
Start From Naruto: Shino the Dominator

After suddenly finding himself transmigrated into the Naruto world as Shino Aburame, a character often overlooked and ignored, a young man gains the power to dominate Zergs. With the help of his knowledge and expertise, he begins to use his buggy system to dominate the world … well, he will have to survive first in this dangerous ninja world.

Fluffypie · Anime & Comics
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168 Chs

Meeting Tsunade

Tsunade had just returned to Konoha after her lengthy absence, and the village was buzzing with excitement. The villagers were eager to catch a glimpse of the legendary Sannin, and the shinobi were curious about her return.

Shino, or rather his insect clone that was thrown out as a smokescreen to draw attention, was gracefully wandering around in one of the training ground's forest with his team. This was one of their team's unique bonding moments.

Hidden beneath his stoic facade, Shino harbored a subtle disdain for the masquerade he maintained.

Yet, he recognized the value in this mundane charade, for it cloaked his true nature in an impenetrable veil. While he deemed it superfluous, he understood its allure and the role it played in crafting his perfect mask – one representing loyalty and friendship, concealing the deeper darkness hidden below.

And the cost for orchestrating this performance was not much: just a single clone – a marionette controlled by Karina's automated clone system, which currently has a maximal load of four clones.

Meanwhile, Kiba and his faithful companion, Akamaru, embarked on their peculiar form of dog-walking - a captivating display of synchronized movements through the air, where Akamaru gracefully marked the surrounding trees, leaving splats of enigmatic trace in his wake.

On the other hand, the reserved Hinata approached Shino, engaging in dialogue while he effortlessly and fluently responded. No one discovered the clone's peculiarity, just like how no one discovered the bug's clandestine acquisition of information throughout Konoha.

The vast network of bug monitors scattered across the village, aggregating data from the daily lives of the civilians. Although Shino wasn't able to infiltrate the important departments of Konoha, he knew that big data could play a crucial role in the discovery of many secrets.

Suddenly, Shino's main body received an alert. His clone had detected his father, Shibi Aburame, walking towards him. The clone seemed to shudder light, before his dull eyes transformed into one that seemingly glowed with intellect.

"Shino," Shibi said, his voice barely above a whisper. "The advisors have summoned you to the Hokage building. They have urgent news."

With a measured nod, Shino conveyed an air of enigmatic composure. "I'll go immediately. Do you know what it's about?"

"I'm afraid I don't." Shibi's voice was seemingly tinged with a hint of uncertainty, but his eyes, concealed behind the lenses of his glasses, held a glimmer of intrigue, as if harboring answers to the mystery. "But I sense that it may a be surprise. But don't get your hopes up."

Shino's brows arched in a calculated manner. As he synchronized the timing of events, a web of speculations began to weave in his mind, unraveling the enigma that surrounded his situation.

"Let's go find out." With an air of mystery, Shibi took the lead, his footsteps purposeful and measured, as he guided the way towards the towering edifice of the Hokage building.

Shino turned towards his reserved companion, "Hinata."

"I understand, Shino-kun. I'll tell Kiba-kun," Hinata bowed respectfully, "Please take care of Shino-kun, Uncle Aburame."

With a nod that held a hidden depth, Shibi's lips curved ever so slightly as he beckoned Shino to follow.

When they approached the Hokage building, like pieces of an enigmatic puzzle aligning perfectly, they found themselves face to face with none other than the astute Shikamaru Nara and his father, Shikaku Nara.

Shikamaru's lazy demeanor was evident, slumping his shoulders with uninterested eyes gazing into the unknown. Though his expression appeared lackluster, it concealed a mind buzzing with intricate calculations and secret analyses.

On the other hand, his father's face had a subtle glimmer of mischief, and his relaxed posture painted an intricate portrait of his casual personality.

But behind this facade of tranquility, an aura of inherent seriousness emanated from his eyes, a display of his paragon of experience. It was a countenance that belied the depths of his true character. and one may notice the relaxed posture of his body, betraying his casual demeanor.

Like father, like son, both weren't simple.

"Shibi, what brings you here?" Shikaku asked, his tone betraying his surprise.

"The advisors called for me," Shibi replied before his eyes fixed on Shino, "To be more precise..."

"Same here, I wonder what's going on..." Shikaku drew out his tone, while sweeping his eyes over Shikamaru and Shino with a mysterious glint.

With a gaze sharpened by astute perception, Shikamaru cast his discerning eyes upon the adults, his lids narrowed to mere slits. "Ah. What a drag, don't you think so too, Shino?"

