
Start of A Millionth Life - ONE PIECE!

Ryujinn, the man whose lived a million lives and experienced things only the gods know. Having been entrusted with another life, Ryujinn sets foot into the world of Pirates and Marines, with no clue of how the future would go and being put in such a strange world, he begins to build up his strength before setting foot out onto the seas! How will this reincarnator set the waves of change in motion?

TWIZZY · Anime & Comics
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- A Journey Awaits!

Drifting, floating in an endless blue sea. The sound of waves crashing against each other, the rocks groaning and creaking under the sea's pressure with every slam of water they endure. It was a peaceful soundtrack… I could listen to this for the rest of my life.

But that thought ended as quickly as it came. My body jolted and I came to, "life." Looking around in a frenzy I realize that my death had been a quick one. One so fast even I didn't see it coming. I didn't know whether to be amazed, annoyed, angered or disappointed.

My strength was close to none, being labeled the strongest in existence, but yet. I died a seemingly imminent death. A death that I just couldn't grasp.

'So much for that… I was really enjoying that life too.' I mused, sitting up with a sigh. Having finally observed the environment I was in, I was thoroughly impressed. This was something I've never seen before, it was a peaceful resting place and not the good ol' endless void that housed nothing but darkness, the screams of the damned, and whatever the fuck else resided within that accursed domain.

I took in the calming view for as long as I could, as I knew exactly how long this would last, and almost on cue, a warp in reality started to bubble and twist the space in the sky. The phenomenon disturbed the ocean even more causing the clouds to darken before lightning and rain began to pour, the waves riled up, broke the cliffs/underwater mountains with ease before settling down like nothing happened.

I didn't panic, nor did I worry.

I had no need to do either of those.

"It's always a good time to see you, bastard." I muttered into the air, I didn't expect a response but I actually got one this time around. Seems like he's warming up to me.

"Same here, though this is the least I could do since you suffer for all eternity…" The being- Well no need to be all mysterious. The God known to control the afterlife of souls, in other words, the God of Reincarnation was gracious enough to speak to me today. His comment however…

"...You do know you're the one who put me in this position, right? My suffering is because of you." My face was flat, my tone following suit. I hope he feels every last bit of everlasting hatred that dripped from my words. If he didnt? Oh well, screw him.

He's a retard anyway.

"That attitude of yours is the exact reason this all started, lest I remind you. Plus, stop acting like you don't enjoy the multitude of worlds you get to experience. This "Situation" you're in, is most likely some other mortal's dream!" He had a point, but I don't know where he got the idea of me enjoying my punishment from… But, he's slow so I'll humor him.

"Yes yes, all mighty lords of reincarnation! Your word is absolute! You know it all!" I bowed slightly, a fake look of admiration and worship dripping from my actions. The god scoffed.

"You remind me more and more of why I hate you every time we meet… But anyway, we're wasting time and I'd rather not spend anymore time with you." Changing the subject now are we? Even going as far as to spill his heart out… Oh how he's grown!

I agree full heartedly though, dudes annoying. Only thing I like about him is the fact he gives me stuff for free!

"If that's the case, just present me with my gifts and send me on my merry way. Unless you want me to pick and choose cause I'll gladly do that." Shaking his head, the bastard disagreed without a second thought.

"No no, that's dumb. I already have something in store for you, and you're actually in luck… One of my… Acquaintance's have fallin for you somehow. No, you can't meet her, and no, I'm not telling you what world or what powers she's sending you too. You can figure out some of your powers by eating this though." He commented as a fruit that looks to be oozing with blood as swords spiraled all around it, appeared in his hand. There was also the occasional flick of fire and lightning and I guess something else cause it looked like something was affecting the gods hair.

Just seeing the fruit made me want to die, but the feeling it gave off made me want to die even more. It was so… Menacing. Worse than what I felt fighting that one destroyer god from that one world. It was like it was fiening for destruction and chaos…

'Just what the hell is he trying to feed me?!'

"Oh come on, just eat it. I wouldn't feed you something that would kill you now. You still have a long way to go before you can truly die." I don't know if it was his tone, or the fact he reassured me about the length I have to go to finally get my eternal rest, but I felt like I was comforted in a sense. And that alone changed my whole way I saw that… Fruit?

Taking it in my hand, I took a bite.

Expecting it to be the best, no, the most extravagant thing I'd ever taste!

Oh how wrong I was.

The taste was so disgusting I can't even describe it. Not to mention the dryness, oh my heavens no. All I have to say is that popeyes got some competition.

"Bleh! Blah! What- COUGH! What the fuck was that!?" I struggle to complain in between coughs. I didn't get an answer, the bastard was actually dying on the floor, giggling like a little high school girl.

"Okay! So! I'm sure you've got a couple of basic ideas of what your powers are and what you should be identified as. When you arrive in your new world, you'll have the second part of your gift from that Goddess and from then, you begin the journey that awaits you. Capiche? Capiche." Simplifying literally everything that he was supposed to let me know now was a bitch move.

But I couldn't do anything but complain, and knowing that stingy bastard, he'd probably make my start even worse than it could already be.

"Um, when I arrive, could you atleast give me some basic info about the world? And whatever gifts you have for me as well? That'd be helpful…" I was really sincere and serious about this favor. I'm not scared, just tired of always having to investigate everything and be classified as a potential retard or something within the first few days of my new life.

The god chuckled and agreed, snapping his fingers and whisking me away to my new life.

Where my new life story will take place.


Author here!

I just want to let you all know that this story will most likely seem really... Noobish? I guess?

I havent written a story in a long time, and even then, this One Piece world is whole new territory for me, so if I seem out of the loop and making things up that shouldn't even be close to canon accuracy, please just correct me and move on...

I'd rather be spared from the wrath of angry One Piece fans...!

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