
Zerg Feast

The Forest of Death was known to be a dangerous and deadly place. It was home to all kinds of wild beasts and creatures, but today, it was host to a different kind of predator.

Shino Aburame sat on the ground of the central tower, remotely deploying his bugs with the assistance of Alina and receiving feedback as they feasted on unsuspecting prey.

Shino knew that the battlefield filled with corpses of ninjas, a feast for his zergs.

Using his tiny bugs, he would scout for targets and remnants of the Genins. After locking on a target, his bugs would make sure the coast was clear.

Shino had to be careful not to attract too much attention, as he didn't want his plan to be foiled by an errant ninja stumbling upon the scene.

Then, the nearby hidden drones would burrow out of the ground, collect the remnants, and burrow back into ground to hide.

His plan was working perfectly, and nobody suspected a thing. The Zergs were careful not to leave any trace behind, and the bodies of the ninja were consumed cleanly, leaving objects that normal predators won't consume.

As the Zergs continued to feed, Shino couldn't help but think about the Konoha 11.

Outside of the Sasuke trio who were being guided by Kabuto, Orochimaru's spy, he had carefully tracked other members, making sure that he collected their blood left on the battlefields without them ever suspecting a thing.

As for the Sasuke trio, he decided that he would only gather their blood after everyone had long left. This was to prevent even the slightest risk of his drones being discovered by Orochimaru or Kabuto.

Like a conductor of a symphony, Alina wielded his commands with effortless precision, orchestrating a symphony of actions that moved almost autonomously. Shino's approving nod was a testament to the mesmerizing power of her capabilities.

Despite his advanced Zerg Network ability, the drones were unable to transmit the gene data through telepathy. Their inability to analyze the genes left him with no other choice but to venture out and manually harvest the data before letting Alina analyze it for him later.

He knew that it was a dangerous game he was playing, and that eventually, his luck would run out. But for now, he was safe – and he planned for it to stay that way for as long as possible. He still needed time to grow.

"Keep me updated," Shino said, turning his attention back to his team mates to not show anything suspicious, "Tell me when it is time to implement the plan."

His mind was already racing ahead, contemplating the intricacies of the plan that lay ahead.

"And when the time is right," he continued, his mind focused on learning from the database, "Signal to me that it's time to put the wheels in motion for the HSB plan."

[Affirmative, Overmind. Project: Hero Save the Beauty logged. Monitoring target...]

As the day wore on, Shino watched as his zergs continued to feed in the forest. He knew that he had to be careful, as he couldn't afford to attract any unwanted attention. With Alina's fine control, his Zergs moved quietly and efficiently through the forest, collecting samples without being seen.

And so, as he watched the other ninja fall one by one, the Zergs that burrowed out from the ground, he kept a close eye on the one he was looking for: Karin.

Karin was a genin with the Uzumaki bloodline, and Shino knew that she could be the key to unlocking a potential upgrade to his system. Naturally, characters like Naruto and Nagato would have been the best choices, but Shino knew those choice were definitely not an option. So, he settled for Karin.

Shino knew that her first appearance was in this Chunin exam and she was saved by Sasuke, but he intends to intercept this fate and steer the course in his favor.

Shino wasn't afraid he would affect the upcoming events. After all, Karin's true contributions to the plot will be far in the future, and she will not contribute much in the upcoming plot.

And once the timeline reaches the time when Karin will play a role, Shino knew he would be more than capable of bearing the fate of changing the very trajectory of the story itself.

A quiet intensity settled over Shino as he deployed his swarm of bugs around Karin and her team. With each passing moment, his anticipation grew, fueled by the knowledge that he was about to witness a pivotal moment in the story's timeline.

As he watched, Alina's expertly compiled visual feed began to take shape, the culmination of countless images captured by his bugs.

Then, as if on cue, the moment finally arrived.

[Alert! Overmind, Current visuals has a 92% match with expected scenario in database. Initiate Project HSB?]

The time for action was now. "Begin."

In the depths of the forest near Karin's location, a gathering swarm of bugs coalesced into a humanoid shape, taking on the form of none other than Shino himself – but with major enhancements in his appearance such that it resembled a future better-looking version of himself.

As the figure's outline solidified, the thrill of excitement coursed through Shino's veins, a sensation he had longed for since arriving in this world.

With a steady hand, he adjusted his glasses, his eyes fixed on the intricate dance of his bugs as they buzzed about the avatar's hands. This was no mere replica - this was a tool, a weapon to be wielded with deadly precision in the game of life and death that lay ahead.

For Shino, this was the ultimate expression of his desire, a game-like feeling that he had always sought in his previous world. And now, at last, he had achieved it in this new reality…

A sly smile crept across Shino's face as he marveled at the power of his latest creation - a simple insect clone, brought to life with the aid of Alina's advanced capabilities and his upgraded Zerg communication abilty. As he watched, he felt a strange sense of immersion, as though he himself were controlling the clone with his own hands.

Guided by Alina's expert hand, Shino's main body went through the motions flawlessly, every movement executed using his database as reference - with a precision that left no room for error. This was the key to his success, the power to seamlessly inhabit multiple roles without ever showing a hint of weakness.

"With this, I can play multiple different characters in the future."

With a single glance at the mini-radar, Shino was on the move, his steps measured and purposeful. His eyes were fixed on his destination, his mind focused on the task at hand.

With a quick nod, he addressed Alina, his trusted partner in this game of strategy and deception. "Alina, has Sasuke been led away?" he asked, his voice low and steady.

[Affirmative, Overmind. Bugs have been deployed to modify the movements of creatures nearby, using them to redirect target Sasuke's route.]


A sense of satisfaction filled Shino as he heard the news. This was the moment he had been waiting for, the culmination of countless hours of planning and preparation. With each passing second, he knew that he was getting closer to achieving his ultimate goal - to change the trajectory of the story, to mold it to his own will.

