was strong enough… And that's where I come into contact with another problem.

I don't know how to strengthen these mystical abilities. It's not like there's mana within the atmosphere or myself to help boost my power, so everything would be totally reliant on training, experience, time, and effort. However, I'm not going to have as much time as before when I start this job, as well as start my other job plan.

'Whatever… I'll compromise.'

Hopping up off the pile of pillows I was wasting my time on, I tried my best to… freshen up. No matter how minuscule it might be, I needed to be a little presentable. Still raggedy though.

Hitting the main road, it was bustling with the voices and footsteps of the residents that lived within this town. Just like the first time when I experienced these roads, there were people dressed extremely elegantly and then there were those that flaunted their wealth with giant bags of clothing's/accessories from the most expensive brands/stores.

There were a lot of glares dripping with disgust and repulse, but I brushed past it with ease, just wanting to get to the main square so I could start my shift and get this money. I've already been told that I get paid by the hour and I can keep tips if I get any, but I do have to give him a small part of the tip.

Smelling the sweet aroma drifting through the air, an audible gulp came from me. The customers in line weren't any better, they were visibly drooling and trying to hold themselves from rushing to the front of the line to try and swipe an already prepared burrito.

Dodging and weaving my way through the crowd, my eyes subconsciously flickered around, taking in everything in the area with just a glance.

In the corner of my peripheral I caught a single frame of bright red hair zooming out of my line of sight. Quickly spinning on my heel, dodging a rather big fellow dressed in a nice black suit with a little rose in the dress pocket, I saw Maya, dressed up in a cute little uniform. She was all cleaned up and even seemed to have some make up applied to her face.

I guess the boss wanted to use her cuteness to its fullest potential to draw in customers… Even if they were perverted for trying to get on the good side of a little girl.

"Ah! Ryujinn! Finally, you're here!" My attention was drawn from Maya, to the man I was supposed to meet.

Kindrel Linnings. The owner of the stall and my new boss.

Turning with a slight smile, I greeted the man with a bit of familiarity and some respect. He's my boss offering me a chance out of the slums, but I'm not going to treat him as if he's my father or something like that…

Just met the dude a week ago too.

"Hey boss! Business seems to be as wild as always huh?" A chuckle left my lips as Kindrel led me to the stall. A smile on his face as he greeted and politely excused people out of his way. Didn't take long to reach the building where the ingredients and other storage items were kept, in simpler terms, he led me to the employee only room.

Kindrel Linnings was a man of light complexion, his hair a golden blond while his eyes only served to enhance his already good looks with their sparkling ocean blue glow. He was lean, had muscle but not too much and had a damn good jawline…

Anyway, he's a good looking man.

"I'm glad you're here. Maya's a good, hard worker but even with the two of us, we're still struggling to keep everyone fed and occupied… I'm hoping you can help us ease that load." He explained, getting straight to business as he led me to a small room with a shower and a whole bunch of cubicles.

Guess he's planning on hiring some more people. That's good.

Won't be any hard feelings when I leave.

Laying out my outfit, he smiled once more-

"Go ahead and clean yourself up and get changed. Maya's shift will end in about an hour so you don't have long." I nodded with a smile.

"Thanks, and I'll keep that in mind. By the way… Go easy on Maya. She's a hard worker but she's an idiot too. She'll work herself to death if it means more money." Kendrel only smiled. Waving goodbye, he left the room to me.

Staring at the door he just left through, I couldn't help but feel a little weird about him. He's so random… He was never here before I transmigrated and the day I do, he just so happens to be here with a fully set up shop…

Then there's the fact he even offered to hire us.

Just with the population knowing that me and Maya are homeless little brats that're most likely the dirtiest things in the town except for the pavement, that could ruin his business by disgusting the customers.

'...That brat. He's using us as a way to gain recognition.' That would make that most sense… There's no way someone would risk a successful side business, or a business in general just because.

However, I have no time for that right now. I got a job to do.

Hopping out the shower with swiftness seen only in acrobats, I generate a strong, warm gust of wind with the flick of my finger to dry myself off. Getting dressed in a male friendly version of Maya's outfit, I head out the door and out towards the patio of the shop.

The sun has begun to reach it's peak, meaning that it should be around twelve or one… Anyway.

"Hi! How may I help you?" Maya's perky and upbeat voice reaches my ear from a distance as she takes the order of one of the customers. It must've gotten easier since I got in the shower… It seems like the heat started to affect some of the customers making them choose to stay home or something.

