
Start From Naruto: Shino the Dominator

After suddenly finding himself transmigrated into the Naruto world as Shino Aburame, a character often overlooked and ignored, a young man gains the power to dominate Zergs. With the help of his knowledge and expertise, he begins to use his buggy system to dominate the world … well, he will have to survive first in this dangerous ninja world.

Fluffypie · Anime & Comics
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168 Chs


The skies were gray and overcast, a perfect reflection of the somber atmosphere that hung over the village of Konoha. It was the day of Sandaime Hokage's funeral, and ninjas from all over the village had come to pay their respects to the late leader. Shino, like many of the Konoha 11, stood amongst the sea of black-clad mourners.

Shino had always respected Sandaime…but apologies, it wasn't worth risking his main body at times like this. So naturally, he showed up as a clone. Well, he still wore a mourning outfit with no high collar to show his modesty. This was still better than the Kakashi who wouldn't take off his mask, right?

An air of mystery hung over the gathering of jonins as they remained silent on the matter of Shino's apparent breach of decorum. It was impossible to tell whether any of them had uncovered his audacious act of sending a clone, yet they all seemed to share an unspoken agreement to keep their thoughts concealed.

It left one to wonder: had disillusionment with the Hokage permeated the ranks, enough for them to disregard his minor disrespectful behavior?

Whispers of the Sandaime's former glory echoed through the village, his power and influence a distant memory of a bygone era. On the other hand, the Sandaime, recognized by the later generation, made many decisions that left disappointment in the hearts of many.

Yet, despite his diminished stature and waning tactics after his return to power, there was an unspoken understanding that his mere presence served as a formidable defense against any potential threat.

It was as if his very existence alone had the power to keep the enemies at bay, earning him a well-deserved reputation as a hero who had fulfilled his duty to protect the village's stability.

Memories and bonds forged with the younger generation hinted at a depth of Sandaime's character that was as intriguing as it was enigmatic.

Though some fans may have questioned the ulterior motives behind his actions, there was no denying the impact of his protection on the current Konoha 11. His efforts had saved them from the clutches of a nefarious and malevolent old man.

No one could deny the respect the Sandaime had earned, nor the legacy he had left behind.

The somber gathering of ninjas paid their respects to the fallen hero, some driven purely by a sense of duty and others, like Naruto and many of the Konoha 11, harboring a deep sadness within their hearts.

And yet, despite the weight of their emotions, not a single tear was shed. For they were hardened ninjas, their minds distorted from a young age by the cruel realities of their world.

Shino, like his fellow ninjas, was no exception. His expression remained stoic, like always… and that was all he had to do. No one could tell the difference anyways.

As the funeral procession wound its way towards the imposing Hokage monument, the heavy atmosphere was only punctuated by the mournful cries of the civilians and the unjaded Konohamaru.

For those who lived and breathed the life of a ninja, the distorted reality they faced on a daily basis had long since numbed their emotions, turning their tears into rare commodities.

The innocence of the civilians and children like Konohamaru only served to underscore the darkness that lurked beneath the surface of this world.

As the ceremony commenced, like many of his fellow ninjas, Shino stood resolutely despite the drenching rain. A normal person may worry about getting sick, but ninja with their tougher physiques had no such worry.

As the ceremony began, Shino and his fellow ninjas stood steadfast in the face of the torrential rain, their unyielding forms a testament to their hardened bodies and iron wills. To a normal person, the thought of standing drenched in the rain would have brought worries of illness and discomfort.

On the other hand, their ninja physique let them disregard these trivial issues. This was even more so for Shino who possess immunity to most diseases in light of his infestation pit ability.

This difference only highlighted the disparity between the ruling class and the commoners. This world was unfair and crooked, transformed by the ancestors to only allow ninjas to thrive, and all other humans left to be exploited.

Well, there was already enough water pouring down on them and there was no need to continue pouring dirty water on the essence of the ninja world, which mainly thrives on adrenaline-pumping battles.

The funeral proceeded in a somber mood, as each ninja paid their final respects to the departed in their own way. The air was filled with the sound of prayers and hymns, lending an eerie sense of tranquility to the proceedings.

As the ceremony drew to a close, a hushed silence fell over the gathered mourners, and one by one they lined up to offer a single white flower as a mark of respect to the departed heroes. It was a poignant reminder of the fragility of life, and a solemn promise to remember those who had gone before.

As the mournful atmosphere enveloped the gathering, the elders took it upon themselves to impart wisdom to the younger ninjas, particularly Naruto. Their words were shrouded in mystery, designed to uplift the spirits of those who remained behind.

Honestly, Shino had an inkling that the solemnity of the occasion wouldn't have elicited much conversation, were it not for the team's concern for Naruto's well-being.

It appeared that even experienced jonin like Kakashi and chunin like Iruka had a responsibility to keep a tight rein on Naruto's emotions. After all, letting the Jinchūriki's turbulent emotions run amok could prove to be a risky gamble.

