
Stars in the Water (Dimensions Series: Book One)

Have you ever looked up at the sky and get lost in thought because of its beauty? Have you ever wondered what your life would be like in a different lifetime, under a different constellation? Did you ever stop to wonder that maybe the sky you're under is the sea below someone else's feet? Lyrmie had always adored the stars ever since she could remember. Even if she did adore many things, her life was not exactly one of them. Little did she know that all the hell she's been through would soon lead her to discover hope; just in an intergalactic way. And in a different universe. Will she finally be able to live the life she knew she always deserved or will this new world be worse than the last one she's endured?

jessicamerlin · Fantasy
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17 Chs


"Either you run the day or the day runs you."

- Jin Rohn


Let's just say I didn't really do well in foster homes. They just gave me the creeps. I can be sent to the nicest and sweetest family living here on planet Earth but no way in all the milky ways will even those kinds of families stop me from running back to the orphanage. You can say I'm such an ungrateful brat and yes, I guess I am. I don't want to be sent to families I'm not biologically related to. I want my real family. My real parents, real siblings, real grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins. I don't want to feel like the black sheep of some random group of people and grow up never feeling my mother's love or my father's protection. But we can't always get what we want now can we? Welp.

Okay, let me make this quick and simple. Hey, peeps! I'm Lyrmie Ang. I'm 19 amd I used to be one of those normal girls who had normal and boring lives. I was left at Mrs. Rethers' Orphanage when I was only a few months old. All my life I've always wished for a little more thrill and drama in my life and little did I know my life was just about to receive the weirdest and terrifying drama. If you have family issues, you need to read on about mine. Talk about family issues. Haha.

For the past 18 years of my insanely boring life, I've been adopted almost 50 times but have never been able to actually settle down. School wasn't really exciting but at least the orphanage I was left at wasn't like those in the movies; cruel and untidy. Ew.

I'm not the friendliest person either but I'm lucky to have Euno as a best friend. He may be the most annoying egg head there is but he is one in a billion galaxies. Literally the only one in a billion galaxies because I don't think there is anyone more stupid and annoying than Euno. But, it's great to have at least someone to share your 18 orphan years with.

Okay, I think we have been well introduced. Oh, by the way, I don't really like expressing my feelings, let alone writing them down but it did come in handy, I guess. Have you ever been to outer space? Have you ever thought that you could actually travel to another galaxy without having to ride those fancy spaceships and go through so much time just preparing for the adventure? Yeah, I didn't think so. Well, I guess since you've been reading this far, I welcome you to the journal that reveals the secrets to some sort of unexplainable science and magic all at the same time.

But be warned. I didn't say it was a pretty smooth ride, folks. In fact, it was one of the bumpiest rides I've experienced in my entire first-year-of-being-an-adult life.