
Stars in the Water (Dimensions Series: Book One)

Have you ever looked up at the sky and get lost in thought because of its beauty? Have you ever wondered what your life would be like in a different lifetime, under a different constellation? Did you ever stop to wonder that maybe the sky you're under is the sea below someone else's feet? Lyrmie had always adored the stars ever since she could remember. Even if she did adore many things, her life was not exactly one of them. Little did she know that all the hell she's been through would soon lead her to discover hope; just in an intergalactic way. And in a different universe. Will she finally be able to live the life she knew she always deserved or will this new world be worse than the last one she's endured?

jessicamerlin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


"Make failure your teacher, not your undertaker."

- Zig Ziglar


  I was woken up by the sound of roosters and immediately got out of bed because it was a busy day ahead of me.  Today was my first official training day in mastering the magic I was born with and how to do a little martial arts.  We never know what might happen especially in my situation where war can happen anytime soon. 

  I quickly got dressed as I heard Nolsa pounding on the door.  The closet was full of clothes fit for spies just like those in the movies.  I never imagined I would actually be living a 'live-action-film-type' of life.  This was still so overwhelming for me.  I quickly picked out an outfit for our first day of training.  Nolsa was getting more and more impatient towards my slow-paced movements so she got out her keys and barged into my room.  I was half-naked and Kane was standing behind my sister.  I squealed in shock and covered my chest with the shirt I pulled off the hanger.

  "What the hell, Nolsa?! Get out and close the door! I'm almost done changing. Geez!"

  Nolsa chuckled and walked out of my room while saying, "Yeah, okay. I'm heading to the practice room now. Please hurry up. We can't waste anymore time."

  I nodded and shooed them both out of my room.  Once the door was closed and locked, I leaned on the wall and felt my heart still racing inside my chest.  I couldn't believe Kane almost saw me without a shirt on.  That was a close one.  My heart still kept pounding loudly and I swear it was beating so fast and loud that I think I heard the beating in my ears.

  The fresh air was all over the place.  It felt relaxing to breathe in the air from the forest.  Running towards the training room, I passed by Euno who was happily munching away on some pancakes and bacon.  I gave him a small wave in which he returned to me with a nod.  After our acknowledgement in the house, I was out across the frontyard and towards the training room.  I ran as fast as I could until I reached the entrance to the room.  I pulled onto the doors and ran into someone's chest just as I was about to step inside. 


  "Hey! Watch where yo-", I stopped as I looked up and saw Kane with a shocked expression at how I snapped.

  He quickly backed away and we both avoided eye contact.  I swear I always find myself in uncomfortable and embarrassing situations with Kane.  Right now, I wished a portal would take me back to Earth. 

  Still not looking up, I stuttered saying, "I-I didn't mean it. I'm sorry..."

  "No. I should be the one apologizing. I'm sorry for rushing to open the door," Kane replied.

  I tried to think of how to change the topic so we could escape this awkward exchange.  Just as the atmosphere was sinking into more awkwardness, Nolsa came to the rescue.

  Thank the universe I have a sister!

  "Why are you two just staring into nothingness? Did something happen?"

  "No!", Kane and I abruptly answered in unison.

  Our eyes met for just a split second then we were back to the awkward silence with both of us staring at our feet.  Nolsa looked from Kane to me and then chuckled to herself.  She pulled me by the arm and into the training room where she will be teaching me basic self defence.  As much as I was a little excited over the fact that I had magic in me and I was royalty on this planet, the responsibilities put on my shoulders were still overwhelming.

  "We'll start with how to stand or hold your ground properly. You can't fight when your body can be pushed by just a finger."

  "Me? Get knocked over by a finger? Pft. Please," I scoffed while crossing my arms.

  "Oh yeah? Can you stand in a fighting position and hold your ground?", Nolsa challenged.

  "Of course I can. How hard can that be?"

  I've watched countless of movies with martial arts in it so I guess all I have to do is to remember how they did the moves in the movies.  Well, that was way easier said than done.  Nevertheless, I tried to copy as many stances as I could remember.  I had my feet wide apart with my right foot placed way more behind than my left foot.  My arms were bent like letter V's and my hands were in fists.  Lowering my body a little, Nolsa stepped closer and raised her index finger.  Slowyly, she put her finger closer to my left shoulder and gave it a push.  To my surprise, I felt my feet lose balance and couldn't catch myself in time before I landed butt first, on the ground. 


  "Ow! What the fuck? Why did I fall?"

  Nolsa and Kane started laughing their asses off instead of helping me up.  I glared at my sister as I tried to get up.  I stood up while holding onto one of the benches on my side.  My butt still stung from the fall and I felt even more embarrassed because I fell pathetically in front of Kane. Again.

  Why does this keep happening to me? Please just bury me right here, right now.

  After they had their fill of laughter, Kane wiped the tears from his eyes while Nolsa approached me with an ice pack for my bruised ass. 

  "See? You really need to go through some serious training, sis. You're clearly so out of shape," Nolsa teased.

  "Yeah, yeah. Whatever, Nolsa. Just teach me from the very beginning. I don't wanna have a bruised and flat ass by the end of the year," I replied with the ice pack pressed onto my butt.

  So, we went over the basics and started with my workout and standing positions.  Nolsa and I trained the whole day.  It was very exhausting but it was fun hanging out with my sister.  After all, it has been years since I last saw her and I don't even remember her.

  "Okay. Let's end today's training here. Come on, let's go have dinner with the boys now."

  I nodded and walked back to the house with Nolsa walking by my side.  There was this comforting feeling that invaded my heart and it felt good.  This was such a great feeling knowing you have a sister you can rely on.  I just wished I knew her sooner.

  When we arrived inside, the exhaustion kicked in like a tornado and I felt like collapsing any time soon.  Heading towards the dining room, Kane just came from the shower with just a towel hanging loosely on his hips.  My body heat instantly went even higher and I was burning.  I couldn't control myself from blushing so fucking hard that I had to turn my head in the other direction and bolt to the dining room.

  Luckily, I was inside the dining room and sat down on the chair immediately.  I was just hoping Kane didn't notice me there when he stepped out of the shower.  This day was fun but has made me feel so uncomfortable and awkward whenever Kane was around. 

  Euno popped his head from the kitchen and had a huge smile on his face.  He looked quite suspicious but I wasn't sure. 

  "How was your first day of training, Lyr?",  Euno asked as he sat down in front of me.

  "It was tiring but fun. Nolsa is a great teacher," I replied.

  My heart beat slowed down by this time and I was glad Kane hadn't appear yet.  Euno and I talked a little more until Nolsa brought out dinner and placed them on the dining table.  Both Euno's and my stomach grumbled at the same time.  The three of us laughed and as soon as Nolsa was about to disappear into the kitchen to get our utensils, Kane arrived and sat beside me.  I tried to calm myself down but I was failing.  My heart beat went faster and faster until I could no longer take the tension, I moved my chair a little away from his.

  I cleared my throat after moving my chair.  Nolsa brought in the soup and sat beside Euno.  We all seemed to be too shy to be the first one to get food.  Nolsa looked at us, confused.

  "What are you guys waiting for? Dig in!", Nolsa said, clearly amused by our shy faces and behaviour.

"How did you find training today, sis?", Nolsa asked while I was pouring myself some mushroom soup.

  I placed my bowl down and answered, "It was okay. I learned plenty."

  "Like what?"

  "That I'm a clutz who'll always have wounds, bruises and many more."

  We all burst out in laughter and the night continued to be lovely.