
Start from the golden desert

Haotian set foot on the sacred continent filled with swords and magic, and awakened the lord system there. Although his territory was located in the barren Karar Desert, he nevertheless obtained the super god-level lord talent - a random military building every week. The "Elf Mother Tree" of the natural elves. And the "Dragon's Nest" of the dragon clan.

NightwindLoong · Fantasy
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147 Chs

Don't Worry, They're Allies!

To Sylvanas, Haotian's actions were nothing short of miraculous. Especially the scene of summoning ancient treants, a feat she believed only true deities could accomplish. Treants were ancient trees that had gained consciousness, essentially trees that had become sentient. In her world, treants were also known as tree spirits.

However, in the natural world, it wasn't an overnight process for ancient trees to transform into treants. It required a perfect combination of time, environmental factors, and numerous special conditions. This transformation could take hundreds of years, with most treants evolving from trees that were centuries, if not millennia, old. Ordinary century-old trees rarely had such a privilege. The birth of treants was exceedingly difficult, resulting in their scarcity.

In stark contrast, Haotian had summoned five thousand treants in one go, all of them ancient treants at the very least. This truly was a god-like feat.

At this moment, Sylvanas couldn't help but ask, "Lord, didn't you say that the Ancient War Tree could only birth a thousand treants a day? How did you manage to summon so many this time?"

"It's the power of the Luck Altar," Haotian replied with a smile. "Every week, the Luck Altar refreshes an aura that grants various beneficial attributes to our territory. This time, the aura increased the number of units we can summon."

"This aura is incredibly powerful, and it's the first time we've had it. I believe it's your presence that has brought good fortune to our territory."

Sylvanas blushed slightly. Haotian seemed to attribute all the credit to her, making her feel a bit embarrassed and increasingly flustered.

Just then, a group of large shadows appeared on the horizon. Sylvanas instinctively reached into the air and conjured a green bow.

"Don't worry, they're allies!" Haotian said, taking hold of her soft hand to calm her. He didn't want a repeat of the incident where Vereesa had almost shot off the head of the bone dragon, Charles.

However, his gesture only made Sylvanas more nervous. When Haotian had pulled her up from the grass earlier, it felt natural, but now, with her shifting feelings, it was entirely different. Under the gentle moonlight, her elf ears turned a shade of red.

Fortunately, the large figures soon landed in the territory, and Haotian let go of her hand.

"Master!" Five enormous undead dragons bowed before Haotian, pledging their loyalty. They were led by the Devouring Dragon Python King and the Zombie Dragon King, Voris, followed by Charles the Nether Spirit and two high-level holy rank zombie dragons.

"Well done, you've reached demigod status," Haotian praised, his gaze falling on Voris. This meant his territory now had three demigod-level forces. Charles the Nether Spirit had also performed well, advancing to a high-level holy rank faster than his two brothers. This was expected since his battlefield, the Dragonfall Gorge, allowed him to slay numerous undead daily. In contrast, the bone dragon Charles and the corpse dragon Charles mainly guarded the territory, occasionally clearing nearby undead, which slowed their progress.

Haotian planned to reward the bone dragon and the corpse dragon with special care when possible.

"Did you bring back the bodies of the sacrificed zombie dragons?" Haotian asked.

"Yes, Master, we brought them all back," the Devouring Dragon Python King nodded respectfully before opening its mouth and releasing two light orbs. One contained the bodies of the zombie dragons and other undead bosses, while the other held their collected dragon soul grass.

"Master, we've gathered the corpses of all the holy-rank undead, including over thirty undead dragon corpses. Though many are severely damaged, they can still be interred in the dragon tomb," the Devouring Dragon Python King reported.

For a corpse to be interred in the dragon tomb, it needed to be mostly intact. Fragmented bodies couldn't summon undead dragons. The Python King also recounted how it had acquired the dragon soul grass from the skeletal dragon king and the octopus ghost king, which surprised Haotian. The Python King's cunning in outwitting two demigod-level undead bosses was impressive, a feat the straightforward Voris likely couldn't achieve.

Haotian examined the orbs with his mental awareness, seeing piles of broken bodies, including dragons, corpses, and gargoyles, forming a bone mountain. This indeed needed organizing. In the other orb, he found over seven thousand pieces of dragon soul grass. With a hundred pieces required to birth a dragon spirit, these seven thousand pieces could birth a super-powerful dragon spirit, surely of demigod level.

"You've done very well. Your efforts have not been in vain," Haotian said, his praise thrilling the undead dragons. Created by their master, serving him was their sole purpose. Gaining his recognition was their greatest honor.

Haotian handed the orb with the broken bodies to the Python King, instructing, "Return to the dragon tomb and reassemble these fragments."

"Yes, Master!" The undead dragons responded reverently before being teleported to the dragon tomb.

Once they were gone, Sylvanas let out a relieved breath. "I had no idea you commanded such powerful undead dragons, my lord!"

"Before, our territory had even more undead dragons. We just lost eight in a recent battle," Haotian explained.

Sylvanas's lips parted in shock. "That's a heavy loss!"

Haotian, however, smiled. "It's a minor issue. For them, death isn't the end, but a new beginning!"

The dragon tomb could indeed reverse death and bring new life.