
Stars in the Water (Dimensions Series: Book One)

Have you ever looked up at the sky and get lost in thought because of its beauty? Have you ever wondered what your life would be like in a different lifetime, under a different constellation? Did you ever stop to wonder that maybe the sky you're under is the sea below someone else's feet? Lyrmie had always adored the stars ever since she could remember. Even if she did adore many things, her life was not exactly one of them. Little did she know that all the hell she's been through would soon lead her to discover hope; just in an intergalactic way. And in a different universe. Will she finally be able to live the life she knew she always deserved or will this new world be worse than the last one she's endured?

jessicamerlin · Fantasy
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17 Chs


Hey everyone!

I'm glad to see that there are people who read my story and I really appreciate it. I hope you will continue to read and be with me on this extraordinary adventure of the Dimensions Series. I know that I'm just starting off small but I hope someday my works will be recognised too. It would be an honor to be able to share my works to the public.

As you all know, this story is quite messy and all over the place because this is based off one of my childhood dreams. There are many scenes in the story that I just made up and added to the dream's original story because the dream did not make sense at all. I grasped some ideas from the dream I had as a kid and just went off from there. I let my imagination free.

Since I am not a professional writer, I may have many flaws with the stories I have written, am writing and will write in the near future. Nevertheless, I hope you guys will still appreciate it. It means everything to me!

I want to explain the concept of this story and the the world I created for this series. There are many terms in the previous chapters that are made up so it isn't always easy to understand. That is why I'm writing this to you guys so that everybody can understand the story better.


Well, in the story, Earth is still present because Earth was just a part of this particular dimension that consisted of 4 planets which are: Earth, Zerk, Servanic and Hanuel. Earth is the only "rictor" planet which means magic does not exist there. The rest of the other planets have magic which is why they are called "sonric" planets.


For the first book (Stars in the Water), it is an introduction to the magical planets within dimension "0419". Lyrmie discovers why she became an orphan in the first place and she always had these strange dreams. She hears voices and is brought back to her home planet subconsciously. In this book, she ventures out with her newfound friend, Kane Jones and meets her older sister, Nolsa Lin. They teach her the history of the planets in dimension 0419 and what her worth was as the heir of Zerk.

Kane and Nolsa help Lyrmie discover who she really is and what her duties are as the sonric heir of Zerk. Lyrmie will always be faced with very shocking secrets that will slowly be revealed one by one in all four books in the Dimensions series.


After being introduced to her new life, Lyrmie continues to learn how to master the magic of the universe. This means she needs to master all magic around Zerk, Servanic and Hanuel. In order to be crowned the new queen of Zerk and of all dimension 0419, she needs to pass the tests that the sonric elders will give her after having lessons in different magical fields.

This story will take place in the third planet of dimension 0419, Servanic.


In this book, Lyrmie and the gang (Kane, Nolsa, Euno) will meet Tyler who is a water sonric. They go to the fourth planet of dimension 0419, Hanuel where Lyrmie has to master the remaining magical fields she needed in order to be crowned the queen.


Like any other finale book, the war begins and all the planets of dimension 0419 is in danger. Duke Joseph plans to destroy all the planets and it is up to Lyrmie and the gang to stop him. After Lyrmie was crowned queen, those who were in support of her evil uncle, Duke Joseph, mobbed the people of Hali. A lot of innocent lives were taken away and so Lyrmie decides to stop her uncle once and for all.



However Earth is in reality, it is the same in the story.


This is Lyrmie's home planet and the place with both ancestors of the people from Servanic and Hanuel. Euno is the only Earthling who was able to visit Zerk and the other planets. Zerk is a variety of mixed races in terms of the magic the people were born with or bestowed with.

It has many beaches and is very mountainous. Below is a list of the magic Zerkians master in:

1. Universal Magic - when a person (usually of royal descent) masters the 2 basic magic (magic of the water & magic of the stars) and can do the 13 newly discovered magic of Servanicians and Hanuelites.

2. Water - this includes being able to control the weather, bodies of water and water animals. (Only water sonrics who are from the direct family tree of Zerkians can control life or death of any living creature)

3. Earth (ground) - this includes being able to control the ground, calamities to come forth and to go, and medicine by magic from the plants.

4. 13 Ujewo (magic discovered when you mix the basic magic elements)


Servanic is the home of the water sonrics who originally only mastered the water magic and everything in between. During the 21st century when the story takes place, Servanicians have evolved and adapted to the slightly modern times making them master in magic that also is related to the earth (ground). Below is the list of magic Servanicians master in:

1. Water - this includes being able to control the weather, bodies of water and water animals.

2. Earth (ground) - this includes being able to control the ground, calamities to come forth and to go, and medicine by magic from the plants.


Hanuel is the home of first ancestors of the star sonrics. The people soon evolved just like the other sonrics on Zerk and Servanic. The basic fundamentals of the magic of the stars still are taught on Hanuel. This planet is where the sonric elders test the sonrics of royal descent before they are crowned the new ruler of Dimension 0419. Below is the list of magic Hanuelites master in:

1. Stars (Galactic magic) - this includes the ability to control weather, the days and nights (time) and keeps the circle of life in balance and on check.

2. 13 Ujewo (magic discovered when you mix the basic magic elements)


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