
Stars in the Water (Dimensions Series: Book One)

Have you ever looked up at the sky and get lost in thought because of its beauty? Have you ever wondered what your life would be like in a different lifetime, under a different constellation? Did you ever stop to wonder that maybe the sky you're under is the sea below someone else's feet? Lyrmie had always adored the stars ever since she could remember. Even if she did adore many things, her life was not exactly one of them. Little did she know that all the hell she's been through would soon lead her to discover hope; just in an intergalactic way. And in a different universe. Will she finally be able to live the life she knew she always deserved or will this new world be worse than the last one she's endured?

jessicamerlin · Fantasy
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17 Chs


"If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way."

- Napoleon Hill


When I was bored as hell in my life on Earth, I wished to have a little thrill and adventure here and there. It never crossed my mind that I actually do have thrill and adventure in my life. It was just in another planet.

It's been 2 days since I arrived here on Zerk. My bedroom was the classiest place I've ever seen. Well, besides the whole castle but yeah, I love my room the most. Kane has been teaching me the dimension's history and all. I've been waking up early to go to the library and meet him there. He's always so early and would be sitting at the same spot near the biggest window in the library.

Don't get me started about how futuristic the rest of the castle was. If the way the exterior of the place wasn't enough to prove how futuristic it was then going inside and into all the rooms will definitely make you think otherwise. It just had so many rooms. To be honest, I don't think this is a castle. It's more like a zillionaire's mansion. The details and gadgets here on Zerk have not been even made a theory back on Earth. Everything was holographic. People here knew magic but it didn't mean that they looked and lived in a place that looked like how it did during the Medieval era. It was the exact opposite of that.

I went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast but there was a chef already up and going finishing off the dishes he prepared. I watched as he placed the dishes on the dining table in the huge dining area. He looked up at me and greeted me warmly.

"Good morning, Your Highness. Breakfast is served."

I smiled back at him and headed towards one of the seats. "Thank you."

Just as I took my seat, Kane entered the dining area with his nose buried in another book. He took the seat in front of me and put his book aside. I took a bite of the steak and my eyes closed in satisfaction. Mmm... It was so delicious.

Kane beamed at my expression while eating. He laughed a little and started eating too. "So," he started, "how was your studying, Princess?". I swallowed the food I had in my mouth and raised an eyebrow at him. "Great." I picked up the napkin next to me and wiped my mouth. "And please stop calling me princess. It sounds so weird."

He smirked. "Why not? You are a princess. At least here on Zerk you are one." He started digging into his food and I just laughed at his statement. This is just so cliché.

Who would've thought that an orphan girl like me was actually an alien on Earth?

Kane and I finished our meals and headed towards the library again. I was still smiling even after our meal because the food was just so delicious! I was so distracted with my thoughts about more food I was craving that I hadn't noticed Kane stopped walking so I bumped into him and we both fell on the floor. He groaned in pain and I winced because of the impact. My arms hurt from hitting the ground and as I was trying to get up my eyes locked with Kane's and he was staring right back at me. When I felt his gaze on me getting longer, I cleared my throat and immediately got up and turned around so that he couldn't see my flustered face.

I touch my cheeks and try to calm my heart down. That was so embarrassing! I hope he doesn't feel awkward around me. Argh! Why am I such a clutz?

I felt Kane's hand on my shoulder and I jumped a little. It took me by surprise and I was still embarrassed about what had happened. "It's fine, Your Highness. It was just an accident." He smiled and pat my shoulder lightly.

I hope this doesn't happen again.

I mentally plam faced myself and followed Kane inside the library and we continued with our lessons.


As we finished the last pages of the final book that I needed to learn, I yawned and stretched my arms upward. My back ached and longed for the softness of my bed. Rubbing my eyes, I turned towards the window and saw the sun was almost setting. I wanted to watch the sunset by the beach so I went to Kane who was putting the books away and back on their perspective shelves. He looked calm and collected. I just found myself staring at how smooth his arms moved from grabbing each book from his other arm to the shelf. When Kane sensed my presence, I was still blanking staring at him. He smirked and waved his hand in front of my face.