A flicker of contemplation danced behind Shino's lenses as he adjusted his glasses with a measured precision. In the depths of his mind, a delicate balancing act unfolded, weighing the consequences of his response.

To answer or remain silent? Kiba's influence, like an indelible mark, had left its imprint on Shino's psyche, instilling a newfound habit of careful consideration before offering a word.

The result: the adults ushered them forward before he could come to a decision.

The four of them made their way up the stairs of the Hokage building, their footsteps echoing off the walls. As they rounded a corner, they bumped into someone they didn't expect to see. All eyes turn towards her, drawn like moths to a flame, Shino was no exception.

The woman before him is a study in contrasts - slender yet curvaceous, youthful yet wise. Her above-average height only serves to accentuate the grace with which she moves, each step imbued with a subtle power that hints at the strength she possesses.

Her fair skin is set off by piercing brown eyes that seem to hold the weight of the world within them, and straight blonde hair that parts above her forehead, framing her face like a halo.

And yet, it is the violet diamond on her forehead that captures your attention, a symbol of the immense power that lies within her.

As Shino took in her attire, it becomes clear that this is no ordinary woman. A grass green haori hung over her body, and beneath it all, a grey, kimono-style blouse, held closed by a broad, dark bluish-grey obi that matches her pants.

It is a look that is both traditional and modern, speaking to the complexity of the woman who wears it. And as your gaze lingers on her, it becomes impossible not to notice the sizable cleavage on display, a reminder that beneath the strength and power lies a woman who is unafraid to embrace her femininity.

This, then, is Senju Tsunade - one of the legendary Sannin, a force to be reckoned with, a woman who commands respect and demands attention, the granddaughter of the First Hokage, the soon-to-be Fifth Hokage!

Shino only had one comment regarding her majesty: Big. Very big!

"Hey! If it isn't Naruto!" The melodic resonance of Shikamaru's voice reverberated through the air, like a skillfully cast fishing line, deftly hooking Shino's attention and drawing him out from the depths of his momentary lapse in propriety.

In that precise moment, Shino's perceptive gaze swept across the entourage that trailed behind the captivating figure of the formidable blonde beauty.

Following behind her was a woman of unassuming appearance, moving with a grace and poise that bespeak of years of training. With her striking black eyes and jet-short black hair cascading down her shoulders in straight, silky waves, she exudes an air of cool confidence.

Wrapped around her slender frame and average height was a long, flowing kimono of bluish-black with delicate white trimmings, held together by a pristine white obi.

This was the talent medical-nin under the tutelage of Tsunade, the soon-to-be Hokage's most trusted assistant, Shizune.

Under Shino's observation, it was hard not to notice the small creature nestled in her arms. At first glance, it appears to be an ordinary pig, its light pink hue unremarkable. But upon closer inspection, one notices the dark blush on its cheeks, the same tint as its delicate skin.

This is no ordinary pig, for it is always adorned with a pearl collar and a dark red jacket, as if it were a prized possession of royalty.

Alas, Tonton's status was far from regal, as she was but a humble mascot ninja pet, and a tool for escaping debt repayments.

"Ah? Shikamaru? Shino as well?" Naruto's perplexity was clearly displayed on his face.

"Excuse us, Lady Tsunade," With a graceful bow, Shibi paid homage to the esteemed figure before him Shibi said.

"It's been a while, Lady Tsunade," Shikamaru's father, stepped forward, his deep voice carrying a tinge of nostalgia. Another bow, performed with precision and respect, marked his greeting.

The adults exchanged formalities, the two curious children gossiped about the enigmatic Tsunade. Meanwhile, Shino positioned himself on the periphery and acted as a silent observer, his presence seemingly forgotten amidst the earnest conversations...

It wasn't long before Tsunade turned away from the group, her graceful form poised with an air of nonchalance. With a singular motion, Tsunade's hand ascended, her fingernails drawing their attention with their purple coat, delicate yet commanding.

Her back became a canvas for the future, and she bid them farewell with a casual wave, "Well! I'll see you again sometime."

As her hand descended, her blonde hair bundled into two ponytails danced like a work of art, revealing the back of the grass-green haori she wears, emblazoned with the kanji for 'gamble', speaks to a daring spirit that knows no bounds.

"Yush! To the hospital!" Naruto chased after Tsunade, "See you later, Shikamaru! Next time, I'll show you an awesome technique I learned!"

