
Start from the golden desert

Haotian set foot on the sacred continent filled with swords and magic, and awakened the lord system there. Although his territory was located in the barren Karar Desert, he nevertheless obtained the super god-level lord talent - a random military building every week. The "Elf Mother Tree" of the natural elves. And the "Dragon's Nest" of the dragon clan.

NightwindLoong · Fantasy
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147 Chs

The Titan King!

This time, the upgrade took exceptionally long. It was at least half an hour before the golden light gradually dissipated, signifying the completion of the upgrade. Haotian's territory had now advanced to the level of a **City Hall**.


**City Hall**

**Level: Low**

**Newly Unlocked Buildings: Magi-Cannon, City Walls**

**Next Level: Intermediate City Hall**

**Upgrade Requirements: 1 million units each of gold, wood, and stone; 300,000 units of refined iron**


With the upgrade, the Golden Oasis expanded once more. Just one or two more upgrades, and it would extend to the desert forest region several kilometers away. The expansion of the territory was certainly beneficial, most notably for the increase in large trees, providing an endless supply of wood. Additionally, new mineral resources such as stone and iron were in the process of forming. The air within the territory became fresher, and the concentration of magical elements increased significantly.

However, the downside was the increased area that needed guarding. With a perimeter of nearly sixty kilometers, the 30,000-strong Royal Griffon Knight Legion was insufficient for comprehensive protection. More troops and the construction of additional arrow towers and fortresses were necessary.

The good news was that the upgrade to the **City Hall** had unlocked new buildings: the **Magi-Cannon** and the **City Walls**. Both were defensive structures, with the Magi-Cannon being more powerful than arrow towers. The returning Royal Griffon Knight squad from the Gray Dwarf Kingdom reported that the kingdom's walls were equipped with these cannons. Haotian hadn't expected to unlock such a building after upgrading his territory.


"System, if I want to replace the arrow towers with Magi-Cannons, do I need to demolish the towers?" Haotian inquired.

**No, Lord.**

**The Magi-Cannon is an advanced building. Once unlocked, you can upgrade your high-level arrow towers to Magi-Cannons, reducing the resource consumption.**

"Understood," Haotian acknowledged, appreciating the thoughtfulness of the system. It even accounted for the resources spent on the original towers. Simply put, if building a new Magi-Cannon required 100 units of resources, and constructing a high-level arrow tower cost 80 units, upgrading to a Magi-Cannon would only require 20 units of resources. No materials were wasted. The same principle applied to upgrading the walls.



**Type: Advanced Defensive Structure**

**Construction Requirements: 100 units of stone, 200 units of refined iron**

**Special Note: Upgrading a high-level arrow tower to a Magi-Cannon only requires 150 units of refined iron.**


"Still a bit pricey!" Haotian thought, feeling a slight headache as he reviewed the construction requirements for the Magi-Cannons. With about 1,700 high-level arrow towers built on the two walls of his territory, upgrading all of them to Magi-Cannons would require around 250,000 units of refined iron. He had ample wood and stone, but refined iron was scarce.

Summoning a Royal Paladin, Haotian instructed, "Spread the word: rest well tonight. Tomorrow morning, we attack the Gray Dwarf Kingdom!"

"Yes, Lord!" The paladin respectfully withdrew.

Watching the paladin's departure, Haotian mused, "The Gray Dwarf Kingdom is wealthy, not only producing vast amounts of equipment but also storing a substantial amount of refined iron. Conquering the Gray Dwarf Kingdom should allow me to upgrade the arrow towers to cannons!"

"The further I progress, the more I realize the importance and scarcity of refined iron. I can't focus solely on the Gray Dwarf Kingdom; I also need to buy some from Forest City. After all, I can't raid the Gray Dwarf Kingdom every day..."

Due to the lack of refined iron, Haotian temporarily abandoned the plan to upgrade the arrow towers. Instead, he upgraded the two perimeter walls to city walls. Compared to the old walls, the new city walls were more impressive, over a hundred meters high and made of smooth, hard blue stone. In a world like the Sacred Continent, such tall walls were extraordinarily grand. They could block anything short of a supernatural being (excluding flying creatures or those with flight magic). Even a king-level warrior would find it difficult to scale these walls without assistance.


Not long after the walls were upgraded, Haotian received a prompt from the **Lord System**.

**Congratulations, Lord, your core building has been upgraded to a City Hall.**

**You have completed the main quest.**

**You have been rewarded with a random lord talent.**

**You have acquired the lord talent: Titan King.**


**A new main quest has been unlocked.**

**Main Quest: Upgrade the core building to a Royal Palace.**

**Quest Reward: A random lord talent.**


**Your side quests have been refreshed.**

**Side Quest 1: Conquer or destroy at least three kingdom-level forces.**

**Progress: 0**

**Reward: A random troop building blueprint.**


**Side Quest 2: Conquer the Dragonfall Gorge.**

**Reward: An ultimate troop building upgrade blueprint.**


"Damn!" Haotian couldn't help but curse. The two side quests offered incredible rewards: one for a troop building blueprint and the other for an ultimate troop building upgrade blueprint. It was almost too good to be true! The ultimate blueprint especially caught his eye. 

For example, with the **Royal Griffon Knight Training Ground**, upgrading it to an ultimate troop building would increase his daily recruitment from 3,000 to 30,000 Royal Griffon Knights. Likewise, the **Ancient War Tree** could yield 10,000 ancient treants daily.

Determined, Haotian resolved to lay waste to the Dragonfall Gorge, even if it meant risking his life.


After calming down, Haotian reviewed his newly acquired lord talent.

**Lord Talent: Titan King**

**Level: Divine**

**Talent Info: You are favored by the primordial laws of thunder. Your lightning-based attacks are enhanced tenfold. The combat power of your giant troops is tripled, and that of your titan troops is quintupled. During battles, your giant troops have a chance to evolve, eventually becoming titans.**


"What a stroke of luck!" Haotian almost laughed out loud. With this talent, he now had four lord talents: one super divine, one divine, and two epic (with the **Light's Divine Envoy** talent recently upgraded to **Holy Light Envoy**). 

"The Titan King's talent effects are indeed impressive! The only downside is... I don't have any giant troops, let alone titans!"