"Hello? Are you still there, Princess?"

I snapped out of my staring and I felt my whole body turn red. I looked away and cleared my throat. "I wanted to ask you if I could go watch the sunset at the beach today."

"Sure. Why not?", he replied.

I smiled, still not looking his way. I turned my heel around and was headed towards the doors of the library when Kane called out to me and asked, "Do you mind if I join you, Your Highness?". I didn't turn around to look at him when I answered. "No, I don't mind at all." With that, I felt his footsteps getting closer to me until he was standing right beside me. He looked at me and said, "Shall we?"

*. *. *. *

When we got to the beach, we sat by the same tree I ran to two days ago. The horizon had light shades of orange, red and yellow painted all over it. The sunlight hitting the water made it look like it was twinkling like the stars in the night sky. I let out a sigh and pulled my knees to my chest.

Kane and I stayed silent while watching the sun disappear behind the waters and the moon ascending in its place. As stars slowly twinkled one by one, I remembered that Euno must've been worried sick about me. We were supposed to visit the newly opened churros shop near the orphanage. I quickly jumped up and looked down at Kane who was shocked at my sudden stance.

"I need to go back to Earth. Euno would be looking for me."

"Oh, right. Well then, I guess you can't stay for now. Let's go back to Earth."

"Thank you, Kane. I promise I'll come back. I just need to sort things out back on Earth. I just have a lot of things left unsettled."

He stood up and reached his hand out towards me. "Don't worry, Princess. I'll help with that. Come on, now. This is the time to learn how to control the opening of portals to different worlds."

I nodded and took his hand. He led me to the same spot I woke up on when I first arrived here on Zerk. Kane let go of my hand and I felt this weird feeling of emptiness. Not being able to hold his hand had me feeling a sense of something missing. He motioned for me to come closer to where he was standing. He started to explain how I should open the correct portal to the world I wanted to go to.

"Remember when you started hearing voices in the cave back on Earth?"

"Yeah... Wait. How did you know I was hearing voices?"

I raised an eyebrow at him and he just laughed it off and said, "I was there with you the whole time, Your Highness." That me even more confused. He kept speaking alien. Well, practically he is an alien, I thought.

"What do you mean? You said that too when you carried me to the castle." Remembering how he wrapped his arms around my waist made me look away again. I really gotta stop feeling giddy whenever I talk to Kane.

"I was the butterfly, Princess."

After saying that, a portal started to form that was made up of the water that came from the beach. It started to form the same circle that I saw in the cave. Without any warning, Kane tugged at my arm and pulled me into the portal with him.


I felt really dizzy. I felt something really hard under my body. I tried to get up slowly. My clothes were wet again and I slowly opened my eyes. My nose felt itchy because something was touching it. When I opened my eyes, I saw the blue butterfly and Kane was nowhere to be seen.

I got up and walked out of the cave. As I was headed towards the cave, I saw Euno running towards me with really wide eyes full of worry. He hugged me and held my shoulders and pulled me away from him to check if it really was me.

"Lyr?! What the hell happened to you? Where were you?"

My legs still felt really jelly so I fell but Euno held me firmly and supported me while he brought me back to the cabin. He opened the fromt door and placed me on the couch. He wrapped a towel and a blanket on me then went to the kitchen. He went back and had a mug with hot cocoa in it.

He handed it over to me and I took a sip. Euno sat down next to me and started firing away with his endless questions.

"You've been gone for two days, Lyr. I couldn't find you anywhere, not even inside the cave. How did you come out of there anyway?"

I felt too weak o explain everything. My body felt too tired to form a proper explanation. I placed the mug down on the coffee table and looked at Euno.

"Hey dude, I'm a princess."

With that, I felt sleep take over me and I fell back on the couch and let my mind slip away to dreamland.