Shino subtly adjusted his glasses as he observed Naruto's figure gradually receded into the distance. Er. Did Naruto forgot about him?

Shikaku stepped forward and extended his arm, enveloping Shikamaru's shoulder in a firm embrace as a secret discourse unfolded, laced with veiled wisdom and hidden truths… about women.

As Shikamaru reluctantly played his part, his countenance reflected a mix of resignation. Everything in this world was troublesome in his mind, and women were no exception.

Their playful banter echoed through the air, their voices a harmonious symphony of paternal guidance and son's reluctant acquiescence.

Alas, they were not alone. The Aburame clan duo quietly observed, their enigmatic existence blending seamlessly into the theater of life's enigmas.

The skit of the Nara duo continued to unfold, seemingly oblivious to the presence of the Aburame clan duo...

"Ahem. The advisors are still waiting." With a deliberate adjustment of his glasses, Shibi offered a cryptic reminder, his eyes concealed behind the polished lenses.

Shikaku's speech paused, looking over with Shikamaru, a bit of surprise in both of their eyes. "Oh! Shibi – you were – Oh no! Let's hurry up and finish our business here. Hahaha… Hurry up, Shikamaru!"

The four of them nodded and continued on their way, the farce shelved to the back of their minds.

As they walked, Shino arched this brows, observing the Nara duo in front of them. Did these two really forget about them? However, it was difficult to traverse the intricate labyrinth of their brilliant minds. It's difficult to discern whether their actions were deliberate or merely coincidental.

When they arrived at the advisors' office, they were met with stern expressions. Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane were two of the oldest advisors in the village, and they were known for their strict adherence to tradition… and authority that they didn't want to let go.

"Shibi and Shino Aburame, Shikaku and Shikamaru Nara," Homura said, his voice cold. "Thank you for coming."

"What's going on?" In a sudden metamorphosis of countenance, Shikaku's visage shifted into an aura of reverence, his features veiled in an air of deference.

But beneath the surface, is it true deference or is he just a master actor?

According to the anime, Shino already had his answers.

Koharu spoke up. "First, I would like to congratulate you two. Your sons have been recommended by the Third Hokage and many Feudal Lords of other lands who observed the fight. If there are no issues, their roles of chunin will be handed down once Tsunade takes office. Shibi, Shikaku, do you have any words of disagreement?"

A subtle shake of Shibi's head accompanied a fleeting, almost imperceptible glance towards his son, Shino, whose countenance remained stoic and enigmatic.

"No problem. It's an honor for Shikamaru to be recognized. Shikamaru is ready to serve the village with the full extent of his abilities, aren't I right, Shikamaru?" A subtle yet deliberate pat on the Shikamaru's shoulder from Shikaku urged him to say something.

A lone droplet of perspiration traced a treacherous path down Shikamaru's countenance, his expression clearly betraying the fact that he found the situation troublesome.

In the end, Shikaku still stepped up with an air of calculated eloquence, words effortlessly flowing out like a true politician. Hey, his son doesn't want to, but he still had to do his part as a father.

Otherwise, should his wife discover that their son squandered a golden opportunity due to his lamentable lack of endeavor, oh, the symphony of incessant nagging that shall ensue!

"Mm.. that's enough," Homura's interruption came like an unexpected gust of wind, carrying with it a faint sheen of perspiration that betrayed his inner turmoil. Honestly, the man's words had blown them into a sky high position, so much so that they almost couldn't even recognize themselves.

Although it was pleasing to the ear, they had more pressing matters, "Shikaku, you may go with Shikamaru. Aburame, stay. There is still something we must discuss."

Shikaku and Shikamaru fixed their gaze upon the enigmatic Aburame duo before exchanging a glance between each other. An unspoken understanding passed between the father and son: the next troublesome thing had nothing to do with them.

"Oh! Shibi, we'll go first. Otherwise my wife will chew us out if we're late…" With a graceful inclination of his head, Shikaku paid homage to the two astute advisors and turned to leave. "Let's go, Shikamaru!"

"See you, Shino." As his fingertips languidly tucked into the depths of his pocket, a gesture both casual and yet laden with hidden purpose, Shikamaru fell in step behind his father, the rhythmic cadence of their footsteps resonating with an enigmatic harmony.

The office fell into an eerie silence, the air heavy with tension.

Four individuals remained, two adorned with stoic expressions while the other two wore grim countenances, their eyes locked onto Shino with an intensity that spoke volumes.

It was evident that the forthcoming discussion held no promise of good news.