
Start From Picking Up Sayu

A boy reborn in Tokyo, my high school life began when I met Sayu "What's your name?" "Sayu... my name is Sayu." --------- This is a relatively relaxed slice-of-life novel. it's a comprehensive world with lots of anime in it. Support me here and get up to 25 chapters early patreon.com/MuddyTL

MuddyTL · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Welcome Back

The spring rain arrived slowly.

Rows of droplets cascaded along the eaves, resembling a beautiful beaded curtain.

On the street illuminated by flashing lights, a long, hazy figure emerged from the rain curtain, stepping through ripples in the stagnant water on the ground.

With black hair and eyes, arched eyebrows, and sharp features, his face resembled a finely chiseled sculpture, his build strong yet graceful. Despite this, his exposed skin was still very fair.

A girl was behind him.


She lifted the black uniform covering her head, revealing a beautiful face, and asked the young man.

"No." Yusuke shook his head, then added slowly, "Just make sure you're okay. If you feel cold, let me know, and we'll take a taxi back."

At some point, Sayu, who had initially been carried by Yusuke in a princess carry, had climbed onto his back.


Hearing Yusuke's words, Sayu hummed softly, rested her pointed chin on his shoulder, rubbed her face against his ear like a kitten, and murmured.

"... Yusuke, you're so warm."

Yusuke didn't respond but quickened his steps slightly on their way home.

The dense rain, like cow hair, pelted his face, causing tiny dewdrops to splash and then slowly trickle down his chin.

Seeing this, Sayu felt both joy and sorrow. She pulled the uniform closer around her body, raised her hands above their heads, and shielded them from the rain.

"That way we won't get wet," she said with a giggle, sounding rather proud.

Glancing at the clothes over his head, Yusuke sighed helplessly.

"...If you're worried about getting soaked, we might as well take a taxi."

"I don't want to!" Sayu refused outright, shaking her head vehemently.

"Why?" Yusuke was puzzled.


Sayu paused, thinking.

—I feel this is a memory to cherish with Yusuke.

She intended to say that, but instead said, "Sometimes I just want to walk in the rain..."

"What kind of reason is this?" Yusuke asked, sighing deeply and squeezing her hand gently.


A smooth, elastic sensation came from his fingertips.

"Ow!" Sayu exclaimed softly, glancing back with her amber eyes, her cheeks flushing slightly.

"That's your punishment," Yusuke said calmly. "Will you run off without warning again?"

(Is he worried about me...?)

Stunned for a moment, Sayu then smiled childishly and said melodically, "No way. Even if you push me away, I'll do my best to stay by your side, so..."

She whispered into Yusuke's ear, "...be responsible."

The warm breath tickled his ear, making Yusuke shift his neck uncomfortably, causing Sayu to giggle.

"Hey, Yusuke," she began leisurely, "how did you find me? I didn't even know where I was, yet you appeared by my side so quickly."

Her gaze fixed on Yusuke's profile, she watched intently, curious about his thoughts.

Yusuke paused briefly,

He glanced involuntarily at the left pocket of his trousers, where a small black device peeked out.

[Prop: Tracker (1000 points)]

(Note: The specific location of someone can be accurately located, and the error is less than 15 meters.)

(Remaining available times: 2)

"One hundred thousand..."

Yusuke murmured silently, his expression indescribable.

It was a painful realization.

"Huh? What did you just say?"

Sayu tilted her head, puzzled.

"...No, nothing. You heard wrong."

Yusuke shook his head, denying her query. Then—


Another crisp sound echoed.

"What was that for!?"

Rubbing her buttocks with small hands, Sayu exclaimed, her cheeks flushing deeply.

"I just told you to be careful."

Yusuke spoke calmly and lifted Sayu, who was behind him, with both hands.

So, Sayu saw the old-fashioned apartment not far away, split into upper and lower floors.

The hallway was lit with dim yellow lights, seemingly welcoming them back.


Sayu murmured, tasting the word softly, her eyes slightly distant.

"Hold on tight," Yusuke advised, pausing for a few seconds before adding, "I'm going to run."

"Eh? Oh... um!"

Sayu was momentarily stunned, then quickly clasped Yusuke's neck.

"Hold me tighter."

Yusuke instructed.

"...Like this?"

Sayu asked cautiously.

"A little tighter."

Yusuke frowned.


Sayu tightened her arms around him, pressing her body closer to his, feeling slightly constricted.

"...Is this okay?"

Her tone carried a hint of complaint.

Yusuke closed his eyes, feeling her grip for a moment, then sighed, reached down, and adjusted Sayu's legs around his waist.

"That's better."

"Okay..." Sayu replied in a barely audible whisper, her face turning an even deeper red.

"Pay close attention."

Yusuke gave a final reminder.

He then bent his knees, lowered his weight, arched his body, and took a deep breath.


His muscles tensed sharply, and he shot forward like a swift cheetah.

In the dark night, a figure dashed at incredible speed, leaping up in front of the apartment building with a burst.


Sayu couldn't suppress her exclamation.

The rushing wind whistled past, and their vision ascended rapidly, tracing a parabola through the air.

"We're flying...!?"

Amber eyes wide open with astonishment, Sayu gaped as the familiar house number — "Room 201" — neared.



With a crisp landing sound in the corridor, Sayu realized they were standing in front of their door.


Yusuke exhaled deeply, his muscles relaxed, feeling a significant relief from his irritation.

He skillfully extracted the key, opened the door, turned his head to meet Sayu's shining eyes, and welcomed her.

"Welcome back."


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