
Starship Troopers Fan in another universe!!!

John is fan of Starship Troopers franchise, watched all movies dozens of times, played even Starship Troopers games, even Starship Troopers mods in other games.. I don't own Starship Troopers, Or any series,game, anime used in this fanfic.. I don't own cover ... Expect violence and curses..

MegaDanijel · Movies
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32 Chs

Chapter 13

6x months later..

Human Empire flag was officially created, background is blue and in the center of the flag is red Phoenix , symbolizes Humanity's rise from the ashes..

War for Terra progresses well. Humans now controlling half of east Australia to be precise, whole of New South Wales..

Human population on Terra is now 300,000x entirely made out of military. Control of invasion of Australia was given to General V.J. Dax,

10,000x of military vehicles. From T-1 to upgraded Leopards 1,2 , T-72 , Siege-Tanks , APC.. Along with Self-Propelled artillery, mainly such as Aleksandar...

Adding 40,000 of terminators. 3,000 Tac Fighters

In the space,above Terra is space station just out of Plasma-Bugs reach.. Along with dozens satellites..

It is small station but it will suffice for now, it can house 25x Ships from different classes but excluding John A. Warden

Humanity is able to create T-800 , T-400, T-1 and T-850 on their own without the help of the system from now..

Factories for mass production of terminators are beginning construction on 7x Jupiter moon and on Cadia itself..

Experimentation of Bugs still continues , In hope of re-creation of Intel Bugs..

Intel Bugs are human made variant of Warrior Bugs, they are mind controlled by human psychics ..

They are stationed at Neptune's moons, 5x of them to be precise. Guarded by Thunder Warriors..

Thunder Warriors are another type of super soldiers. They are two times stronger than Space Marines ..

Mass research on biology of super soldiers was done. ODST for example are just like normal humans, normal height, weight but there is difference in their muscle mass and acceleration..

They are strong as they are but they need abnormal amount of calories to sustain themselves or they would be as strong as normal humans.. There aren't much change to them . Only thing worth to notify is their bones density..

Space Marines are different story.. For instance, they have abnormal mass of muscles, their weight and height are also different story.

Their bones are abnormally stronger than normal ones to 20x times of an normal human.. further research was needed.

Thunder Warriors are pretty much same as Space Marines but just stronger..

Adeptus Custodes are just complete abnormality..

After decent research, current level of technology can make super soldiers, but only to be 3x times stronger than average human, but they also would have an limited lifespan...

Current Space Marine chapters are :


Black Templars.


Royal Guard (They are under Emperor's direct orders, and can be only ordered by him and Custodes ..)

Blood Ravens

Educational systems are established ..

Animals meat , meat from an actual todays Earth's animal brought by John. Suffered research it was speculated that they would be able to soon clone them..


Space Stations are being built at every colony, from planet to moons even..

Present Time

Cadia, Royal Palace

Throne room. John is currently sitting on his throne and behind him are 2x Custodes while 18x others are scattered around the room along with ODST's..

Door was opened , Lieutenant Zim opened it and allowed himself into throne, walking few meters in front of John, before knelling to the Emperor..

"Your Majesty,you called me." Asked Zim while it was more of a statement than an actual question..

"Yes, i have a task that you can finish and if you do it adequately you will permanently be promoted to General." Stated John as he stand up from his throne before moving closer to Zim till he was in front of him..

"You, server me well, so i'm giving you an task to re-conquer New Zealand." Spoke John.

"Your Majesty, are you sure i should be tasked with such task?" Asked Zim, incredibly surprised by such turn of events..

"Yes, you were instructor, you have experience above Lieutenant rank, your army is ready." Reassured John.. before asking " Any more questions?"

"Sir, status of my military?" Asked Zim..