I probably would do the same. This heat is unbearable.

Shaking my head, I walk up to a table with two people sitting face to face. It was a rather lanky and skinny man with weird spiked hair, a swirl on his cheeks and pointed eyebrows threatening to poke my eyes out. His eyes were sharp and deadly, along with his jaw. In front of the man was a woman with… Similar features though she had long black shiny hair that flowed freely from her head and to the floor.

'How does she walk around without getting stepped on…' Questions for later.

"Hi! Welcome to Linnings Burritos! What would you two like?" I greeted them with a smile, whipping out a notepad and getting ready to jot down their orders.

"My my! Aren't you adorable… You seem a little young to be working like this. Do your parents know of this?" The lady questioned, seemingly worried.

I smile and chuckle slightly.

"Thank you for the compliment, Ma'am, and I'm old enough to work. Just a little late in growing is all." I wave off the question, looking towards the man that I assume is her brother or something, waiting, almost pleading for him to just give me an order.

I'd rather not keep the conversation.

"Huhu, he does seem a little young… You aren't lying are you? If so, we'd have to step in and talk to the boss!" The man added to the flame, the woman agreeing with him steadily.

Stifling a sigh, I spoke.

"Please, don't worry about me. I'm perfectly fine. If you two aren't ready to order, then I'll need to be going… There are some hungry people out there." I say, gesturing with my head to the man a few tables behind them.

Looking where I was gesturing they promptly saw a man stuffing his face with five burritos at a time, leaving a nasty mess everywhere.

It's a rather disgusting sight.

The two flinched with disgust, causing me to chuckle.

"So? Hungry?"

After getting their orders and serving it, my shift went well for the next fifteen minutes. Maya was about to get off her shift so she was finishing up on her last order and was about to head back to my shack so she can rest and wait for me there.

We agreed to count up the Belli we make every day once I started working, and I can only imagine how excited she is to brag about how much more money she has than me.

Imaginary sweat ran down my forehead just imagining her hyper self jumping up and all over the place as she threw her money around, chanting- "I'm the best!"


"O-oh my!"

"How clumsy!"

"...I hope she's going to be okay!"

"Oh my gosh…"

My head spun around from the table I was in the middle of serving, I saw a crowd of people surrounding a single table. Irritation swelled up within me seeing the big commotion that I was going to have to dispel. Kendrel went home, leaving the lock up to me.

'He goes home rather damn early…' I mentally complain.

Excusing myself with a smile, I make my way over and squeeze through the crowd. At the forefront my eyes widen and my irritation rises.

"You fucking mutt! How dare you spill this shit on me!" A man dressed in a sand color crop top with purple circular designs shouted. He stood up above Maya, who was on her knees sweating with a myriad of emotions. Most likely ranging from embarrassment to fear to humiliation.

"Where the hell is the boss! You better pay for this shit!" The man shouted some more. The group of civilians got bigger as more came to witness the commotion.

'I need to end this quickly. I wanna go home…'

Stepping forward once again, I put on the best smile I can muster as I reach down to pick up Maya.

"I'm so very sorry for the spillage sir. I promise we will try our best to compensate for your clothes."

"Compensate? Are you fucking dumb!? I want you two to do more than fucking compensate me! Where the hell's your boss!?" The man shouted once more, looking down on the two of us as he towered above us.

He looked to stand at at least… eight feet tall.

'Why's he so damn tall.' I grumble internally.

"Our boss went home already. This was supposed to be a rather smooth day sir… If you would please calm down and wait for me to come back with cleaning supplies, as well as a change of pants, that would be greatly appreciated." My smile began to fall as I locked eyes with the bastard. His eyes widened looking into mine, before they squinted and his anger rose. A vein popping out of his forehead, threatening to burst if he got any more angry.

"You two… Do you think I'm playing!?" Stepping up to me, the man reached for the saber that hung from his waist.

'Is he really going to try and kill me?' I question myself, a little stunned. I knew this place was full of bastards, but really? Child killing bastards?

Leaning down to Maya's ear, I whisper-

"Go get the boss. And tell him to call some doctors or something…" She looked at me, stunned and confused.


"Just do it." I say as I let her go. My patience is thinning.

'I can't believe I've fallen so low…'

A late night chapter... Jesus christ.

Chapter 4 is up!

This took me all day to write for some reason... I guess I was out of it all day.

Anyway, I got it up! Lemme know how y'all like it!

As well as if y'all want me to speed up the rate of the story!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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