With a steely determination, he pressed on, his mind focused on the path ahead. The game was afoot, and Shino was ready to play his part to perfection.

Although Shino didn't expect Karin to fall in love with him just like she did with Sasuke, Shino still decided to implement this plan, no matter how tedious or time-consuming it might be. After all, what if it succeeds?

As he moved forward with his plan, a nagging doubt began to creep into his mind. What if Karin was nothing more than a face-woman, a shallow creature with no substance or depth?

In that case, he knew that he would have to resort to more drastic measures - to take her away by force, if necessary. This was the only chance he could get his hands on her.

When Shino recalled that Karin showed up as a subordinate of Orochimaru, he couldn't help but want to shrink a bit, but then he remembered the power that lay within Karin's blood, and he knew that he couldn't let it slip through his fingers.

Although she may have been noticed by Orochimaru, Uncle Snake still hasn't paid much attention to her. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been sent with the grass ninjas into the Chunin exam.

Her signature Uzumaki red hair was short, reaching her chin while her outfit consists of a mesh shirt and stockings, a skirt, and a light-brown short-sleeved jacket. A hidden grass village forehead protector rests on her head and a pair of brown narrow glasses sat over her nose.

It was a far cry from her stylized appearance after the time skip, but her appearance was not the reason Shino wanted her.

As he watched her team depart, one by one, leaving Karin behind like a discarded medical bank, Shino felt a pang of pity. But he knew that he could not let his emotions cloud his judgment.

Karin was wounded and exhausted, huddled up besides a tree. Despite the numb expression on her face, she radiated an aura of strength and resilience.

It was clear that she was a survivor, a fighter who refused to give up no matter what the odds. Otherwise, she wouldn't have lived so long in the original story – just to be given the bento in the dog-blood drama of love.

Oh, wait, she lived even after eating the special bento. Truly resilient.

As the predestined giant bear lumbered into view, Shino's heart raced with anticipation. This was it, the moment he had been waiting for. With the precision of Alina's bug control, his bugs infiltrated the bear and laid in wait, ensuring that it played its crucial role in the unfolding drama before he gave the bear a free bento.

Seeing the bear, Karin panicked and tried to escape, but the clumsy girl tripped and tumbled onto the ground.

As Karin's glasses clattered to the ground, Shino's closed in, ready to strike. He knew that he could never take on this outrageously massive beast head-on, but with his bugs, he had the power to bring it down from within.

Just as Karin thought all hope was lost, a deafening crash echoed through the forest. Boom!

The ground shook beneath her feet as she braced herself for the worst. Something unexpected had happened!

After fumbling with her hands for a bit, Karin picked up her glasses.

As she put them back on and looked back, she saw a figure dressed in a peculiar outfit, partially obscuring his face. The mysterious boy's glasses added to the enigma, leaving his intentions unclear.

However, she could tell that he had just saved her life. He stood proudly atop the massive bear, which lay motionless after their battle.

Shino descended from the giant bear with grace, approaching Karin with calculated steps. His expression was unreadable, his glasses hiding any indication of his thoughts.

Karin's heart raced as he neared her, and she couldn't help but blush at his presence.

As he came to a stop in front of Karin, he asked in a gentle tone, "Are you alright?"

Karin blushed a bit before she nodded like a chicken pecking.

Shino's gaze flickered to the bite marks on her arms before he reached out to grasp her hand, his grip firm and unyielding, but this caused Karin to instinctively retract her hand. Unfortunately, her weak struggle was in vain, clearly not trying to break free from his grip.

"They treat you like this, why continue to stay with them?" Shino asked in a cold voice.

Karin looked up at the mysterious boy in front of her, her mouth opening but her heart wavered between fear and curiosity. In the end, no voice came out as she looked away.

Lifting his hand, Shino's hand caressed Karin's chin and turned her head to face him as he gazed into her eyes. The intensity of his stare made her feel exposed, vulnerable even. With a steady hand, he removed his glasses for the first time ever, revealing piercing eyes that seemed to bore into her very being.

"Come with me. I'll keep you safe. I won't let anyone hurt you any further."

Hearing his words, Karin's body trembled. It took a moment for the words to sink in before she realized what he had said.

Karin's body tensed, her mind racing as she tried to comprehend the offer before her. Could she trust him? Was he truly offering her a way out of this nightmare?

Her eyes stared back at his eyes, and knew that the man was sincere regarding what he said. Although she didn't know what other plans the man had regarding her, but this was the first time she had saw salvation – someone willing to save her.

Her eyes blurred as she sniffed. She nodded weakly as she bowed her head.

Shino smiled slyly as he put his glasses back on. Until he was ready to reveal his true personality beyond that of a pushover, he had made a vow to not take these glasses off in front of outsiders – and this will be the first time, and most likely the last for a long time to come.

Gently stroking the girl's face, Shino pulled the girl into his embrace and said in a soft voice, "Don't resist."

Feeling her nod, Shino gave the command in his mind. "Return to base."

[Executing transport protocol…]

A swarm of bugs erupted from the ground and surged out from the surrounding forest, enveloping the clearing to create an impenetrable shield of writhing insects. Minutes later - when the swarm dispersed, the area was deserted. The actors of the drama that had just been staged had completely disappeared - leaving no trace of their presence behind.

Moments later, Sasuke darted through the forest and came to a halt on a nearby tree, his sharp gaze narrowed as he caught sight of the colossal bear.

"Hmm, what's going on here? Who could it be?" he muttered, before dismissing the bizarre occurrence and moving on.

Sasuke then zipped off, continuing his hunt in the forest. Little did he know that an important person in his life had just been abducted away by an unseen adversary.

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