"You are allowed to stand up. 40x Ships are ready to fly to Terra at any moment at Cadia's Station.. You army was already mobilized it's made out of, 2,000x T-1 , 5,000x ODST's. 400x Space Marines, 1,000x Tac-Fighters , 30,000x T-800 , 2,000x PS-Troopers, 1,000x Marauder-Troopers , 70x M11 Babar and lastly 5,000x T-850.. " John let out a breath before continuing " You also have pre-made plans for invasion of the New Zealand made by Sky Marshal Rico.. You will also find few hundred tanks at your disposal.."

M11 Babar are another set of Marauder similar from Starship Trooper 3 at the end of the movie..

T-850 are stronger version of T-800 but equipped with E-pulse 44 Rifle. It's an effective short range weapon for mid-armored targets..

"Understand SIr. I will do my part!" Standing up Zim saluted before leaving throne room ..

'My Coins are flying around at every eliminated creature and millions of Arachnids have given me more Coins than i know what to do with them. 'John though before turning around and walking to his throne. ' 10x More Jupiter moon are currently under construction to hold hundreds of thousand of troops. Which i will summon later dozens of space stations are also in construction, i need all my ships in full condition if something happens as i currently have 1010x but most of them are now landed on our colonies.'

'When human race reach population of an 10x billions along with heavy defence of our home system , we will begin exploration of galaxy, ' John though before speaking ," Farming of bugs is incredibly good for our race."


New Zealand is slowly but surely getting cleaned out of bugs.. First is North Island..

First part of the plan was bombing of Tac-Fighter , but not cities of course . Only hordes of bugs numbering in hundreds or thousands are bombed by Tac-Fighter to buy time for infantry to take control of cities..

Nest step was clearing out Bug Nests of potential Queens or Brain Bugs. Space Marines along with ODST's were deployed for this task..

Third step was extermination of Bug's presence in the cities, towns etc..

Under first 10x hours all Bugs in the open were bombed from North Island. Excluding bugs from future populated areas...

New Zealand would also be where first Queen was discovered..

Above Bug Nest hole, 20x Space Marines are dropped along with 30x ODST's as an support..

"Let's quash some bugs!" Shouted Lieutenant of ODST's before jumping down the hole , quickly followed by others..

Space Marines are rushing from the front as an main wall of defence and behind them are 0DST's.

Few minutes of running , they run at least 2 to 4km . Space Marines had to slow down a little for ODST's to catch up..

Soon they found end of the tunnel and an horde of Bugs in front of them. Along with 1x Brain Bug and Queen.. They were surrounded by Warrior Bugs, Drone Bugs, Worker Bugs and Royal Guard Bugs.

Their numbers are exceeding 700x at least..

"Alpha Platoon! We found first Queen , we need reinforcement!" Ordered Lieutenant through his com, seeing few more tunnels behind the swarm of bugs nut none big enough to fit Queen.

Immediately battle began, first 10x Space Marines crouched down to shot and another 10x moved behind them to fire. ODST's opened fire but not before moving in middle of Space Marines, while another 10x ODST's moved behind everyone as they has sniper variant of M1..



First Bug to be eliminated was Brain Bug, it was eliminated by snipers..

Wall of Space Marines opened fire on everything on it's path, but trying to not shoot the Queen as it would useful for further plans..

While this horde was mostly made of Drones and Workers it was still terrifying sight to see. The only thing going to Humans advantage is the sheer size of this room.

And the continous fire from them coupled with size of the room adding that the Bugs were falling on each other thus stalling their advance, in the end troops had to slowly retreat to not go in frontal confrontation with bugs..

But this Queen would later become Humanities bio-weapon..

Battle for New Zealand lasted 2 months.. It was quickly dealt with, with help of V.J. Dax forces..

Lieutenant Zim, was permanently promoted to General because of his promising service.

This war generated heroes of human kind, and true officers..

8x month of conflict resulted in:

410,000x Destroyed Terminators

700x Land vehicles..

370,000x Troopers dead..

And over 200,000x Troopers wounded . But Troopers who lost their limbs got new prosthetics and returned to battle quickly by their own wishes ...

Chapter word count 1397