The ceremony continued for what felt like hours, but eventually, it came to a close. Shino watched as the body of Sandaime was carried away by a group of pallbearers.

It was clear that the old man's final resting place would be a place of great honor and protection, a testament to the respect and gratitude the village held for their fallen leader, but also ensuring that his knowledge and secrets were kept safe.

The secrets contained within the old man's body were far too dangerous to fall into the wrong hands, and they would do whatever it takes to protect them.

However, Shino wasn't too confident about their security measures. After all, There was already precedence with the first and second Hokage's bodies.

Well, any weaknesses in their defenses would only make his future endeavors easier, but this is still to be determined.

As the rain ceased, a glimmer of sunshine peeked through the dissipating clouds. The mood of the crowd began to lighten somewhat, as if a weight had been lifted off their shoulders.

As he made his way back through the streets of Konoha, Shino couldn't help but reflect on the state of the village. The recent attack by Orochimaru had left Konoha in ruins, and the rebuilding process was just beginning.

Everywhere he looked, he saw evidence of the destruction that had been wrought, but the villagers worked vigorously to repair the village, with bright smiles that looked towards the future.

But as he rounded a corner, Shino caught sight of something that caught him off guard.

On a nearby rooftop, he saw Jiraiya, one of the legendary Sannin, sitting alone and staring out over the village.

Jiraiya had always been an elusive figure, evading detection with ease. This rare moment of vulnerability, where he was visible to the public, was unprecedented.

There was no doubt that the man was grieving for his beloved mentor, but, as expected, he was absent from the funeral just like in the anime.

Shino was about to continue on his way when he noticed something odd.

Jiraiya had summoned an old toad with striking white hair and goatee, and he was talking to it in hushed tones. Their conversation was shrouded in a veil of secrecy that piqued the interest of anyone who happened to witness it.

Shino was too far away to hear what they were saying, but his instincts felt a sense of unease about the conversation.

As Shino strolled along the path, his expression betrayed nothing, but his mind was hard at work. He had already dispatched a bug that was specialized for stealth to approach the area discreetly, gathering intelligence on what was happening.

It was a rare chance to gather information he needed to stay ahead of the game.

Shino's bug moved with practiced stealth, inching closer to the source of the tense conversation, but keeping a good distant to avoid discovery. It wasn't long before the sound of Jiraiya's voice reached him, and his curiosity piqued.

What could the great toad sage be discussing in hushed tones with his summoned companion? Shino strained his senses, eager to uncover the secrets hidden within their words.

"Kashira, last time you told me something about that Aburame boy made you feel uneasy," Jiraiya said. "Can you confirm it this time? Could he have anything to do with the new prophecy more than six months ago?"

As Shino listened to Jiraiya's conversation with the toad, he was struck by the shocking revelation that the sage was speaking of events that had occurred over six months ago. Wasn't that when he had just transmigrated?

Shino couldn't help but wonder if this was mere coincidence or if there was something deeper at play.

Perhaps the Great Toad Sage had somehow foreseen his transmigration, or even the future he was destined to bring?

Fukasaku, the toad that Jiraiya had summoned, croaked after a moment of hesitation. "Hm… Jiraiya-chan. Indeed, I remember tha boy made me feel uneasy last time. Maybe..."

With his usual calm exterior, Shino gave no indication of the storm brewing inside. His mind raced with questions and doubts as he tried to maintain his composure. Had he really been discovered so easily? Will the undoing of all his plans be a simple prophecy?

"Maybe…" Fukasaku continued, "I just felt tha boy's bugs may be delicious?"

Gaku- Jiraiya almost fell to the ground as he heard this, "Oi, Kashira, that's not what you said last time."

"Hey, Jiraiya-chan. I really did feel something ominous from tha boy last time, but this time I couldn't sense anything. Well, it can't be helped. Maybe I really was just hungry because Kaachan hadn't made dinner for me when ya summoned me…"

"Oh, I suppose it's a good thing that he has nothing to do with that prophecy," Jiraiya said, his voice low as he observed the boy walking into the distance. "If there's anything going on, I'll..."

Shino's bug crawled away undetected, and he let out a silent sigh of relief. He couldn't shake off the feeling of dread after hearing the prophecy, but he knew he had to stay composed. For now, it seemed his secret was still safe, but the thought of being almost exposed made his heart race.

Thankfully, his decision to keep his main body hidden had paid off. Maybe that's why they didn't confirm his identity yet. With this event as a warning, Shino's mind churned, contemplating what other tricks he could use to keep his true self hidden from prying eyes.

As expected of the Great Toad Immortal. A living sage was not something Shino could underestimate, especially one with the ability to peer into the future.

Not long later, Shino arrived at his doorstep, only to be greeted by the solemn figure of his father… again. Shino's instinct had an inkling of the contents of the upcoming conversation, and it was one that probably didn't bode well for him if not handled properly.

It seems that today wasn't a peaceful day for him, just one bad news after another.

He steeled himself and followed the old man inside, bracing for whatever news his father had to deliver.